i weigh myself on saturdays- and wooo, today's saturday!
i have this exact scale: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Sunbeam-Black-Dial-Scale/10264545
i stepped on the scale (my last weight was 173) and it said i was 172. i was happy, a pound a week isn't bad!
i was walking the scale back to the bathroom and i put it down and stepped on it again because i just wanted to see that number again!
surprise, surprise, this time i was 170.
uhhh, what?
i moved the scale to a different part of the flooring (i did this on all hard wood flooring, by the way) and it read 180.
my scale is ****!
does anyone know how to get a more accurate reading?
or should i just can it and buy a new one? (which i rather not do. i just bought this one! lol)
thank you all :)


  • mystikalbeanz
    mystikalbeanz Posts: 192 Member
    My scale does the same thing so i have no idea if its accurate at all or not! So im curious to see what others have to say. I know most say scales are always inaccurate and you should measure inches lost instead but theres just something validating when your see those numbers drop on the scale. Well whether they are accurate or not.. ha :laugh:
  • s50s
    s50s Posts: 138 Member
    They say you should not move your scale. Weigh the same place and time.
  • drelan
    drelan Posts: 59 Member
    Tip: Move your scale to the thinnest part of the house (that's what I would do!)
  • brandimacleod
    brandimacleod Posts: 368 Member
    I just make sure I use the same spot to weigh in.
  • rach41413
    rach41413 Posts: 82 Member
    Haha...that's kind of funny, kind of sad. Maybe try keeping the scale in the same spot?
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,079 Member
    if its on a carpeted or uneven surface evidently it doesn't read right however my scale does this too and it drives me crazy because i would like to know what i really weigh lol
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    Ok so my scale does it too! I've talked to people and apparently it all depends on the floor, the scale, the way the scale is orientated when you weigh yourself, etc. The best tip people could give me was to always weigh myself in the same room, at the same place, in the same way, so that I'll see what my real weight loss is. It still doesn't tell me what my actual weigh is but at least, I know if I really lose weight or not, which is better than nothing.

    I wouldn't buy a new scale because it would probably do the same thing... :/
  • Tip: Move your scale to the thinnest part of the house (that's what I would do!)

    :laugh: I need to find that place!! :laugh:
  • ashharris424
    ashharris424 Posts: 68 Member
    Weight is based largely on the pull of gravity. That's why scales can be so off in different places at different times. I read somewhere one time that the earth's gravity pull is strongest in the afternoon, which is why people who weigh in the afternoon see higher numbers. Different parts of your house could be farther from the earth's core which explains the weight fluctuation on your scale. Sounds weird but true.
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Scales are an approximation, you just need to keep it in the same spot all the time, not move it around. To make it more accurate you would need to have it perfectly level, a fully charged battery, and calibrate it every now and then with an absolute weight. As long as it is kept in one spot a lb is a lb.
  • Weigh yourself in the same place every single time. The slightest bit of change can make the scale go wacky!
  • TXtstorm
    TXtstorm Posts: 163 Member
    Is it battery operated and perhaps has a weak battery? Other than that, consistently using the same level, hard surface location is probably your best bet for now. And speaking of, I think I need to go locate a new battery for my scale too....
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    They say you should not move your scale. Weigh the same place and time.


    Also, on certain digital scales you have to tap the surface with your foot to "clear it".
    The display will show "00", then you step on the scale.

    PS, once you weigh yourself for the day...don't weigh again. It will drive you insane. lol
  • laurac1172
    laurac1172 Posts: 31 Member
    Put the scale where you want it first. Then test the weight by putting a 10 lb weight on it (like a dumbell). Since it is a dial scale, you should be able to adjust the needle at zero first, then make sure that it is measuring 10 lbs when the weight is placed on it. That's what I did. Every once in awhile I put the dumbell on the scale just to make sure that the scale is reading right.

    Good Luck. Happy Losing:)
  • RichardJWalter
    RichardJWalter Posts: 78 Member
    Weight is based largely on the pull of gravity. That's why scales can be so off in different places at different times. I read somewhere one time that the earth's gravity pull is strongest in the afternoon, which is why people who weigh in the afternoon see higher numbers. Different parts of your house could be farther from the earth's core which explains the weight fluctuation on your scale. Sounds weird but true.
  • RichardJWalter
    RichardJWalter Posts: 78 Member
    Weight is based largely on the pull of gravity. That's why scales can be so off in different places at different times. I read somewhere one time that the earth's gravity pull is strongest in the afternoon, which is why people who weigh in the afternoon see higher numbers. Different parts of your house could be farther from the earth's core which explains the weight fluctuation on your scale. Sounds weird but true.

    Uh...I would need to see some empirical evidence for this claim....
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I was always hoping the neighbors weren't watching through my windows as I moved the scale around the floor. I HATE scales. I've had 3 different ones because I was convinced they were all screwy. I finally just bought a digital one from walmart (one that has no bells and whistles)...and I put it in the same EXACT spot every time I weigh.
  • cbelt82
    cbelt82 Posts: 62
    i weigh myself on saturdays- and wooo, today's saturday!
    i have this exact scale: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Sunbeam-Black-Dial-Scale/10264545
    i stepped on the scale (my last weight was 173) and it said i was 172. i was happy, a pound a week isn't bad!
    i was walking the scale back to the bathroom and i put it down and stepped on it again because i just wanted to see that number again!
    surprise, surprise, this time i was 170.
    uhhh, what?
    i moved the scale to a different part of the flooring (i did this on all hard wood flooring, by the way) and it read 180.
    my scale is ****!
    does anyone know how to get a more accurate reading?
    or should i just can it and buy a new one? (which i rather not do. i just bought this one! lol)
    thank you all :)

    Totally off topic but I love your user name!! Are you an Elvis fan?
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Put the scale where you want it first. Then test the weight by putting a 10 lb weight on it (like a dumbell). Since it is a dial scale, you should be able to adjust the needle at zero first, then make sure that it is measuring 10 lbs when the weight is placed on it. That's what I did. Every once in awhile I put the dumbell on the scale just to make sure that the scale is reading right.

    Good Luck. Happy Losing:)

    This ^
  • WendyFitMomCHANGED
    WendyFitMomCHANGED Posts: 311 Member
    My scale does the same thing, so I just always weigh myself in the same spot so i have some sort of consistency. Plus, I don't move it around so it doesn't get out of whack.