Feeling angry when I exercise



  • gailmelanie
    gailmelanie Posts: 210 Member
    No, I don't get angry when I exercise unless there are other things I'm already angry about. If that is the case I fantisize about conquering (euphemism for beat the s**t out of ) the person or situation that's pissing me off and use that energy to drive my workout.
    But... it's worth doing some reflection on what the sensations of excercise bring up for you. As an L&D nurse I know that the pain of labor for some women causes them to regress to a time in their life when they felt powerless, put down, abandoned or abused. This is usually not a conscious thing and certainly not rational, but still a real occurance, one that I need to keep in mind while caring for them. You could do the same for yourself. I also suggest, and you would know better than I, that there may be scents, smells or odors that transport you to a time when being physically active, sweating, panting, not interested the challenge and benefits of exercise made you resentful. Again, this is often not a conscious thing and is way more significant for some people than others, but for some it can be very powerful. It is for me and I try to remain conscious of it because it can catch me off guard and knock me into a state of pain or anger almost instantly. Think about it and see what you come up with.
  • gailmelanie
    gailmelanie Posts: 210 Member
    I'm generally pissed off the whole time I'm working out because I hate every minute of it and its keeping me from doing things I NEED to do just as much as excersize. Always have no matter what kind of excersize I do. I'm pissed that I work all day and have a house that needs to be cleaned and kids that need help with their homework, dinner to prepare, sex to have with the husband etc... I ususally feel better once I'm done because it's done but while I'm doing it...PISSED.
    If I could do it in the morning I would but that would cut into the barely 6 hours of sleep that I get a night. I've tried to go to bed earlier but as hard as I try I can't.

    Boy...don't I sound like a cry baby.
    I TOTALLY know what you mean about fitting in exercise into the already crammed schedule, and I do get up early in the AM to do it even though it does cut short my sleep. Yes, it's easy to feel resentful, but think excercise as a prescription medicine you need to take every day to treat the disorder that has made you out of shape and increased your risk of other health problems. You can also feel smug that you've done it and there are plenty of others who haven't. Just do it anyway, and as some others have said, channel the anger and resentment into the activity to make it more intense. You might even consiously think about other conflicts in your life while you're exercising and pound it into the ground under your feet as you go. I have done that in the past and once you're done those problems seem a lot less significant.