Who knew "aerobics" aren't the best for cardio?



  • heretic911
    heretic911 Posts: 66 Member
    I did some research and asked my doctor, was worried since I have quite a long journey to my weight goal, seems most say weight training and cardio. If you go to a gym they suggest circuit training. I just didn't want to leave weights out because than will end up with too much loose skin. Also losing 1 to 2lbs a week is a common recommendation...
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    'nuff said

    unless your goal is to become an endurance athlete.........:huh:

    To the OP, the optimal workout depends entirely on what your goals are. A balanced fitness program will include both cardio and strength. In absolute terms neither is superior to the other, they're just different.

    (Personally I think being able to perform well in a triathlon is a far better testimony to one's fitness than having having a sculpted body, combine cardio & strength and you can probably have both.......)
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    Cardiovascular exercise has it's place. I prefer weights but try to do both.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Okay, I'll buy it. But I was a big Jazzerciser in the 80's and 90's. I had the leotard, the leg warmers and the headband. I loved all the routines. I went three times a week with my girlfriends. I felt great all the time and I never weighed over 100 pounds. I miss those years. Somewhere I have a photo :)
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I personally love cardio, always have, because it makes me feel great. But *this time* I've decided to be honest with myself and admit that over the years cardio hasn't actually helped me lose weight. So, in the interest of not repeating the same mistake again, I've added a lot more resistance training. I haven't worked up the courage yet to go to the gym and use the 'real' stuff but I've been doing bodyweight resistance exercises at home until I do. I'm still doing some cardio, mostly for the head rush that comes after, plus all the sweating haha, but I'm worrying about it less. In the past, I've forced myself to do an hour or more a day with no weight loss, and no real changes to my body except for more toned legs. I've been reading 'Sculpting Her Body Perfect' to give me some ideas on what to do at the gym.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    'nuff said

    unless your goal is to become an endurance athlete.........:huh:

    To the OP, the optimal workout depends entirely on what your goals are. A balanced fitness program will include both cardio and strength. In absolute terms neither is superior to the other, they're just different.

    (Personally I think being able to perform well in a triathlon is a far better testimony to one's fitness than having having a sculpted body, combine cardio & strength and you can probably have both.......)

  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I don't do cardio at all. I just don't really like it that much and I have to make time to lift weights as it is which is more important to me... if I had lots of free time I would probably do some form of cardio once a week or so............ but I don't.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    That's what got my attention. But wow, all that I am learning is so much more then I expected. I honestly just opened the book, at first, and looked for the dang exercises. Then, a bulb went on in my brain and I thought actually "reading" the book may help:laugh: I'll never be sorry I am reading it:) denise:drinker: :drinker: PS I heard about the convict one too and I have seen some guys come out of prison that look like they've been "away at the olympics"!
    I've read You Are Your Own Gym too. Good stuff. I'm currently doing the Convict Conditioning program. Love that I don't have to waste time and money on a gym!
    I'm reading 'you are your own gym' too just now. for me it's about strength training i can do with minimal equipment (park bench, pullup bar...) whilst out running. so needless to say i am not about to ditch cardio - even after reading his well stated argument - but i am trying to get serious about some strength training too.
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    'nuff said

    unless your goal is to become an endurance athlete.........:huh:

    To the OP, the optimal workout depends entirely on what your goals are. A balanced fitness program will include both cardio and strength. In absolute terms neither is superior to the other, they're just different.

    (Personally I think being able to perform well in a triathlon is a far better testimony to one's fitness than having having a sculpted body, combine cardio & strength and you can probably have both.......)

  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I love my cardio!!! I will never give it up. They both have their benefits.. I do need to add more lifting into my workout schedule. Cardio is NOT bad for you!

    This! I am so sick of these boards demonising cardio. Cardio is part of a well balanced fitness program. If you can lift 100kg but get puffed walking up the stairs you are NOT fit.

    I'm focussing on cardio right now because I have a 12km run next week. (which is run/walk/run. Not that fit!) But in two/three weeks I'll be getting back into heavy lifting because I like how it changes my body shape. Cardio doesn't do that.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I feel exactly the same as you do but with a twist on how I am looking at it now. I don't like the gym or machines either. But I am enjoying doing the bodyweight training so far. It is really hard and a great challenge. Those other things you mention are more my recreation/therapy, I LOVE the outdoors. I am going to enjoy doing those things more now because I am not going to worry about how many calories I burn, how fast I go etc. I am going to just take walks, hikes, bikerides and go kayaking when I can. I also love cross-country skiing for Winter months. Oh, I do love swimming as well but it will be different doing it strictly for fun rather than a workout.

    The benefit I feel that will come for me, is I will be stronger, or, strong enough, to do these things I love doing! Waterskiing again, wow, what a concept! But aerobic activities have never made me stronger to do any of these activities, just my experience.

    Every one has to choose what is right and works for them. If we were all the same it would be a boring world. But at the same time, a lot of us are uninformed about facts. Yes, anyone can say they have the facts, or, these are the facts, but we have to decide what is truth, in all things. I am want to share what I am learning in case there is another person like me out there that will want to know what I've learned, and, they might even want to try it out too:)

    I seem to be in a minority here - I love waking, running , swimming and bikeriding and I don't get off on sitting still just pushing a heavy weight backwards and forwards lol. Each to their own and i may change but at the moment I'm very happy to swim 70 lengths or go for a run in the woods and see foxes and deer :-)
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    First I think demonizing is a bit strong for my post. You notice I put a question mark after my topic because I want peoples feedback. Not one person got rowdy on this thread about either cardio or weights, until you.

    Your statement about weightlifting can be true, about walking up stairs, but not if you weight-train the right way which I am learning all about as I study. I also read about being able to run 10 miles without stopping and then getting on a stationary bike and running out of steam in 5 minutes. So here's what I see going on. If I do my weight-training correctly, it does more good for cardio then aerobics. I was totally sold out on my walking until I started learning more about muscle and how it all works.

    I think the best thing any one of us can do, is to remain open-minded and especially, remain teachable. Does anyone know it all yet?? I don't think so. I know that for me, my health is worth looking into every aspect of how it all works so I can make an educated decision on what I choose to spend my workout time doing.

    Denise:drinker: :drinker:
    I love my cardio!!! I will never give it up. They both have their benefits.. I do need to add more lifting into my workout schedule. Cardio is NOT bad for you!

    This! I am so sick of these boards demonising cardio. Cardio is part of a well balanced fitness program. If you can lift 100kg but get puffed walking up the stairs you are NOT fit.

    I'm focussing on cardio right now because I have a 12km run next week. (which is run/walk/run. Not that fit!) But in two/three weeks I'll be getting back into heavy lifting because I like how it changes my body shape. Cardio doesn't do that.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Definitely not, Cardio is necessary, it's the aerobics I am questioning these days. If I can pump up my cardio better with weight training, that's what I'm talkin about. I've read a lot in just 2 days about the disadvantages of aerobics. I don't like aerobics so I guess it is easy for me to be open-minded about learning more then just what I've read so far. Inquiring minds want to know:wink:

    I love my cardio!!! I will never give it up. They both have their benefits.. I do need to add more lifting into my workout schedule. Cardio is NOT bad for you!
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I think some of you misunderstood that this isn't questioning the need for cardio health, it's questioning aerobics. They are not one in the same which I think some people have been confused about that. I was! I am learning, or I should say, coming to believe, that cardio health is best achieved through weight-training, not aerobics. I don't know anything for sure, but the studies I am looking at and reading material is pointing towards that being true. I will admit I am pretty much convinced for myself. I don't want to try and convince anyone else, but I do want to share what I am finding.

    You all will decide for yourselves and hopefully, at least look into it for yourself. It is amazing to learn about things, especially things we find out were just theories or even lies to sell some product. How many times has that happened to you. I used to think the best way to lose weight was to cut down on food, even healthy food, and I mean cut down like eat like a bird. That is a lie, at least a lie by omission. You will certainly lose weight but it won't just be fat. It will eventually be lean, muscle mass.

    Anyway, I may not see this thread again but I wanted to thank everyone for your input:) denise:drinker: :drinker: