Horrifying Experience - warning...gross!

BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
Today something happened to me that I may never recover from. I feel the need to share the terror with my MFP pals.
I was in my yard playing with my neice, nephew and my son. It was pretty sunny and we had taken the umbrella from the table a few days ago during a bad storm. I decide to put it back in place. It was lying on the patio against the wall. Well the lawn people moved our garbage can onto the patio when they came to mow a few days ago. Anyway - I lift the umbrella up and I hear this tick tick tick that sounds like raindrops. It was hundreds of maggots falling out of the umbrella. They must have migrated from the garbage can. Neeless to say I freaked the F out. So after calming down a bit and shaking out my hair I went to get the hose. They were everywhere, all over the patio table, chairs. Yuck. After hosing everything off I decide to open the umbrella to hose it down too. About 1000 more maggots fall out. I run away screaming. Thats when I feel something on my head. It was the biggest damn spider that I have ever seen in my life. I literally stood in my yard crying for about 5 mins.
Then I realize there is something large crawling on my shoulder. I never saw what it was. I took off my shirt outside (you're welcome neighbors) and ran into the house. I took a scalding hot 45 min shower. Put the clothes in a garbage bag and threw them away.

I am severly traumatized. And if anyone asks 'what does this have to do with weight loss?'...
Do you ever think I will be able to eat again? Could you? {{{{Shudder}}}}

Off to call my therapist. FML


  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    Another reason why I believe we're pretty much the same person. Same thing happened to me when I was working as a barmaid in a british pub. Cept it was those stupid potato bugs. The night staff were supposed to store the umbrellas upright, but the lazy sods laid them down. I picked one up in the morning to set up the patio, and as soon as I opened the umbrella they all fell on my head. :/

    I ripped my shirt off, ran into the middle of the street and proceeded stop drop and roll like my *kitten* was on fire. *shudder*

    *hugs you* There there. Therapy might erase this one day. Just not any time soon....
  • Treesy72
    Treesy72 Posts: 230
    I feel traumatized just reading about it Eeeeek!! :noway:
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Poor dear. It is horrifying
  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
  • IamRoJ
    IamRoJ Posts: 530 Member
    OMG. Glad I read this after eating. *gluck*
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I have now decided to become a shut-in.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member

  • Anastasia0511
    Anastasia0511 Posts: 372 Member
    I'm sorry but that's awesome lol. Too bad you don't have it on video. Shi* like this never happens so it would of been funny to see on camera haha. Be glad it's only maggots and not something worse. Not sure what something worse is but.. I had a similar experience in my twenties, not with that many maggots though. I'd say about 100 or so. Same thing, a garbage can left outside for a few days and I ripped the garbage bag liner that was inside, or snagged it on something and a bunch of maggots fell out onto my bare feet. Well I had flip flops on but same thing almost. It didn't freak me out at all. I just pretended that they were miniature butterflies waiting to hatch from their cocoons lol. 1000 or so might of freaked me the F out like it did you I'm sure.
    I auditioned for a Fear Factor rip off type show years ago that never made it into production and had to walk through a raised bed garden full some kind of bug like a pincer bug? Can't remember what they were but there were thousands of them little effing things and they bit and it hurt like hell, so I didn't feel too bad walking all over them and killing them after that haha.
    Sorry you were traumatized lol. I really am not laughing at you at all, I just think your story is awesome and out there haha. Awesome like in a, "holy F did you just see what happened to that chick" kind of way. The fact that maggots kept pouring down on you in big quantities is what makes is so funny haha. Hope you're feeling better now :happy:
  • legs_n_bacon
    legs_n_bacon Posts: 478 Member
    I'd have died.
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    EWW! I feel like I can feel them near me now and on me even though I just read this. That is TRAUMATIZING omg.
  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
    Nothing gives me the heebie jeebies like maggots (and snails/slugs). Eeeeeewwwww!
  • PoliticalRN
    PoliticalRN Posts: 112 Member
    You know maggots are pure protein! Just kidding. You have to learn to laugh about some things in life. I hope you get over the trauma!
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    aww you just need chickens! they LOVE maggots!
  • ArtemisMoon
    That does sound really awful, especially the spider! Ugh! Someone posted something on my FB page once that said we should all take a moment to be thankful that spiders can't fly. So count your blessings...

    One of my more disgusting moments was with a cat I had adopted from a shelter. Had him a couple of months and he'd been in my lap. Noticed several weird somethings on my leg (looked like rice) and picked one up with my finger and thumb and and brought it right up to my face to see what it was...and it MOVED. TAPEWORM segment! UGGGHHHHHHH...I freaked and was so sick. Immediately ran out to get him meds...
  • yooperann
    Happened to me once--turned out to be bats that had decided to roost in my patio umbrella.
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    I could do everything but the spider. My dad recently got bitten by a brown recluse and after watching the flesh on his knee go from normal to a flesh eating crater, I'm rather paranoid about spiders. I'm not scared of them, just don't particularly like them. I can do the maggots as I have reptiles so I'm around worms rather often, but the spider. I'd probably of *kitten* myself. I was in the shower about 3 months ago and felt something crawling on me and I looked down and found a black spider(not huge, just about the size of a nickel) and then about a month later, I was in the bathroom and in our spare bathroom we have a large mirror that you can just see your shoulders and up when you're sitting on the toilet, well I had pulled my pants down and I looked up and I kid you not the spider was as big as my hand all stretched out. I ran around in circles outside until my dad got home from the store(about 5 minutes later) and killed it(after chasing it around the living room for 10 minutes and losing it because it was the same colors as the carpet!)....

  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    arg, so sorry! that makes my skin crawl! Don't feel bad though, I once cried because I got caught in a spider web and that is nothing compared to this.
  • brendas026
    brendas026 Posts: 68 Member
    maggots are my phobia!!!! and they smell sooooo nasty! and the smell is penetrating!
  • HLeAnn
    HLeAnn Posts: 261 Member
    Another reason why I believe we're pretty much the same person. Same thing happened to me when I was working as a barmaid in a british pub. Cept it was those stupid potato bugs. The night staff were supposed to store the umbrellas upright, but the lazy sods laid them down. I picked one up in the morning to set up the patio, and as soon as I opened the umbrella they all fell on my head. :/

    I ripped my shirt off, ran into the middle of the street and proceeded stop drop and roll like my *kitten* was on fire. *shudder*

    *hugs you* There there. Therapy might erase this one day. Just not any time soon....

    Allie, (I mean this in a totally NOT creepy way), you are absolutely gorgeous. Your hair is to die for!!

    Ok, with that said, this story made ME freak out, so I can't imagine being there. you poor thing!! My bf is sitting on the couch wondering what I'm hootin' and hollerin' about LOL.
  • jenillawafer
    jenillawafer Posts: 426 Member
    That sounds like something out of a horror movie! I'm so sorry that something so awful happened to you.