Starting before picture. Trying not to cry.



  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    Congrats on the start of your journey!!! You are a beautiful woman with beautiful children. And I know how much havoc children can make on your body!!! So now you have a starting point and you know that you want to lose and you know have the support of people who are like minded.....only place to go but down.

    I started my journey at 197 and was well over 200 with both of my 5'4". I know how that feels and I know how hard it is to lose with kids.....and my tummy is my icky area too.

    Add me if you want. In the next 2 weeks I'm going to be going back to work and getting my working out back on track and I've been told I'm motivating......I wish I felt motivating!!!

    You are one step farther in your journey then most of the recognize that this is a problem in your life and you want to change it AND YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!! Congrats on being in an awesome place!!!
  • Jennvandemark
    Jennvandemark Posts: 179 Member
    Welcome to MFP its a great place to be. You are so brave just putting up the picture. I have been here over 150 days and am still not brave enough to post a picture. You can do this and you have great group of people beside you cheering you on.
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    AWWWWW PLEASE DON'T CRY!! =( I cried.. I got to 214 and I cried.. I can tell you, it didn't help any to cry!

    Fat is the only one allowed to ;D When you SWEAT! :happy:
  • KalikaRae
    KalikaRae Posts: 37 Member
    Wow, everyone here is so nice. Thanks for the encouragement. I try to talk to my family about this, but my sister in laws are all little twigs, and they just yell at me when I talk bout loosing weight. Good to finally find people who understand. My first small goal is my 11 yr anniversary. Its in 8 weeks. Hopin to loose at least 15 lbs by then.
    LANIECE1 Posts: 78 Member
    Girl I'm so proud of you! You will definitely be SEXY by Christmas! I love this site I have lost 15lbs and counting, find you a good ZUMBA class and the weight will be HISTORY! I can't wait to see the results, feel free to add me! We can encourage each other.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    This is a starting point, and you will look back at it and know that your hard work is paying off. It will motivate you. Congratulations on getting it out there and making a start.
    LANIECE1 Posts: 78 Member
    Girl I'm so proud of you! You will definitely be SEXY by Christmas! I love this site I have lost 15lbs and counting, find you a good ZUMBA class and the weight will be HISTORY! I can't wait to see the results, feel free to add me! We can encourage each other.
  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    You CAN do this!! I used to be 103 lbs when I danced, which was actually too skinny in retrospect and I gained a bit of weight in grad school and was at about 135 when I felt my best. Then, I got very sick and gained a bunch of weight at ended up at 186 lbs. I felt horrible. Just like you, my husband was an angel about it, but I hated how I felt. I joined MFP and am at 162 right now. My goal is to be back at 135. You will be so glad you did this for your health as you start feeling better, more energetic, and hubby starts really complimenting you. Best of luck in success on your journey!
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I didn't even have the courage to look at myself in the mirror when I first started let alone take a picture. So go you! If you ever need motivation, just look at the picture and remind yourself what you goal is
  • PhotogNerd
    PhotogNerd Posts: 420 Member
    Hey, everyone starts somewhere. Celebrate that!

    I would like to add, it's okay to cry. Get it out, the disgust, the frustration, the desperation, the hurt. I think you'll find a lot of the people here can relate. I used to have those crying episodes, they still happen but much less frequently.

    The important thing is you're at a new beginning. Best of luck achieving your goals! :)
  • WillowBreeze
    The hard part is over, you admitted that you're unhappy and have made the decision to do something about it. Now it's all about adjusting and learning. Don't be ashamed, by the look of your default picture you have two beautiful children and a husband who stands behind you no matter how you feel about yourself. Welcome to MFP, and good luck on your journey! You'll meet amazing people and find the best support system :happy:
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Congratulations on starting your journey with us! Not everyone is "brave" enough or honest enough to post their before/starting picture, but it becomes something to be proud of as you see yourself transform into that beautiful woman that you want to see yourself as again! My DH was the same. watched me grow from 135 to 205. I started over many times and even got up to a body fat of 39%!

    You can do this., Just take your time, be smart about it, look around here for support when you need it, and surround yourself with friends who can help mentor you who have either done the work or are doing the work. There are so many different diet philosophies to choose from. Pick one that works for you and find your friends who will support you in your choices.

    Wishing you the best of luck! It just takes time and effort! You can do it! Many of us have!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Hi and welcome! Don't cry, rejoice that you have found a really powerful tool for your health and fitness journey.

    First, just log everything. I even include stuff with no calories like salt and pepper and water. This will give you valuable information about where you are so you can plan a way to get where you want to be.

    Second, make friends! Support is so important when making a lifestyle change of this type. You need to have others in your life that are facing similar challenges so you can prop each other up. Friend me, if you like, I'm here all the time!
  • SueMizZou
    SueMizZou Posts: 146 Member
    Crying won't help. Logging all your food will. You can can do it. Be patient and don't try for quick weight loss. Slow and steady and you'll keep it off. We're all here to help.
  • lolitalamb
    lolitalamb Posts: 6 Member
    You are doing what's right for your health and your family. Be proud! You'll do great. Congrats on making this important first step.
  • dcjackson50
    Hi,....hats off to you for starting this tough journey. Posting your before pic shows you are facing things head on and ready to work hard,.....that took courage. Feel free to add me and best of luck to you
  • Csitri
    Csitri Posts: 132 Member
    Welcome, you did a first step.
    You are more courageous than me. I posted no first picture and just measured myself this month. I know you can do it.

    Please feel free to add me to your friend list.
  • Caz104
    Caz104 Posts: 62 Member
    When you look back at this photo of yourself in a few months and see the progress you made, you will be very happy that you had the guts to take it and post it!

    I wish you all the best on your journey and can't wait to see more photos of you as you reach your goal!
  • M08distel
    M08distel Posts: 16 Member
    Definitely don't cry! You were brave enough to take a full length picture of yourself. That is more than I would do. I have one where we were taking family photos back in 2009 that I keep on the fridge just to remind myself where I was. I will try to copy & post but it is one of the most humiliating photos of me ever taken.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I was 135 when I met my hubby and very athletic. He still says I look the same and im beautiful and while thats sweet and romantic, the picture proves I dont look the same.
    Aww.. it's lovely that your husband is so romantic. :smile:

    We both know that you don't look the same, but while you might be feeling emotional about it right now, when you've lost the weight which you WILL do, you're going to be absolutely delighted that you've got a "before" photo to look back on!

    The hardest part is deciding that your old habits have to change, and and now you've done that, the rest will be easy!

    See you on the "success stories" forum this time next year! :bigsmile: