How about nuts?



  • Alohathin
    Alohathin Posts: 360 Member
    Almonds, pistacios and walnuts are great...Cashews and macadamia should be avoided...

    There is nothing wrong with cashews or macadamia nuts, as long as you stick to proper portions. You do have to be especially careful with this concerning macadamias, as they have the highest caloric density of any nut. However, in moderation, they are perfectly acceptable snacks.
  • Keiko385
    Keiko385 Posts: 514 Member
    I love nuts. Raw almonds, but I have to make sure and portion-control the bag when I get it. Maybe it saves money getting a big bag, but if it means I eat 2-3 servings then I'd probably be better buying single serving packages. Long story short - get some zip lock snack baggies and pre-bag before taking them anywhere.

    Oh, and don't even get me STARTED on pecans... or pistachios!...

    Oh, and Emerald's COCOA almonds!! (crap, just drooled on my keyboard!)

    Cocoa Almonds are on the must pre -bag list for sure... or I would eat the whole canister
  • lorettaasmith
    lorettaasmith Posts: 418 Member
    I have nuts nearly everyday...usually almonds - 1/2 to 1 ounce depending on the situation and the room in my diary! Definitely worth it!
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    I eat 1 sometimes 2 oz a day. Love unsalted, raw almonds, macadamia, brazilian. I eat low carb high fat and nuts are a great healthy fat. Brazilian nuts are high in selenium and really help my joints!
  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
    Love nuts. Friends & food alike. lol Try to work both into my life daily.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    i love those chocolate almonds by Emerald!!! super delish! some r not so good for you, look at the fats listed! monounsaturated and polyunsaturated r good for you! pay attention to how much of the fat is saturated!! best advice i kno lol peanuts r not all that healthy, skip those!! lol
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    yup. I try to keep it to an ounce of nuts at a time. Great source of healthy fats, fiber, and protein. They also help you feel full longer...

  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    I like nuts.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    Love nuts. Friends & food alike. lol Try to work both into my life daily.

    ^^love this^^ :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I always carry some almonds as emergency rations in my bag.....10 to 15 almonds is all I need if I am peckish, or in a place where I can't get the right snacks.

    I eat one or two portions of almonds ( a small handfull) most days....
    For a treat I would eat cashews, pecans or brazil nuts, but I find it harder to limit those, so don't have them sound all thetime....

    Make sure the nuts are not roasted, or coated in all sorts of stuff - raw is best!
  • TheTrimTim
    TheTrimTim Posts: 222 Member
    I have 25g of either brazil nuts or almonds a day, sometimes also with 25g of pumpkin seeds.
  • gingersnapx00
    Yay! Nuts here I come! I definitely will measure and ration out my portions:)
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I love nuts. I soak them for a couple of hours before eating them because that helps digestion and makes them taste fresher. And then I add them to either a salad or to a meal of oats, yogurt and fruit. It will depend what nuts I happen to have, but at the moment I use 3 brazil nuts (I read somewhere you're not supposed to have more than 3 brazil nuts a day), and about 5 almonds, 10 peanuts, and 5 cashew nuts. I use more peanuts because my bag of peanuts is twice the size of my other bags of nuts!
  • gracieabem
    gracieabem Posts: 211
    Mmm... I try for some nuts everyday. I usually rotate between an almond/walnut mix and other mixes that have more variety (cashews, macadamia, brazil, pecans, hazelnuts etc). My favourites are almonds or brazil nuts. I pre-pack them into 30g snack bags. I usually take a bag for work in case I get peckish and if I don't have them at some point during the day, they are an after dinner snack.

    I also love nuts in cooking. Almonds with cabbage, toasted almonds or pine nuts in pasta dishes, cashews in stirfrys, walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans in baking just to name a few. Peanuts on my Red beef and pumpkin curry... yummy!! Endless possibilities. Toasted almonds in my potato salad is a must!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I love nuts a little too much, thus I tend not to buy them anymore as they only seem to sell them in 100g + bags here in the uk.
    But I love all nuts, especially cashews, almonds, pistachios and walnuts.
  • Yieya
    Yieya Posts: 168 Member
    I eat nuts a few times a week. They are a great snack, healthy and filling. I agree with a lot of what the other posters said, make sure you portion them out so not to over indulge.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    1oz. I weigh them out to ensure I am only eating one serving as they are very calorie dense. I eat them most days of the week -- usually on days I exercise as I can use the extra calories then.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    A handful of mixed raw nuts daily for me (i.e. not salted, roasted or whatever).

    The fact that they are high in fat helps me get to my daily goals (for a 30g serve: 184Cals, 2g carbs, 16g fat, 6g protein).

    No peanuts for me as they are a legume and I don't think legumes are particularly good for me.
  • somanyrhoades
    somanyrhoades Posts: 107 Member
    I eat walnuts or almonds daily! They are agreat source of protein and good fats. All fats are not created equal. Saturated fat and trans fat are the types that increase cholesterol while poly- and monounsaturated fats actually help to lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol (which can help prevent heart disease). Also, omega-3's are a type of polyunsaturated fat. i personally limit to a serving a day, which is usually broken up into 2 segments (so I can enjoy them a couple times a day). And you should should opt for lightly salted or not salted at all because sodium content can be outrageous. Best types for you? general consensus seems to be almonds, walnuts (very high in omega 3's), brazil nuts and pecans based on the things I've read.
  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
    you rang?