sahm 11/16---11/22



  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Way to Go Trish!!!!! You fought the lure of the tortilla and won!!!!:bigsmile:


    LOL. I am fighting it all over again. I REALLY want some post-dinner goodies, but am trying to tuck away my 3rd mug of water today instead. 18 oz to go & I'll hit 90 oz for the day!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    wow--56oz was a lot for me. trish i think i'd float away on 90 oz (or at least have to set up shop in the bathroom!).

    sounds like a good day altogether. my dinnertime was cr** but i still didn't go over my cals as much as last week. and no cookies (just 1.5 cups of post mini vanilla almond shredded wheat).

    gotta turn in--But MOMMY Q

    my little boy has diarrhea today. :frown: his last dipe was explosive (probably whatever food he had this afternoon). he's otherwise happy. tho his butt up to the *kitten* is RED RED RAW and he complains that his butt hurts. :cry:
    take him to the dr on friday?? wait it out? just give him popsicles and no solids?
    dh said to give him pepto--i think that's probably a bad idea.
    sorry, but diarrhea is unusual here so i don't know quite the right thing to do.
    let me know your advice--:flowerforyou:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    So I think my hypothesis was right. I drank about 100 oz of water yesterday, and this morning I weighed myself. Dropped a pound and a half! Apparently my body wants an unreasonable amount of water every day.

    Stacey, my Gracie just went through a wicked week-long diarrhea spell. I put her on the BRAT diet, and cut off all ties to juice. If you're not familiar with the BRAT diet, it stands for Bananas, Rice, Apples, and Toast. Basically stuff that's high in fiber and will help give the poop something to hold to. It was starting to help, but a week in I was getting frustrated. So I gave her a very small dose of pepto and IT STOPPED! I gave her the lowest possible dose in the little dosing cup. Don't be afraid to try pepto, it's very gentle.
    Try the BRAT diet first, avoid juice, offer him all the milk and water he wants. If you're really concerned about him getting dehydrated, pick up a bottle or two of pedialyte. HTH!

    P.S. Yogurt is good for them, too, because of the live cultures in it.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thank you, trish! this am he's had a sugar free popsicle. let's see how that goes.

    congrats on the wt loss! awesome!!

    welcome shamm! glad you found us and feel free to join the conversation with anything at any time. :flowerforyou:
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    Just had to back up Dr.borkbork the BRAT diet is amazing. Sounds so simple but even if your stomach doesn't feel good, or even the mild flu it really does help settle your stomach just make sure if you eat applesauce plain once we had cinnamon flavor and I tried it...not a good idea.

    -stacey hope your little guy feels better. My dd had diaper rashes to the point where blisters formed and the doctor had me apply equal parts vasaline, anti fungal, & cortizone. smother his bum in it and it will go away *promise* it's the best thing in the world even if they are out of diapers. Krista had such bad rashes that I couldn't find anything that touched it even the prescription diaper rash stuff. But this really worked I sware by it :heart:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    That's great advice for the BRAT diet...I will have to keep that in mind for "the runs". :tongue:

    Does anyone know what to do for poison oak? I have it on the back of my knee. It keeps spreading no matter what I do!!! I don't itch it, I am wearing shorts so nothing rubs it, and I put some alcohol on it to dry it out....nothing...I have declared WAR against the poison oak bushes on our property!!!!:mad: :explode: :devil:

    Edit**- I think I am with you Trish with the water!!! I think I need almost 100 ounces too...which has just reminded me that I need to drink!!!!!!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hello! I made my water goal yesterday too! I'm so happy that I'm actually making this goal every day. I figure once I make this a "habit" instead of a goal, I'll move on to the next.

    Trish, Nicole - I think I'm with you on needing more water too. I've been drinking 64 oz a day for the past 4 days, but I feel like I'm craving even more water. I'm thinking of stepping it up to 72 oz tomorrow. I don't think I'll be able to get in the extra serving today. I've been drinking on my coffee this morning. Granted, it's decaf, so technically could be considered for at least 2 of my servings, but with the amount of creamer in it, I'm not counting it.

    Stacey - How's your little boy? I hope he's feeling better. I follow the BRAT diet with mine too. It's not something that happens often at our house either, but when it does, the BRAT diet works.

    Shamm - welcome!! :flowerforyou:

    Well, just finished my coffee, so I'm off to wash out my mug and fill it with good ole H2O! :drinker:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Just had to back up Dr.borkbork the BRAT diet is amazing. Sounds so simple but even if your stomach doesn't feel good, or even the mild flu it really does help settle your stomach just make sure if you eat applesauce plain once we had cinnamon flavor and I tried it...not a good idea.

    -stacey hope your little guy feels better. My dd had diaper rashes to the point where blisters formed and the doctor had me apply equal parts vasaline, anti fungal, & cortizone. smother his bum in it and it will go away *promise* it's the best thing in the world even if they are out of diapers. Krista had such bad rashes that I couldn't find anything that touched it even the prescription diaper rash stuff. But this really worked I sware by it :heart:

    thanks! he's done ok with the popsicle. and now he's having pretzels. he def has an appetite--taking the frozen tortellini and telling me to cook it! and energy galore--b/c we played at the park for about 25min. maybe a one day thing??
    i'm gonna try applesauce with him later and make some rice. that'll be easy.
    thanks for all the suggestions! yesterday i didn't have much in the house for his bum so i put polysporin on it. dh got balmex last night and we've slathered it on. much better bum this am, still a little red, but better. if it gets worse tho, i'll do your combo--the vaseline and cortisone part anyway.

    your poor dd--how awful to have blisters too. :brokenheart:

    i'm gonna take him to gymboree--if he dsn't poop before. if he poops and it's messy, i'll keep him home.

    thanks y'all for answering my q's. you are a GREAT group of women! :heart:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Nicole, try Solarcaine gel (is great for burns & severe irritation) or an Oatmeal bath.

    We use A&D Ointment on Grace's bum when she gets really bad rashes. Clears it up in a day. She got a welt on her bum from the last rash when she had the diarrhea. It's still there, but gradually fading.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Thanks Trish...I will try that!

    Stacey- It sounds like your son is getting better! I hope so!

    As for me- 42oz of water down, so far! I think I am being a little piggy with eating today, not sure why, but my meals are pretty big today!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Need to down my first 30 oz of water. Going to try withstanding having my butt kicked by Jillian on Ultimatum 2010 today... hoping to earn enough calories for chips & salsa. I had a very small lunch, and I'm still hungry. Hmmm... *eyes water mug* time to glug, glug!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Okay, soooo here's what I did in Jillian's Pre-Made workout today...
    "Ran" 5 mins
    90 Jumping Jacks ('m very uncoordinated, so I just trotted in place some more, and did the arm lifts in time)
    21 Hip Twists
    50 Butt Bicycling thingies (which I still can't figure out how to do correctly, she was yelling at me the whole time)
    20 Sledge Hammers
    60 Oblique Twist Crunches (which I also struggle with doing correctly)
    60 MORE Jumping Jacks
    60 Crunches (Please tell me we're almost done!)
    15 Push Ups (must touch chest to Wii board, and completely SUCKS if you're a chick! Ouch, my poor girls)
    10 Boat Poses (which is really just the jackknife exercise)
    1 Lunge Stretch (Honestly, why couldn't we have done that FIRST? It was a great warm up stretch!)
    20 MORE Push Ups
    40 MORE Oblique Twisty Crunch Thingies (Okay, CAN WE BE DONE NOW?!)
    20 Squat Jacks
    *Collapses and DIES... at least until tomorrow's workout*

    Don't congratulate me on doing it, either. I confess to cheating on several of the exercises!

    EDIT: Didn't feel like doing Yoga on Wii today, so I just relaxed & did Rhythm Kung Fu and Rhythm Boxing for 1/2 hour. Burned 150 cals. Refilled my mug, then guzzled it down. So I have my 60 oz in, now to make the push to 90 before bed. Should be doable in the next 7 hours, especially since we are going to dinner. I tend to drink a ton of water at restaurants for some reason. To avoid conversation, maybe? LOL
    I was going to have chips & salsa, but don't need it now that I have 60 oz of water in my belly! Must pee now! *runs to bathroom*
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    just keeping honest

    i splurged/overboard eating tonight with the danish butter cookies! yes, i skipped cookies all those other days only to have too too many tonight.

    still, i am almost done with my water. and i could still walk tonight or something. (but probably won't...)

    it's back in the game for me for the rest of today---and day after and day after and...
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    just read in parenting mag

    idea for gift giving --espec if you're trying to cut back

    *research charities, select one and the tell everyone that you're making a donation in their name
    (i did this last year--gave to ronald mcdonald house for my niece; planted a tree for a friend's baby being born)

    *photo in a pretty frame--you could even have kiddos decorate the mat
    (we did this for my fil's big bday--pic of oldest naked butt standing outside with hat and mittens--she put stickers and scribbles on the mat)

    well,that's all i got for now--:flowerforyou:
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    okay so i'm on here tonight to confess. I ate a TON of speghetti, I don't even like speghetti that much but I had a small bowl to start with. I'm talking little bowl because my dd wasn't hungry so I ate hers and I did not fix me a bowl because I wasn't hungry.

    Then I decided that I was hungry after that little bit so I grab me a bowl and dish up much more then I should have. It was good, I admit but to have yet another bowl? Oh yes I did, grabbed yet another spoon full of noodles and another spoon ful of sauce and there I was eating and not even hungry...I'm such a wierdo :grumble: :laugh:
    Could have been worse I know, but i'm such a nut. I went over my calories for something I didn't even want. Heck I should have indulged in the darn cookie dough out in my freezer !

    Okay...i'm done. Off to spin class in the morning (maybe) HAHA
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Sounds like we all had a rough dinner. I only planned on having 10 tortilla chips and salsa with our dinner out, but they were unusually dinky tonight for some reason, so I allowed that to be an excuse in my head to have 20 chips... and I lost count and it went downhill from there. I think I actually felt my butt get bigger.
    On a bright note, I did get a ton of veggies with my delicious chimichanga, and ate ALL of it. It was like a pound of lettuce, mostly, but still filling.
    Afterwards we walked around Walmart. Maybe I will tandem workout with hubby he he decides to exercise on the Wii tonight. Probably not... so sleepy.
    Night, ladies!
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    So excited!! I'm down 2 lbs!!! My husband thought I was crazy jumping around by the scale with my arms in the air. He even asked..."well is that a good thing or not?" HAHAH I would think the yelling out excited and saying YES would have been a clue but I guess not LOL:tongue::laugh:

    Next stop.....5 more LBS . I can't wait to get out of the 160's!!!

    and I forgot to mention, I had changed my goal from losing 2lbs a week down to 1 1/2!! so i'm eating more and I lost weigh!!! SO FREAKIN EXCITED!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Shera, that's fantastic! Way to go! You are so close to your goal, it's a breeze from here!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member I think we all had a difficult dinner! Trish!! I did the SAME THING with the Tortillas!!!! :blushing: But atleast now the bag is gone. We split it between the 4 of us. no more temptation in the house! PHEW!:huh:

    SHERA!!!! WAY TO GO!!!!!:bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: That's awesome!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    How's the water coming, ladies? I just got my 90th ounce down! YAY! *Hiccup*
    Will start fixing dinner in about 1/2 an hour. We're having hamburger helper. Can't wait for dinner tomorrow. Making one of my favorites-- VEGGIE CHILI!!
    We went grocery shopping today. Usually I get Healthy Choice meals to tide me over for lunches, but today I discovered Smart Ones and Lean Cuisine... and then I saw it... there, on the top shelf of the frozen aisle... PIZZA!!! Not kidding, but I heard the angelic "Ahhhh" go off, and everything went fuzzy and gold for a minute. I got a couple of 'Za's from that section. I can't wait to eat them! I have several days this week where they will fit into my calorie "budget".
    Now if I can just find someone with a cheeseburger wrap recipe!
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