The most embaressing thing that has ever...



  • rocksyraeis
    One time I was doing some shopping for a boyfriend substitute at the adult store, and my dad walks out from the video preview booths. I'm not sure who was more embarrassed, him or I! We've never spoken of that again.

    Ohhh my goodness!!!!!!! Im SO sorry! :flowerforyou: haha
  • Stevensno
    Can you imagine your Nan walking unannounced into your bedroom as you're " on the job" ? It happened to me a long time ago, she ( my Nan) used to come to my parents house every Sunday for dinner, I was in my room with my G/F having a lot of fun in the doggie position and stark naked when I opened my eyes to see my Nan stood transfixed in the doorway as she muttered that dinner was ready ! Then she calmly closed my door over and effed off...the atmosphere at the dinner table was a strange one.

    Talk about a passion killer !
  • rocksyraeis
    Can you imagine your Nan walking unannounced into your bedroom as you're " on the job" ? It happened to me a long time ago, she ( my Nan) used to come to my parents house every Sunday for dinner, I was in my room with my G/F having a lot of fun in the doggie position and stark naked when I opened my eyes to see my Nan stood transfixed in the doorway as she muttered that dinner was ready ! Then she calmly closed my door over and effed off...the atmosphere at the dinner table was a strange one.

    Talk about a passion killer !

    Ohhhhh my lord!!! Thats hilarious! Im so sorry for you but my goodness!!!!! :)
  • cowgirlashlee
    cowgirlashlee Posts: 301 Member
    I broke my nose about 8 weeks before starting 7th grade when I was 12. Had surgery to repair it 3 days before school started up that year, but went to school on time. My face was all swollen, eyes black and blue, and of course the ever-so-stylish splint across my nose with tape that went in a giant X over it all. I was mortified to go back to school, but I went, and have been picked on for that ever since.

    Kids will be kids.
  • bethygirlie
    bethygirlie Posts: 311 Member
    I was in 6th grade and wearing white shorts and yup....I unexpectedly got "that time of the month". One of my guy friends asked me what the paint stain was on the back of my shorts, and then the nurse ended up calling my mom so she could bring me a new pair of shorts in. Meanwhile all the boys I hung out with realized what it was and started saying things like "periodically speaking" and "where's the periodicals located in the library?" and "I forgot to put a PERIOD at the end of the sentence." Yeah, I still didn't live it down, to this day they mention it. So embarassing.
  • NWCyclingBeast
    NWCyclingBeast Posts: 157 Member
    I stumbled out of the door of my billeting room, butt naked, at like 2 AM, thinking it was the bathroom. (was chocolate wasted and needed to pee) Door closed and locked behind me... Long story short, had to stoll through the hotel to a buddy's room to borrow clothes with nothing but a found plastic grocery bag to cover up my junk. (after I promptly pissed in a wastebasket in the laundry room) Had to go outside in ill fitting clothing to take out the screen and vault into my open window.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I was 16 and at Myrtle Beach. My cousin and I were jumping the waves in the ocean. I got up out of the water and was standing there. My cousin turned around and said OMG and was staring at my chest. I realized that my top had slid off completely to the side and I had been topless for who knows how long. I was soooo mortified because there were so many people around us!
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    One time I was doing some shopping for a boyfriend substitute at the adult store, and my dad walks out from the video preview booths. I'm not sure who was more embarrassed, him or I! We've never spoken of that again.

    OMG I would have died right then and there!!!!