


  • mirandamayhem
    what about you handyman, any stories to tell or are you just a looky loo?

    I do have an experience. I am not sure it it was a ghost, demon, creature, or animal. It was several years ago in the fall when I used to live with my parents. I was coming home one evening and went though the side gate to enter though the back door as I was accustom of doing. For some reason, I thought something was behind mere staring at me. I turned and a saw a figure "standing" only about 2-3 feet tall. It almost looked like a small child in a snow suit. It was in the corner of the back yard in he shadows so I could not make out any details. Quite confused, I turned and started taking a step towards it direction. Just then it went from standing to all fours, it let out a grunt and literally jumped over my parents six foot fence. It didn't climb it, it jump over it. Needless to say, I grab my house key and like you see in he movies I tried to unlock the door but couldnt due to my frantic nature. I caused such a commotion trying to unlock the door my mother awoke and let me in. She knew I was distraught so I told her the story. We both looked out the back door but saw nothing. I looked out the front door and down in the distance I saw what ever it was standing again her a tree. It didn't move. I showed my mother but he couldn't see it because it wouldn't move. Just as she was about to give up and chalk it up to my imagination, it once again dropped to all ours and ran in the opposite direction of the house.

    Many say it sounds like a bear but I live in the city of Saint Louis, so I don't see how it could be. Others think it cold have been a monkey or ape. I just not know but it definitely was something.

    ooh that is spooky. The thing at woodchester mansion I don't believe was human. I think some things can change their form. I don't believe in demons as such. But I do believe in negative entities.
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    I do :)
    I’ve had a couple that I’ll share in brief:

    I have held and spoken to my nan since her passing. I imaged her bedroom and it almost appeared there, and so did she. Usually with a dream, once your mind realises it is a dream, you wake up- but this i didn’t ‘wake’ from. I have also had a medium (one who comes to YOU with answers rather than seeking u out) who described in detail her sons (my uncles) death, along with a few other bigger things such as being told a close person will be in a new job working with 2 people (of which he named) and my boyfriend is now in that position There were loads of other comments that were spot on.

    I have spoken to a young girl in my nans house also. When describing her, my auntie felt like I was describing my little cousin who died just after birth- I was the spitting image of her when newly born. My nan also predicted that Tara, my cousin would pass shortly after birth and she was right. She also informed her doctor of a baby girl due to be born! A lot happened at my nans house, which I believe to be because me and my nan share open-mindedness and spirituality. Although, she said she had never seen anyone there at all in the time she lived there. On the same night a man lay between me and my nan (after I jumped into her bed as i as scared!) of which I believe now to be the one watching over her. She used to fall asleep with cigarettes in her hand, lit, and burned the carpet on numerous occasions, yet no fire.

    One funnier, more laughable experience was messing around with my secondary school best friend at her house once. I as jokingly shouting ‘show your presence’ three times, and on the third the door had slammed shut! Freaky!

    I have seen a few pets too here and there that have passed but I don’t realise at the time! Its just as if they are really there
  • slyde87
    slyde87 Posts: 42
    I do believe in ghosts, poltergeists, demons and other entities. Both human, and otherwise.

    I have had many, many experiences.

    Just a couple, cause I could sit here all night typing.

    When I was younger, about 8 or 9, I was at a friend's birthday party, just a bunch of us girls, and we decided to make a Ouija board out of an old cardboard box. So we did, but being young and naive, we failed to include a "farewell", to end the conversation.
    Now, with 5 or so people, the energy the "whatever we talked to" thing had to feed off of was powerful. It said its name was Ed, and had died in the house. Ed said that there were 9 other presences in the house, and then something brushed the hair off of my friend Mary(bday girl)'s shoulder. We freaked out, and ripped the makeshift board into little itty bitty pieces. Then we put the pieces into a glass jar, ( you know the old fashioned sugar jar, with the rubber seal, and metal latch, to keep it airtight?)
    We left it in the jar, went upstairs for cake and ice cream, and when we went back downstairs, the jar was open, on the table, on its side, with the Ouija board, whole, sitting on the table next to it. It really scared me a lot. We took it upstairs, and put it in the fireplace. That was the end of that. But, didn't scare me enough,.lol. I have a Ouija board in the room now, in the cabinet. (:<

    The second happened in my apartment, a couple years ago, everyone was asleep, myself included, but I heard a knock on my bedroom door, and then the door opened. I was laying, facing the wall, with my back towards the door, but I figured it was just the roommate, so I asked what he wanted, no response. I felt someone(thing) sit on the bed, next to me. And then two taps on my shoulder. When I turned to look at who I figured was just my roommate, I was greeted by my empty room. Door open. I thought maybe he was just playing with me, so I got up, and checked, but everyone was out cold. To this day, no one could explain it. But that room harbored a very powerful energy. And it loved to mess with me. Moving things, opening doors, closing doors, touching me, scratching me, heavy breathing in my closet. I wish I had tried filming or recording it, probably have some scary proof. Alas, cest la vie.

    But yes, I believe. Some are harmless, some are mischievous, and some are malevolent and dangerous.
    Always respect what you do not understand. (:

    Hope this satisfies your interests a bit. Lol
  • Mazzyx
    Mazzyx Posts: 131
    Yes I believe. Ive had several experiences, some not so scary some terrifying! One that really sticks out though is this
    My Nan, brother and myself were driving to see my great gran, as we did every weekend. And we were taking the scenic route. It was a nice day so the windows were open, and all of a sudden loads of dandelion heads flew into the car (you know the ones you blow as kids?) the car was filled with them that we had to stop. (Now I should mention here, we were beside a field and directly on the other side of the field was the site my mum had her car accident and sadly died) Anyway we managed to get them out and set off again, as we came round this corner to a big hill, a car was coming down it sideways! Luckily we were able to move out of its way but if we had not of stopped when we did, we would have been in the path of that car and goodness knows what would have happened! My Nan swears it was my mother sending us a message to protect us.

  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
    I do believe in ghosts, poltergeists, demons and other entities. Both human, and otherwise.

    I have had many, many experiences.

    Just a couple, cause I could sit here all night typing.

    When I was younger, about 8 or 9, I was at a friend's birthday party, just a bunch of us girls, and we decided to make a Ouija board out of an old cardboard box. So we did, but being young and naive, we failed to include a "farewell", to end the conversation.
    Now, with 5 or so people, the energy the "whatever we talked to" thing had to feed off of was powerful. It said its name was Ed, and had died in the house. Ed said that there were 9 other presences in the house, and then something brushed the hair off of my friend Mary(bday girl)'s shoulder. We freaked out, and ripped the makeshift board into little itty bitty pieces. Then we put the pieces into a glass jar, ( you know the old fashioned sugar jar, with the rubber seal, and metal latch, to keep it airtight?)
    We left it in the jar, went upstairs for cake and ice cream, and when we went back downstairs, the jar was open, on the table, on its side, with the Ouija board, whole, sitting on the table next to it. It really scared me a lot. We took it upstairs, and put it in the fireplace. That was the end of that. But, didn't scare me enough,.lol. I have a Ouija board in the room now, in the cabinet. (:<

    The second happened in my apartment, a couple years ago, everyone was asleep, myself included, but I heard a knock on my bedroom door, and then the door opened. I was laying, facing the wall, with my back towards the door, but I figured it was just the roommate, so I asked what he wanted, no response. I felt someone(thing) sit on the bed, next to me. And then two taps on my shoulder. When I turned to look at who I figured was just my roommate, I was greeted by my empty room. Door open. I thought maybe he was just playing with me, so I got up, and checked, but everyone was out cold. To this day, no one could explain it. But that room harbored a very powerful energy. And it loved to mess with me. Moving things, opening doors, closing doors, touching me, scratching me, heavy breathing in my closet. I wish I had tried filming or recording it, probably have some scary proof. Alas, cest la vie.

    But yes, I believe. Some are harmless, some are mischievous, and some are malevolent and dangerous.
    Always respect what you do not understand. (:

    Hope this satisfies your interests a bit. Lol

  • slyde87
    slyde87 Posts: 42
    I do believe in ghosts, poltergeists, demons and other entities. Both human, and otherwise.

    I have had many, many experiences.

    Just a couple, cause I could sit here all night typing.

    When I was younger, about 8 or 9, I was at a friend's birthday party, just a bunch of us girls, and we decided to make a Ouija board out of an old cardboard box. So we did, but being young and naive, we failed to include a "farewell", to end the conversation.
    Now, with 5 or so people, the energy the "whatever we talked to" thing had to feed off of was powerful. It said its name was Ed, and had died in the house. Ed said that there were 9 other presences in the house, and then something brushed the hair off of my friend Mary(bday girl)'s shoulder. We freaked out, and ripped the makeshift board into little itty bitty pieces. Then we put the pieces into a glass jar, ( you know the old fashioned sugar jar, with the rubber seal, and metal latch, to keep it airtight?)
    We left it in the jar, went upstairs for cake and ice cream, and when we went back downstairs, the jar was open, on the table, on its side, with the Ouija board, whole, sitting on the table next to it. It really scared me a lot. We took it upstairs, and put it in the fireplace. That was the end of that. But, didn't scare me enough,.lol. I have a Ouija board in the room now, in the cabinet. (:<

    The second happened in my apartment, a couple years ago, everyone was asleep, myself included, but I heard a knock on my bedroom door, and then the door opened. I was laying, facing the wall, with my back towards the door, but I figured it was just the roommate, so I asked what he wanted, no response. I felt someone(thing) sit on the bed, next to me. And then two taps on my shoulder. When I turned to look at who I figured was just my roommate, I was greeted by my empty room. Door open. I thought maybe he was just playing with me, so I got up, and checked, but everyone was out cold. To this day, no one could explain it. But that room harbored a very powerful energy. And it loved to mess with me. Moving things, opening doors, closing doors, touching me, scratching me, heavy breathing in my closet. I wish I had tried filming or recording it, probably have some scary proof. Alas, cest la vie.

    But yes, I believe. Some are harmless, some are mischievous, and some are malevolent and dangerous.
    Always respect what you do not understand. (:

    Hope this satisfies your interests a bit. Lol


    Yeah, I have seen enough to have trouble arguing with there being otherworldly beings amongst us.
  • milkyskinn
    milkyskinn Posts: 126 Member
    Yes, I do believe, and have some experiences. I'm unlike my mom though; she's a very spiritual person and is open to them, but I'm not. I'd rather not have encounters or know they're around. It's probably the fear of not knowing what they/it wants and if it's of good or bad nature.

    I have a few experiences that stand out, though. They happened before I started believing it was true, and I laughed some things my parents told me off and that it was probably a mistake. Thankfully I haven't had any anymore after I really feel that I don't want to have anything to do with them.

    the first one is this;
    We were all sitting in the living room late at night and the door that goes from the living room to the kitchen/corridor has a large glass window so you can look through it. We were watching tv and I thought I was something moving every time I fixed my eyes back on the tv. My mom finally dared to ask us both if we had the same feeling.
    We all agreed we saw something moving but then it seemed to be gone. However when my dad went to walk the dogs and I went upstairs to change clothes I heard my mom suddenly opening all the windows and doors downstairs and when I came back down, she said "she let it out". It was kind of like a dark shadowy bulb flying around and she said if might have accidentally gotten into our house and didn't know its way out. Creepy, but I'm glad it was 'gone'.

    The second one is one only I have heard/witnessed.
    My dad always walks the dogs late at night and there was an thunderstorm moving closer. My mom had gone into the kitchen but suddenly I heard something run up the stairs very fast and my heart really stopped. I didn't hear anything else but just that. Rational me was assuming it was my mom running upstairs to maybe close a window she forgot before the thunderstorm hit, but she came back walking into the living room all relaxed with a refilled glass of water.
    I asked her if she went upstairs, she didn't. She didn't hear anything either. I haven't seen anything upstairs thankfully, but it somehow scared me the most :c

    Does anyone else also get the feeling when you come close to a fence with a graveyard or are on a graveyard the air gets hotter/warmer and feels heavy and muggy?
    My mom says it's not a good sign and it's such a noticeable change in temp/air for me it kind of freaks me out!
  • slyde87
    slyde87 Posts: 42
    Yes, I do believe, and have some experiences. I'm unlike my mom though; she's a very spiritual person and is open to them, but I'm not. I'd rather not have encounters or know they're around. It's probably the fear of not knowing what they/it wants and if it's of good or bad nature.

    I have a few experiences that stand out, though. They happened before I started believing it was true, and I laughed some things my parents told me off and that it was probably a mistake. Thankfully I haven't had any anymore after I really feel that I don't want to have anything to do with them.

    the first one is this;
    We were all sitting in the living room late at night and the door that goes from the living room to the kitchen/corridor has a large glass window so you can look through it. We were watching tv and I thought I was something moving every time I fixed my eyes back on the tv. My mom finally dared to ask us both if we had the same feeling.
    We all agreed we saw something moving but then it seemed to be gone. However when my dad went to walk the dogs and I went upstairs to change clothes I heard my mom suddenly opening all the windows and doors downstairs and when I came back down, she said "she let it out". It was kind of like a dark shadowy bulb flying around and she said if might have accidentally gotten into our house and didn't know its way out. Creepy, but I'm glad it was 'gone'.

    The second one is one only I have heard/witnessed.
    My dad always walks the dogs late at night and there was an thunderstorm moving closer. My mom had gone into the kitchen but suddenly I heard something run up the stairs very fast and my heart really stopped. I didn't hear anything else but just that. Rational me was assuming it was my mom running upstairs to maybe close a window she forgot before the thunderstorm hit, but she came back walking into the living room all relaxed with a refilled glass of water.
    I asked her if she went upstairs, she didn't. She didn't hear anything either. I haven't seen anything upstairs thankfully, but it somehow scared me the most :c

    Does anyone else also get the feeling when you come close to a fence with a graveyard or are on a graveyard the air gets hotter/warmer and feels heavy and muggy?
    My mom says it's not a good sign and it's such a noticeable change in temp/air for me it kind of freaks me out!

    I have noticed temp fluctuations around graveyards and other Just creepy areas. It's a definite sign of presence, but whether good or bad is hard to say. I understand why the second one scared you so much tho. Because only you were witness to it. The doubt makes it more creepy. Good story. (:
  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
    Yes, I do believe, and have some experiences. I'm unlike my mom though; she's a very spiritual person and is open to them, but I'm not. I'd rather not have encounters or know they're around. It's probably the fear of not knowing what they/it wants and if it's of good or bad nature.

    I have a few experiences that stand out, though. They happened before I started believing it was true, and I laughed some things my parents told me off and that it was probably a mistake. Thankfully I haven't had any anymore after I really feel that I don't want to have anything to do with them.

    the first one is this;
    We were all sitting in the living room late at night and the door that goes from the living room to the kitchen/corridor has a large glass window so you can look through it. We were watching tv and I thought I was something moving every time I fixed my eyes back on the tv. My mom finally dared to ask us both if we had the same feeling.
    We all agreed we saw something moving but then it seemed to be gone. However when my dad went to walk the dogs and I went upstairs to change clothes I heard my mom suddenly opening all the windows and doors downstairs and when I came back down, she said "she let it out". It was kind of like a dark shadowy bulb flying around and she said if might have accidentally gotten into our house and didn't know its way out. Creepy, but I'm glad it was 'gone'.

    The second one is one only I have heard/witnessed.
    My dad always walks the dogs late at night and there was an thunderstorm moving closer. My mom had gone into the kitchen but suddenly I heard something run up the stairs very fast and my heart really stopped. I didn't hear anything else but just that. Rational me was assuming it was my mom running upstairs to maybe close a window she forgot before the thunderstorm hit, but she came back walking into the living room all relaxed with a refilled glass of water.
    I asked her if she went upstairs, she didn't. She didn't hear anything either. I haven't seen anything upstairs thankfully, but it somehow scared me the most :c

    Does anyone else also get the feeling when you come close to a fence with a graveyard or are on a graveyard the air gets hotter/warmer and feels heavy and muggy?
    My mom says it's not a good sign and it's such a noticeable change in temp/air for me it kind of freaks me out!

    A shadowy flying bulb... not my kind of visitor
  • nothing1994
    nothing1994 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Pop tart haunted me.

  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
  • mirandamayhem

    Is this the museum in Berkeley? Edward Jenner house? It's only half an hour drive from here, never been yet!
  • twelker878
    twelker878 Posts: 146 Member
    I do believe in spooks I do believe in spooks I do I do I do I do I do.* Lion*
  • Jeshkah_Grace
    I believe, I've had a few weird experiences but a few are ;

    When I was about 16, me and my best friend were sat in a massive field alone (it's surrounded by woods etc), and my friend decided he needed the loo, so he walked over to a corner of this field so I could just see his head, so he was about 100m away if that. Right next to him was a pathway that cuts through in to a different field. I was just sat under a tree waiting for him to come back when I saw someone walking down the pathway (which isn't unusual as a lot of dog walkers walk through it) , he was about the same age as us, but he didn't dress like all the other 16 year old boys these days, and I shouted to my friend that someone was coming and I saw this boy walk right next to my friend (literally inches away) and then walk past. When my friend came back and sat down, I asked him if he saw the lad I was shouting about and he said no, and he wondered why I was shouting out saying someone was coming as no one was there. Needless to say we left straight away !

    Another time was at my nana and grandads house when I was about the same age, to cut a long story short, my nana was in hospital and I was staying at my grandads whilst he and my mum went to visit her, all the windows and doors where locked, there was no wind and I was completely alone. I was sat in my grandads room on the computer when I heard the door open and close downstairs, I assumed it was my mum and shouted hello to her, but didn't get a reply. I looked at the door and it slowly began to shut , (keep in mind there is no wind) I walked over to it thinking it had just shut on its on, and I went to open it and I couldn't, it was as if someone was holding it shut, I began to panic and didn't know what to do so I sat back down infront of the door and hoped it would open. When all of a sudden the door opened and hit the wall hard , as if someone kicked it open, I ran out of that room and stayed in the living room until my grandad and mum came home. The following week I had to go upstairs, something I didn't want to do, and my dog followed up behind me , usually my dog will go everywhere and doesn't really mind, but this time he stood infront of the door and growled and wouldn't move.

    The last one started last January. My nana passed away last September, and I always felt she was watching over me and my grandad ( I was living with him because he wasn't well) and if I walked in to her bedroom, I'd be able to smell smoke, and also had the feeling of being watched, (my nana hated anyone going in to her room, especially me she thought I was being nosy aha). And in January my grandad became really ill, and one day he was in his bed slipping in and out of consciousness and I was holding his hand, and I was begging (in my head) for my nana to show up, when at that moment my grandad squeezed my hand and I looked over to him and he asked "Who was that woman standing in the doorway?" I looked and couldn't see anyone, and he told me she went in to my nana's room. A few days later my grandad had to go to hospital and he sadly died. I wasn't there when he died, I was at home waiting. I was lay in bed,texting my friend to keep my mind off it , I was wide awake, I looked at the time at it said 01:50am when I heard my nana's voice saying "Look, it's Jess", my nana hadn't been alive for 5 months, and I knew she was with my grandad again, showing him I was alright. I looked around my room, and no one was there. My mum got home later that night at around 4am she sat on the bed and I told her I knew he wasn't here anymore, as I heard my nana say something, and she asked me what time I heard her so I said "1:50, why?" and she told me my grandad had died at 1:50am.

    I've had more experiences, but these are the three that will stick with me forever. Sorry it's so long !
  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
    Is this the museum in Berkeley? Edward Jenner house? It's only half an hour drive from here, never been yet!

    Not sure... the link to this photo was just sent to my inbox by someone who's account is now deactivated strangely enough... I thought I would share the link here
  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
    I believe, I've had a few weird experiences but a few are ;

    When I was about 16, me and my best friend were sat in a massive field alone (it's surrounded by woods etc), and my friend decided he needed the loo, so he walked over to a corner of this field so I could just see his head, so he was about 100m away if that. Right next to him was a pathway that cuts through in to a different field. I was just sat under a tree waiting for him to come back when I saw someone walking down the pathway (which isn't unusual as a lot of dog walkers walk through it) , he was about the same age as us, but he didn't dress like all the other 16 year old boys these days, and I shouted to my friend that someone was coming and I saw this boy walk right next to my friend (literally inches away) and then walk past. When my friend came back and sat down, I asked him if he saw the lad I was shouting about and he said no, and he wondered why I was shouting out saying someone was coming as no one was there. Needless to say we left straight away !

    Another time was at my nana and grandads house when I was about the same age, to cut a long story short, my nana was in hospital and I was staying at my grandads whilst he and my mum went to visit her, all the windows and doors where locked, there was no wind and I was completely alone. I was sat in my grandads room on the computer when I heard the door open and close downstairs, I assumed it was my mum and shouted hello to her, but didn't get a reply. I looked at the door and it slowly began to shut , (keep in mind there is no wind) I walked over to it thinking it had just shut on its on, and I went to open it and I couldn't, it was as if someone was holding it shut, I began to panic and didn't know what to do so I sat back down infront of the door and hoped it would open. When all of a sudden the door opened and hit the wall hard , as if someone kicked it open, I ran out of that room and stayed in the living room until my grandad and mum came home. The following week I had to go upstairs, something I didn't want to do, and my dog followed up behind me , usually my dog will go everywhere and doesn't really mind, but this time he stood infront of the door and growled and wouldn't move.

    The last one started last January. My nana passed away last September, and I always felt she was watching over me and my grandad ( I was living with him because he wasn't well) and if I walked in to her bedroom, I'd be able to smell smoke, and also had the feeling of being watched, (my nana hated anyone going in to her room, especially me she thought I was being nosy aha). And in January my grandad became really ill, and one day he was in his bed slipping in and out of consciousness and I was holding his hand, and I was begging (in my head) for my nana to show up, when at that moment my grandad squeezed my hand and I looked over to him and he asked "Who was that woman standing in the doorway?" I looked and couldn't see anyone, and he told me she went in to my nana's room. A few days later my grandad had to go to hospital and he sadly died. I wasn't there when he died, I was at home waiting. I was lay in bed,texting my friend to keep my mind off it , I was wide awake, I looked at the time at it said 01:50am when I heard my nana's voice saying "Look, it's Jess", my nana hadn't been alive for 5 months, and I knew she was with my grandad again, showing him I was alright. I looked around my room, and no one was there. My mum got home later that night at around 4am she sat on the bed and I told her I knew he wasn't here anymore, as I heard my nana say something, and she asked me what time I heard her so I said "1:50, why?" and she told me my grandad had died at 1:50am.

    I've had more experiences, but these are the three that will stick with me forever. Sorry it's so long !

    Great experiences which remind me of one with my great grandmother before she passed away. Alas, I will have to type it out tomorrow because its way to late/early here and I need some form of sleep - I'll type it out later today
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    For sure. I've had a few experiences, too. I've also lived in a haunted house before. My mom and big sister remember it but me snd my dad don't. Or at least he doesn't remember as much as them two. I'd explain everything I heard and saw but I'll come back to this thread later and edit, lol Too much to type on a phone.
  • rowdylibrarian
    rowdylibrarian Posts: 251 Member
    LOL @twelker878. Heeheehee!