Moms...looking for advice

I am new to MFP, and am becoming slightly addicted. I am a SAHM of a 13 month old, and we enjoy our long walks outside. I have even started running with the stroller, and have been getting stronger. I am worried that it won't be so easy in the winter. I am in Canada, and it starts to get cold in October/November, and then the snow starts to fly...not so easy to run with a stroller. I do have a treadmill and spin bike in the basement, but when do you other moms find time to workout? I can try to do it during baby's nap, but that doesn't always work. Since we are down to 1 income, and since I have a home gym, I would like to avoid paying to go to a gym with daycare. Any advice is appreciated!


  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    You have equipment ready and available to you.. You make time if its that important to you. I have a 3 year old son and I work full time. When he was younger I would get up early before work, during his nap, or after he went to bed. Some days i would work out twice a day. Don't make excuses and just do it! That's my best advice..
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    You make time.... Being a father of 5 kids .. You can understand its just not the mom who is busy.

    I get up at 4:30am and I am done by 6:30 and ready for what ever the day throws at me.
  • cristino1985
    cristino1985 Posts: 63 Member
    My fifteen month old tends to go for a nap every day around ten so If I have him and the baby fed and am dressed I put them both in the pram and head out for a walk, they both sleep in the pram and generally don't need fed again until 12 so I can be out for two hours walking. I would suggest that before the weather gets too cold get out walking evey day, if you do the same route you can time yourself and see how much quicker your getting as your fitness improves. I also try to do a bit of one of my fitness DVDs after my 15 month old goes to bed. Just remember every little helps, even if you just run up the stairs every time you go up, or after changing a nappy do a few press ups if your on the floor anyway. Good luck with it
  • abbylg1983
    abbylg1983 Posts: 177 Member
    I have an 11 month old. I don't work out that much consistently, but I try and do a little something each day.

    I do a squat/lunge/push up routine 3-4 times a week (with and without weights), and I have a pull up bar and a large weight I use for deadlifts. I do that about 1-2 times a week. For awhile, I was doing that in the mornings before work (around 5 am), but then my daughter started waking up at 4:45 a few weeks ago so that's usually out.

    I do it in the evenings instead most times now when I tell my husband I am downstairs doing laundry. For the stuff without weights, sometimes I'll do it when I first get to my office, when no one is around. I have been going for bike rides around 7:30 or 8 in the evenings after the baby goes to sleep. Occasionally if she's napping during the day on weekends I'll hop on my treadmill but I usually don't because I hate running. I go for walks at work sometimes.

    I also take my daughter for walks in the stroller but she doesn't like them much so we're never gone for more than a half hour. That's more recreational than functional.

    Working out is honestly not as high on my priority list as it should be. It is hard to find time. My daughter is in daycare 50+ hours a week, so the last thing I want to do on evenings and weekends is leave her with someone else while I go workout. So my exercise time is pretty much limited to when she is asleep.

    Do you have any weights? Kettlebells are a great workout although they can be a little expensive (although less than a monthly gym membership). Otherwise, squats, lunges and pushups are a great workout and they require no equipment. A pull up bar is around $20 and just hooks right onto the door- no installation necessary. Tricep dips can be done with just a chair. Dumbbells, like kettlebells, get a little expensive- especially if you have to keep buying progressively heavier ones- but you can buy just two different sizes to get started. No point in investing in a ton of equipment until you know you are going to use it.
  • jamiealdridge02
    jamiealdridge02 Posts: 93 Member
    I have three children work full time and go to grad school. I have found working out either early before they are up or at night once they have gone to bed works best. Find a time that works for you and stick to it just like you would an appointment.
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    both mine are in bed by 8pm usually so after that.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    are they big enough to get pulled on a sledge, build snowmen, snowball fight?

    jealous, our winters are mostly rain (uk) just like summer actually :D

    also, mine are 16 & 18 now and I have to build my snowman on my own :( haha
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I have a 3.5 month old and I work out after he's gone to sleep. When I go back to work in April I plan to get up early and work out instead of staying up late.
  • Brizoeller
    Brizoeller Posts: 182 Member
    Whenever he naps or goes to sleep at night. At 11 months old I would assume he is going to bed at 7 or 8? A good indoor workout video is Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. It has done wonders for a lot of people. Its a 20 minute video, more like 28 with warmup and stretching :) That would be something good to invest in, only like 8 dollars!!
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I'm a mom of 6, including a 16 month old, a 4 yo, and a 5yo. If I can't work out alone, I let them exercise with me. Dancing, playing on the wii, or calisthenics are things that even the baby can join in on. We can make a game of jumping jacks, running in place, lunges, squats, planks, and pushups.

    But honestly, I know it's harder with just one or two children, as they sometimes demand your full attention (or two of them fight for your attention.) With more children, the younger ones like to copy the older ones. Good luck!
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    My kids are 6 and 2 and I get up at 5:45am so I have a nice solid hour to workout before they wake up, which is around 7. No way could I workout at night so this is my "me time" and since I've been doing it 5 days a week for over a year I actually ENJOY getting up early! I was NEVER a morning person but I feel awesome after getting my workout over and done with. You can do this!
  • lorettaasmith
    lorettaasmith Posts: 418 Member
    I count the 10 years I spent as a SAHM as the hardest and best job I ever had. I would give Hubby a chance for one on one time with "Junior" in the evenings, or else exercise after the baby is in bed for the night. As he gets older, there are creative ways to exercise with him ...e.g. you go for a run with him riding a scooter alongside you...
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    While the baby is sleeping. You say it doesn't always work out, but you have to *make* it work out. I would wake up before the baby wakes up and work out at home, or, when you get dressed, put on your workout clothes and hit "play" ont he dvd player as soon as the baby falls asleep. I find it helpful to designate workout days. Mine are Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Weekends I hit the gym before the family wakes up (including Friday). Tuesdays and Wednesdays I work out on my lunch break, or during nap if I am home. If I have lunch plans or something, I wake up an hour early and work out then. If I don't get my workout in for some unforeseen reason, I work out after my daughter goes to bed - workouts on those five days are non-negotiable! I am so happy to have made my health a priority. You deserve the same!
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    I have a 17 month old, so I can appreciate how difficult it can be to get anything done with them around. It does get easier as they get older to do things while they are awake. When I work out at home I do it in the early morning, or while she is napping. If I am doing it (which rarely happens when she's awake) while she's awake, I try to get things around us that will entertain her - right now she loves playing with balls, so I went to the dollar store and got about 4 or 5 different sizes and she plays with them...she also loves cars...I can pretty much get most things done if she is occupied, so don't be afraid to try to find things that will interest your little one.

    Also, maybe if you have any other mommy friends, you can arrange play dates so each of you can take turns watching the kiddos so the mommies can work out...Just a thought though.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You have equipment ready and available to you.. You make time if its that important to you. I have a 3 year old son and I work full time. When he was younger I would get up early before work, during his nap, or after he went to bed. Some days i would work out twice a day. Don't make excuses and just do it! That's my best advice..

    This. I'm a SAHM to three kids under 4. I work out while my youngest two nap. When I used to go to the gym, I'd wake up about 2 hours before everyone else so that I could get my exercise in then. Once my baby is finally sleeping through the night I might start getting up early to exercise again. Or, some days I'll just have my husband watch the kids so that I can exercise.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    I do a lot of walking with my two in the stroller (they are 10.5 months and 28 months), and I also workout at the gym 5-7 days a week. I consider my gym time to be my me time - the way my husband and I see it, I'm on duty the other 22.5 hours a day, and taking my gym time makes me a better mom, because I am refreshed and recharged. Maybe talk with your husband about allowing you alone time to workout at home?
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Honestly - now is the time to MAKE THE TIME. Our girls are 12 & 15 years old. The demand on your time will not go away as your kids get older. They just change. Do this for yourself and just keep it up through the years. I wish that I had. Now I get up at 5 to work out for an hour before work. Then I go to the gym during my lunch hour and try to get in a few extras in the evening while I"m at the girls sporting events. You'll have more fun with your kids if you get fit while they're young. Good luck! You can do this.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I also wanted to add--*something* is better than *nothing*. If you can only squeeze in 15 minutes of jumping jacks and pushups, that beats skipping it! You would be amazed at what only 15 minutes of activity a day can do for you, provided you put a lot of intensity into that 15 minutes.
  • lifelover12
    lifelover12 Posts: 17 Member
    In that same boat myself. Actually sitting here waiting for my toddler and infant to fall asleep so I can do Insanity. I'm a stay at home mom as well of two little ones, and a Army fitness buff of a husband so the pressure is on! Although I do nurse my 4 month old, the weight is slowly coming off. I've struggled with my weight since I can remember and it seems as though I have to work super hard in order to drop a pound. Well I expect to work hard so let me say that my metabolism is slower than molasses:-( Going to stick with it though because I don't have a choice. But let me say this back to giving some advice, I take my son bike riding and play kick ball with him. I focus on remaining active with him to keep him fit as well as myself. It's exercise that I find fun at the same time.
  • KiaCristal
    I have a 15 month old who is very demanding. I was trying to get it all done during her nap but there are times she only naps for 40 minutes and that's not enough time. The last couple of days I've been getting up at 6am so I can do it before she wakes up at 8. I'm not a morning person AT ALL but I'm really serious about making this change. I find it's easier then because I'm not worried about her waking up. I also will do some walking in place or something similar while she's eating breakfast or lunch. Like others have said, anything you can do helps.