Are you an introvert or extrovert?



  • velasdream
    I am an ISTJ and ranked 100% introvert. Being around people sucks the life out of me; I can't stand large crowds. I always think it'll be great fun to go to places like fairs, carnivals, rock concerts, etc. Then, when I get there, I get so anxious and upset I end up cussing people out and cutting my night short to go back home. I've never been part of a mom's group or anything like that because I can't approach people. I won't volunteer for my kid's school because the idea of facing all those strangers - kids or adults - scares the crap out of me. My dream job was identifying tiny water critters in a lab. Just me and my microscope! However, the pay didn't sustain a family so I took a promotion. Most days I wish I hadn't. Now I have to sit in multi-agency meetings and wrangle with people's agendas and try to push my agency's agenda. I'm socially awkward and always uncomfortable. Even though I've been working here for 5 years, I can never think of funny, clever, or interesting things to say to people. Until a couple days later. I like to have a couple really close friends to talk to. More than 2 people and I clam up. I hate talking on the phone even if it's to people I like. Oddly, it seems like most of my friends are extroverts. More than one person has told me that they were amazed when they talked to me one-on-one because they thought I was a snob. They found I was engaging, personable, cheerful, and a good listener when we talked alone. I feel bad for my son because he takes after me (but he's still 10x more outgoing than I am). I watch my daughter in amazement because she takes after her father - she is very social and loves to be in the center of a crowd of people. Rejections, brush offs, and being ignored doesn't seem to faze her a bit. I struggle with shyness every single day, but I work at it and see myself as a work in progress. In high school I couldn't even walk into a fast food restaurant and order food because I'd have to talk to someone. Now I'm out, about, talking to people in person and on the phone all day long. My job is teaching me assertiveness. I can function normally even if I'm panicking on the inside :-) But at the end of the day I really need time alone to recharge!
  • Joethebull
    Introvert. I switched to midnight shift because there is barely anyone there.
  • lizzyc357
    lizzyc357 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm definitely an introvert but I like working with kids. For the most part, I like to do things by myself and get more tired than energized with other people.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I'm an introvert...but I'm also shy....those are two different things...

    i can be extroverted when i'm comfortable with who's around me...but that's very against my nature and I have to work at it...
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    Introvert all the way... ISTJ to be exact!
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    How do you label a conscience... apart from making things up...


    Pretty much all of these "made up" labels are backed up by neuroscience, actually. Research the lemon juice test for introversion. Heritability. CAT scans. Brains don't come in one variety. Just like ears...or internet trolls.

    Science and reading. They help.
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    Introvert, but I do well enough with a group once I get comfortable. I'm shy and quiet by nature, so it takes a little time for me to open up and get rowdy- but it does happen. :)
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Until you described yourself I would have said extrovert.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    Introvert, now go away and leave me alone.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i'm learning to become extraverted
  • ekirk92
    ekirk92 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm an introvert.
    I like time to myself.
    I like peace and quiet.
    I don't like crowds.
    I prefer small get togethers to parties.
    I shy away from the spotlight.
    I prefer talking to someone one on one than many people in a group because I get a.d.d. and easily distracted.
    I like being aroun people but only in small doses.
    I'm a homebody, but sometimes I get cabin fever.
    I can't stand people who are clingy and are co-dependent because I'm not.
    I'm a deep, internal thinker. I observe rather than talk in group settings.
    If I don't get time to myself, I get cranky.

    well since you described me so well, I decided to just quote you (minus the movies, I go with hubby, but not really into movies)

    I know, right? I am the same way and sometimes people just don't get it. It's not that I don't like people, I just like being by myself more.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I love a good party. I can get rowdy and work the crowd with the best extroverts. But when it's over, I'm drained and just want to be left alone. I also quite like just hanging at my house.

    Really.... I'm just impulsive as all get out and change mf mind on a whim. Lol
  • shannajojo
    shannajojo Posts: 192 Member

    nice shirt! :-)
  • jkcrawford
    jkcrawford Posts: 435 Member
    Introvert for sure... I stay away from most people as what they say half the time makes no sense and I don't want to sound like them.
  • tx_teacher07
    I am an extrovert to the max. School teacher and I can talk to anyone, no one is a stranger! :happy:
  • Twizelgirl
    Twizelgirl Posts: 9 Member
    I am INTP. Very Introvert. Have always put myself down a bit, as I thought I was somehow second rate, not being "popular" or comfortable in large groups,etc. Saying that my career involved a fair bit of public speaking, which I enjoyed doing once I got my head around it.

    There is a really good book out there now by Susan Cain "Quiet", or look her up on TEDTalks ... Fascinating discussion about how the world today is built around extrovert ideals like "teamwork" and open plan offices, and that we fail to appreciate the positives that can come with introversion- eg creativity, productivity.

    Has changed the way I think about myself and others. Also fascinating to watch some of these characteristics starting to grow in my children. I suspect one is I, the other E.
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    I am an occupational extrovert, and an actual introvert.

    My job requires that I be very take charge, confident, out-there, and able to speak with people, say 'no' to people, direct people, etc. I love my job. It's very stressful, fast-paced, always on-the-go. I'm quite dynamic in my work place. This isn't ego, this is fact- I love my job, my job loves me.

    When I get home, though? I want to hide in my house, be quiet, and just... be with myself, and my husband... and sometimes not even him. Sometimes I just need a few hours to myself, to gather my sanity.
  • Frisky_CoastalNative

    nice shirt! :-)

    Says it all !!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    introvert. I'm very quiet and also very shy. I like being introverted, but hate being shy. I lack social skills. But oh well. I am who I am.