Have a stubborn cat who won't go on walks with you?



  • MizzTweezy
    MizzTweezy Posts: 250 Member
    I have a neighbor with one of them big huge cats Main coons I think they are called and she has it in a stroller all the time walking with it.. And another that has one on a leash that walks like a dog... Kinda strange to see, but hey... There family too :)
  • pen_thief
    pen_thief Posts: 78 Member
    next time someone calls me a crazy cat lady, I'm referring them to this thread... :laugh:

    Let them come...
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    When I owned cats (or they owned me) I used to walk them on a leash, took a long time to get them trained but it was that or they stayed indoors all the time (it may surprise people to know that many municipality's leash by-laws apply equally to cats) Contrary to popular belief (especially in an urban setting) indoor cats are healthier and live longer (and don't crap in all of the neighbourhood gardens). I love cats, cat owners who let their cats run amok not so much.

    This is true. They are nearly 13 in people years and are very healthy and playful from keeping them inside, groomed, fed healthy and given plenty of fresh water. I wish I could figure out how to get them leash trained, but I'm thinking the stroller may be safer anyway since there are some loose dogs in the neighborhood that even I'm a bit afraid of.

    I can just see it now: you strolling along with you cats in the buggy and one of those lose dogs you're afraid of approaches. You won't be able to stop the dog, it will do anything it can to get at the cats. They're outside, unprotected (you didn't think that little buggy thing would really keep them safe, did you?), they will freak out. The dog will have them because they're trapped inside a soft container. Keep your cats safe...at home!
    I've seen it happen...

    It's going to take one hell of a dog to overpower a 6' tall girl with a baseball bat.
    And, yes, I do think they're made pretty darn sturdy even if I couldn't fell the beast. I mean, you've got me thinking of Cujo or the Hound of the Baskervilles here. lol

    So let's be clear here for a moment. You are going to be "walking" your cats, in a stroller, while carrying a baseball bat. Out in public. Is that correct?
  • apocalypsepwnie
    Tony Danza absolutely loves going to the park. We recently explored Petco where he got to see mice, birds, and guinea pigs. Once we got the harness, it took him about a week to warm up to it. We never drag him or force him to go. He loves the car too!



    Ps we are getting a ferret this year (hopefully) and fully intend on leash training. We live in the middle of the city and it's going to way fun walking the critters! Strange looks ahoy. Specially if anyone can recall what ferrets do with their version of 'walking'
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Ps we are getting a ferret this year (hopefully) and fully intend on leash training. We live in the middle of the city and it's going to way fun walking the critters! Strange looks ahoy. Specially if anyone can recall what ferrets do with their version of 'walking'

    It never gets old seeing people take their ferret for a drag through the park.
  • KittenKittyKitteh
    KittenKittyKitteh Posts: 52 Member

    Ps we are getting a ferret this year (hopefully) and fully intend on leash training. We live in the middle of the city and it's going to way fun walking the critters! Strange looks ahoy. Specially if anyone can recall what ferrets do with their version of 'walking'

    I had a ferret growing up. He would do a happy dance that was epic. I swear he smiled while doing it. What a great pet.
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    Dogs walk, cats jump.... Tony Danza is a classic. I have a Jackie Chan....
  • yroma
    yroma Posts: 74 Member
    I guess I'm lucky that when I take my pups out, the cats tag along. If we jog, they keep up til they get bored, they are cats afterall. It's funny. Luckily, I live in the country and there's not too much traffic.
  • apocalypsepwnie
    Ps we are getting a ferret this year (hopefully) and fully intend on leash training. We live in the middle of the city and it's going to way fun walking the critters! Strange looks ahoy. Specially if anyone can recall what ferrets do with their version of 'walking'

    It never gets old seeing people take their ferret for a drag through the park.

    My boyfriend used to walk Styx. He was a masked sable. He did this kind of wormy leaping thing. Best.
    My friend has Cupcake and she goes to fuzzy play dates and gets walked. As long as they are willing it's all good. At least they aren't heavy to carry home.

    With my cats I'd only walk them one at a time and my front yard is a city park so we'd only go there.
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    Good luck with the stroller! I hope they love it. Your cats are super adorable, btw. I'm glad my cat isn't the biggest one here at 14 lbs, and I'm hoping she lives to be 13 like yours OP. Alastor Moody (my cat) used to be an indoor/outdoor, but since I moved to a busier neighborhood she is strictly indoors. While she wants outside, I'm pretty sure she'd try to kill me in my sleep if I ever tried to stick her in a stroller or a harness. :laugh: She def calls the shots.
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    LOL a lotta crazy *kitten* goes down in Southie but I never seen that!

    To each his own I suppose.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    The international association of Cats (IAC) just sent me a PM:

    "Please relay the following message to people who wish to walk cats in strollers: EFF OFF. - Sincerely, All Cats Everywhere"

    Don't shoot the messenger!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Please take pictures, that'll be hilarious and adorable.

    I second this
  • gibsy
    gibsy Posts: 112
    Um... being carried around in a bag (or a stroller) is not a cat's idea of fun outside adventure time. Cats like to be in charge and autonomous and check things out on their own. They aren't dogs. They don't want to go for a stroll with you, they want to explore and hunt and find little hiding spots. They want to roll around on the ground, figure out where the other cats are at and establish and defend their little cat territories.

    I understand why some people want to keep their cats indoors, even though it's against their nature and their preferences, but rolling them around in a cage is not their idea of a nice compromise. If you want a buddy to take on walks, you might consider that maybe you're more of a dog person.

    For the record, going on 7 years my cat has lived in big cities full of coyotes, raccoons and cars and she has lived to tell the tale. Most cats are smart. Most cats who have been raised as outdoor cats know how to take care of themselves. Even older cats introduced to outside later in life are usually fine, and tend to be a little more cautious. Anyways, your call, but seriously this is a ridiculous idea and your cats are very unlikely to appreciate it.
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    Why not build a cat enclosure in your yard, with access from your house through a pet door or dedicated window?
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    This is the thing with cats...

    Their propensity to go on "walks" varies completely depending on their personality. When I was little, my grandmother and I would go on walks and her cat would come along every time with no leash, no prompting. He liked to do it. If your kitties don't like to and they don't want to, I think it would be pointless to try and make them. Cats own us, I think...
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    My cat Thomas also did the 'dead cat impersonation' when I tried to use a leash. He was even more funny when I tried to use a harness. He let me put it on him just fine, but then he tried to back out of it and spent several minutes walking around the house backwards. When he decided he couldn't back out of it he decided to try and jump out of it, so he spent some time jumping like a leap frog! I was laughing so hard I was crying before I finally took pity on him and took the harness off.

    Dogs have owners - cats have staff!

    Oh this visualization had me laughing out loud! :laugh:
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Cats are jerks.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    I am far too lazy to read all the responses. But if no one has told you you're awesome for posting this, consider yourself told.
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    I have one cat that would not go for this, but another one that maybe would! That's exactly how we got her. We were out for a walk and she walked with us for several blocks! I had no idea what to do because I could tell she was hungry and had been neglected so I let her come into my garage and then spent the next several weeks trying everything to locate the owners, but nothing. I think she may have been abandoned. We quickly learned She had a bladder infection :/ natures miracle is a LIFESAVER. She is the most affectionate cat I have ever had. We love her to death and despite spending over a grand to get her health up to par, we would do it again :) she is our fat and happy and now healthy baby. She thinks she's a dog, comes when called, curls up under covers, pets you back, she awesome. I bet she would take to going for walks.