How to start running?



  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    I loved the Couch to 5K podcasts. I can now run 40 minutes straight and am gearing myself up to start training for a 10K next year. Starting little and often will enable you to go for longer. I didn't have a clue how to run and when I started running over 4 years ago I just used to run with no technique then give up. The podcast helped me to build up a good technique for running longer and enjoying it.

    Good luck with the C25K and let us know how you're getting on.
  • BarbaraC47
    BarbaraC47 Posts: 175 Member
    Start slow, run/walk/run, good trainers. I just bought some New Balance 660ladies, they also do a wide fit which I need. Try to buy from somewhere that can advise you properly... and good luck!!
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    I downloaded the podcast to my MP3 player for free from the NHS Choices website.
  • couch to 5 k!
  • nichojanes
    nichojanes Posts: 76 Member
    Go for a good C25K program. I am very close to the end now using an app called Run Double on Android. It is incredibly good.
  • brandimacleod
    brandimacleod Posts: 368 Member
    I did C25K after I already was a runner in order to get my older chubby boxer running too. So I can tell you my favorite way was how I did it...I just would run on my walks. A little more all the time! Run as much as I could (I was 280 pounds when I it wasn't very far then...) but I enjoyed it. And the pure enjoyment and feeling of freedom and "I can do it" propelled me onwards. Just run!
  • Nik0417
    Nik0417 Posts: 96 Member
    Thank you everyone for the advice! i just downloaded the free android version of couch to 5k app and will be trying it out later today!

  • ipag
    ipag Posts: 137

    I'm using this one, it does cost, but it does everything I want like GPS tracking, audio cues, In app music player and other features like that.
  • FloridaAimee
    FloridaAimee Posts: 295 Member
    I'll echo everyone else and recommend C25k....It's awesome.

    And, if you're not already at least walking, please spend a week or two just WALKING....What I actually did was used the C25k app, and when she said 'begin running', I would just walk faster...then when she said "being walking' I'd slow down my walk....I did that for 2 weeks before I even attempted the running.

    I use the free Zen labs app.

    Also, I use Pedometer pro at the same time....I started out with the free version and then recently purchased the full version. It tells me how long I've been at it, how many steps, my pace, average speed, current speed, calories burned, and distance.
  • I, like you, hated running when I was younger. Then I realized later it was stationary treadmill running or track running that I hated. Running on a scenic trail or early morning on the beach is almost meditating. I agree w most others...

    1) Good running shoes are VITAL! Go to a good running shoe store like Road Runners, where they analyze your running gait for free & no obligation to buy. Some other chain running stores charge, so call to find out. Don't buy on looks, buy on how they feel. Remember they are for running not running errands ;)

    2) Couch to 5K programs. They are a good start. The programs usually alternate between walking and running. They have many free apps for your smart phone.

    3) Find a really nice place to run. Try somewhere scenic or open and breezy. Flat even terrain initially. Look on internet for recommended running spots. I always do when Im looking to try somewhere new.

    4) STRETCH BEFORE & AFTER! Very important to prevent injuries & to stretch out the tight running muscles in your legs.

    5) TAKE IT SLOW!!!! I have injured myself many times by pushing myself too hard before my body was ready.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    When I started jogging for exercise, I went out and ran for about a block. Then I caught my breath and determined to do it again. I think I stayed at that distance for quite a while.
    The mistake I worry about people making is that they want to run 5 miles too soon. They push themselves too much and they hate it. Make it easy and make it fun. That way you will still be running a year from now, and that will be much better than killing yourself and hating it, and quitting after 3 months.
    Run, walk; run, walk. Whatever you gotta do.
  • akrnrunner
    akrnrunner Posts: 117 Member
    I used the 5k Runner app for iphone and just ran my 3rd 5k today pushing 80lbs of children in the double stroller no less :) I would recommend buying to the 10k runner app though if you go that route since it has the 5k app built in :) Awesome and loving my new found freedom!!!!!
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    I recommend the C25K program. I'm currently completing it and it is great :)

    Best advice I can give is DON'T SKIMP ON PROPER EQUIPMENT just because you are a beginner. I've tried running in the past and always quit. Why? I was in pain. Both from muscles/knees/ankles and blisters. :(

    Proper footwear and socks are VERY important. Go to a runners store and get properly fitted by a professional for running shoes and ONLY wear them for running. It can be pricey, but it is more than worth it to spare yourself some serious injury. Buy some non-cotton socks to go along with those new kicks. Your feet will thank you. They help keep moisture away and prevent foot issues. They should have some at the running store as well. :) They average about 10 bucks for 3 pairs.

    This has made a HUGE difference in my runs and I find I enjoy them now. :)

    Now for the less awesome, but still good advice:

    1. Study up on proper running form and try to improve yours. It makes a difference. :) You won't be a pro right out of the gate, but you will improve slowly if you try to concentrate on it during your runs. Hint: I try to work on it at the beginning when I'm not exhausted yet, ha ha :P
    (Some links: )

    2. STRETCH after your run for at least 10 minutes. Stretching is VERY important and most people skimp on it. Do not skimp on it. Your body will thank you.

    3. Warm up/Cool down walking. A good thing to do. The podcasts I use have them programmed in. You can find them here:

    4. Hydrate. Drink plenty of water before and bring a bottle with you on runs. :)

    5. Lastly, DON'T GIVE UP. If you can't keep up the jog, walk fast and try again on the next interval. If you need to repeat a week, do it! Just keep pushing forward. We can all finish :D

    I have severe asthma and running has to be THE most challenging activity for me (especially outdoors with my allergies), but I push through it. Remember, if my lungs haven't given out on me yet, yours will probably make it too, ha ha ;)

    I used to hate running with a passion, and now I love it <3:D