


  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    Don't run, do something else

    Why torture yourself with something you hate??
  • Sthrncupcake
    Sthrncupcake Posts: 79 Member
    Run outside
    Do interesting things during your run like fartleks or just running until you get lost (love my iphone gps for this)
    Listen to audiobooks instead of music
    Have a reason to keep running i.e. sign up for a 5K

    ^^^ This! I hated running at first too! I really dont know why I kept at it....I truly hated it....I absolutely LIVE to run now....cant say the same will happen for you... Run outside for sure...the dreadmill bores me to tears!
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    A lot of great posts..

    I am an avid runner and music does the trick for me and I also read by another member that you should sign up for a race as motivation. In order to to enjoy running, you have to want to do it.

    I wish I could give you the magic answer to help alleviate your dislike for running. There is no answer really. You will only adapt and get better as you continue to push through the initial first few weeks of running.

    Best of luck
  • Mezzie1024
    Mezzie1024 Posts: 380 Member
    I can't commiserate because I love running, but if the only reason you're trying to force yourself to do it is because you think it will help you lose weight, then my advice would be to not do it. There are plenty of things you can do instead. In addition to running, I like tap dancing, weight lifting, sailing, biking, hiking, walking, Pilates... I could go on and on. The more things you enjoy, the more likely you won't get bored (or injured).

    That said, if you want to learn to like running because there are NO exercises you enjoy and this is the one you've picked to force yourself to love, then you might try training for a specific race. Sign up for a 5k that's going on a few months down the line and then get your body ready to do it. Races can be addicting.

    As others mentioned, changing up the scenery helps, too. My favorite place to run is the beach, but I also run through neighborhoods with hills, on the university track, around my neighborhood, and on the treadmill at the gym (not my favorite, but there are times when that's really the best option).

    I'm not running much now because I'm just getting back into it again after recovering from an injury and surgery, and it's driving me nuts that I can't do the more challenging runs I used to do yet. I think the better you get at it, the more you'll enjoy it.
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    I hate running to...hate the shin splints and just don't feel productive doing it. I cycle instead. I cover more distance and love the feeling of cresting a long climb. Hiking is also another preferred activity. I love a nice long trail with a great view at the end.

    The point is, don't feel like you have to run. There are so many other things you can do. Doing something you enjoy makes doing it that much easier.
  • FlamingJune67
    FlamingJune67 Posts: 96 Member
    I always wanted to be a runner, but hated running. Once I committed to a goal and acheived it, I was hooked. That being said, if you hate it, find something else. No need to torture yourself!!

  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Well, I am lucky to live really close to a trail the county maintains right along the main river here, which I enjoy running along. It also helps that I run with my dog (motivation - she's a breed that needs to run) and I have goals of running a 10K and maybe even 1/2 marathon next summer (so I have mini-goals for now).

    But running isn't for everyone. Some people just don't enjoy it. It is a good cardio burn, but it isn't the only one. In fact, HIIT and Circuit Training (like Jillian Michaels and P90X and Insanity) actually seem to burn more calories. I think it's my dog and my goals that keep me going out and running, rather than the weight loss. So it's perfectly okay for you to find other activities that will help you reach your goals.
  • jagfan
    jagfan Posts: 255 Member
    In March I decided it was time to get my butt moving, so I signed up for a 5K that was to take place in May. I started the C25K program the next day and in May completed my first 5K. 2 weeks later, I did another 5K, and 3 weeks after that one I did another. Summer got busy, but I kept running and last night I ran for a total of 60 min without stopping. I am signed up for a marathon relay in September (the last leg, running 4.2 miles) and in October I am signed up for a 10K. I find by having something to run for keeps me focused. There are times when I do get bored while on a longer run, but I crank the music up and keep moving. While it may be tough during the actual run, the feeling of accomplishment when I'm finished is what makes me look forward to the next time!

    This is so true. I sign up for at least one race a month. That keeps me focused. I have had a love/hate relationship for a long time. However, going to the races, being outside and getting fresh air, and seeing the results, all make me love it more than hate it!

    Also, only run a couple of times a week. The rest of the week do your weight training and your favorite cardio...ride a bicycle...anything! Just enjoy what you are doing.
  • nejaustin
    nejaustin Posts: 76 Member
    Join a running group. There are many in every city. In Austin there is one for almost any level any distance, etc. Even if you do not plan on running a race it still gets you 1 or more times a week to make a commitment. That is how I started and I have since realized I still hate the first couple of miles, but after that I LOVE it. without the group I never would have stuck it out an realize how much running would come to mean to me
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    For me, everything must have a goal.

    When I started running it was to train to run a 5k race. I just wanted to make certain I could finish! When I ran the race, I found that it was a great experience. So, I signed up for a 10k race! Did that! Now, I am training for another 10k race with the objective of finishing in less than 1 hr (completed first @ 1:04:10).

    So, my suggestion, get a goal. Then work to achieve. Once done, get another and get back to work. And so on , and so on, etc.

    Remember though, no matter what the goal. Always take the time to enjoy the experience!!
  • Jump some rope for 20-30 mins that's just as good as going for a run. (i find it hard lol)
    If you're home alone I turn on some music & dance like a fool!
    It's cardio. :P

    I get bored running as well. I find it easier to run outside if anything.
  • RawVeganFlirt
    RawVeganFlirt Posts: 189 Member
    don't worry , running isnt for everyone. do things you enjoy. i prefer HIIT sessions because it gets the job done quickly. and you don't get bored because its so fast paced
  • atoffan
    atoffan Posts: 13 Member
    I hate long slow runs. I almost only run some sort of interval. I just change the length of the intervals and rest times. That keeps it a little more interesting and higher intensity. That and running outside if I am doing a slower continuous run. And of course music. Must have music.
  • Yes I have the same issue. I have went to other cardio workouts but i have to start running next week so I am ultimately going to have to suck it up. I will be running with a group so hopefully it will be easier. oh and i will be running at 5am so its a big "suck it up" lol. good luck
  • TabbathaAnne
    TabbathaAnne Posts: 162 Member
    I HATE running. And Ive tried to get into it for years now. Ive tried outside, inside, tracks, treadmills, etc. I just hate it. I think its not for me. Sooo I experimented. I LOVE spin bikes! They are amazing! Idk why, but its so intense and the classes with the awesome music blasting. I love it! And I love the cross trainers. My body has gotten used to those, so I switched to the elliptical recently. I guess Im just not a runner. But HIIT on an elliptical makes me feel like I dont need to be a runner to lose the cals!!! :)
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I bought an elliptical and have it set up in front of my tv :D perfect for the lazy person who still wants to work out!
  • theresmynapkin
    theresmynapkin Posts: 183 Member
    Once I got the physical stamina to run distances, I started getting bored and combated it by signing up for a race! Then I had a goal to work toward and every run wasn't just a "run" or a waste of time with no bigger picture. Each run became a tool to bring me one step closer to my goal of speed and endurance to do well in my race :) I now have quite a collection of race bibs :)
  • talkytina9
    talkytina9 Posts: 22 Member
    I would love to be able to run again..I probably could if I could just get over my phobia..I tore my ACL and maniscus a year and a half ago..part of my cartilage had to be the closest I come is power walking..I MISS BEING ABLE TO RUN..especially since I have children to run
  • ibcsrl19
    ibcsrl19 Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks for all the great ideas.
  • I like running, but only on the treadmill. I can't stand to run longer distances outside, as it bores me to tears. Running while on the treadmill I can catch up on all the TV I'm missing during the week while working, and not feel guilty about taking time away from hanging out with family.

    And it's getting towards fall, so now that I'm running I have no other option once the Chicago winter hits.