Weight Watchers--stuck in the middle...thoughts?

I know, I know, it helps you with portions (which I have tried to be a portion watcher my entire life and not really gotten far on mastering that one yet). It also encourages more fruit and veggies, I get that....which I could use more of.

However, I'm a numbers person. My friends are trying to get me to join with them (they have had great success) and I started tracking my "points" last week just to see about how many calories WW would allow me to consume for weight loss.

Friday at 3pm, I was at 24 points in WW world, and I hadnt even had dinner yet!! Typically they give females with minimal weight to lose 26 points. Then, I flipped over to MFP and saw I still had 450 calories I could consume to be at my calorie goal for the day.
Technically, by that standard, on that day from what I had eaten, WW would have only allowed me to eat 1050 calories. My BMR is 1364, so I would literally and physically be starving at 1050 calories!

I know once you start WW, you shouldnt focus on calories, and only on points, and I understand now why, because it's soooo confusing!

I'm caught in the middle! I want to lose 5-7 pounds and KEEP it off. I love the tools that WW gives it's clients (I'm such a "tool" girl), and I love that my friends who wanted to lose 10 pounds or so, have actually lost that and even MORE than that and love the program.

I know it's a fantastic program, and it does offer a lot of support, I just dont know if it will work for me.
I know some people out there are probably saying "just watch what you eat...duh". Well, like I said, I'm a tool person. I need to make things difficult, apparently hehe. I like the "extras" that come along with a specific program. But, I want those extras to be helpful and worthwhile as well.

I'm 5"3 and 140 pounds. My goal is 132, but 135 would be amazing too, if I stay there. My hubs and I are also trying for #2 right now, so I dont want to go hard core weight loss crazy, but I feel like WW is something I could continue throughout a pregnancy (with points modified of course, and with doctor's approval).

Anyways....thoughts on this? Anyone else feel conflicted to try ww, but just havent made the leap yet?


  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I tried it a few times. Always felt way too restricted. It was disheartening to see my points disappear so fast and overall I don't think I was eating enough.

    The points also makes it really hard to get an idea of what you are really consuming. I prefer to count calories rather than have to translate everything to a point value. Calorie info is easier to find.

    Then there was the cost. MFP is free.
  • _Mimi_
    _Mimi_ Posts: 233
    If you add in your "0" point fruits and veggies, I'm sure you will be fine on calories. Personally I would have the opposite problem. I could eat a LOT of calories in 0 point fruit.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    Being on WW made me very unhappy. Very sad is the word. I think it sucks... stay here.
  • gekcsk
    gekcsk Posts: 52 Member
    I have been on WW for 5 years and lost 113#s. Yes it took me that long. lol My body loses much slower than some. I had about 15#s creep back on (my own fault) so I decided to give this a try. I am tracking both ways and my calorie intake is about the same as the amount of points I get. I think both programs are great. I need to go to the meetings and be held accountable. That is what works for me. But this is helping me so much. I am going to continue to do both. Some things worked better for some people than others. But again, I think both programs are great.. FYI Free fruits and Veggies can get you in alot of trouble. I count mine. Hope this helps.
  • fitmek
    fitmek Posts: 277 Member
    I don't really want to have to pay for it every month, but I like that most of the cookbooks and blogs that I fix dinners and snacks off of, have WW points already calculated.

    On Friday when i calculated my points based off what I had eaten, I hadn't even eaten anything veggie or fruit related, minus some salad greens I had in my grilled chicken salad. Soooo....I'm pretty sure I still would have been starving like mad if I would have stuck to 26 points for the day.

    I eat a lot of "clean" foods and I have to figure out a balance between keeping "points" low and still eating really clean.

    I just don't know....what the heck I want to do! :)
  • 55sc
    55sc Posts: 46 Member
    I lost ~80 pounds several years ago with WW. It does work for most people. I stopped tracking and went back to my old ways and gained some back. I am using mfp now because of cost. Most weight loss plans work for most people, some better than others. Most have good points and not so good points, which is which and what works best depends on the person.

    If you do WW, commit to it, and don't worry about calories. There are lots of very low point foods that are relatively high in calories to fill you up and get you to your calorie needs. You earn points for exercise, eating those points will provide needed fuel. You also get weekly points to use as you wish, you can use some each day to meet your daily needs. You can also go up to higher points if you can lose on the minimum amount.

    If you have friends doing WW with success, you have an additional support system and can get advise from them.
  • iluvco3
    iluvco3 Posts: 98 Member
    I am a LT member of WW. As a Lifetimer, I continue to weigh in once/month and I attend additional meetings when I can. I use ONLY MFP - no counting points for me. That said, I continue to follow the Good Health Guidelines of WW. The accountability of weighing in really helps me. The leader of the meeting I attend is wonderful. As a LT member, I don't have to pay as long as I weigh in once/month and are no more than 2 lbs. over my goal weight.

    Like you, I am totally a numbers person, plus I want to know my nutrients. So, just determine whether you would benefit from WW and the accountability enough to justify the $$$.

    Good luck!
  • iluvco3
    iluvco3 Posts: 98 Member
    Just read your post again..... At 26 points I always came out between 1250-1450 calories. I do eat a lot of vegs, but very little fruit. Also, when you were comparing calories to points, did you add the calories for your fruit and vegs? I ask that only because 1050 sounds more like the total without. Lots of other people make that mistake since they are thinking along the lines that fruit and most vegs are 0 points.
  • eemorton
    eemorton Posts: 23 Member
    I am also a lifetime member of WW. It def worked for me several years ago when you had a point range. I don't love the new program.
    I still have lots of cookbooks and in addition to points listed, the macros are listed as well. You don't have to be a member of WW to buy their products.

    One thing I REEEEAAALLLLY dislike about WW is all the fake food. The bars, the crackers, the fruit chews. Its just low cal junk food. Its also difficult to grocery shop on WW. You have to pull out that calculator too much.

    I have had more success this time around with MFP. I double-tracked on both sites in March and then stopped my membership at WW. I am so glad! I think MFP is so much easier and more of a lifestyle AND you can't beat the price! :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    With so little to lose you should be netting at a minimum your BMR. I would suggest setting your goal to lose 0.5lbs/week and eat back the cals burned from exercise. eating less will lead to faster weight loss, but a larger % of that loss will come from lean muscle, instead of mostly fat.

    Weight watchers focuses on weight loss, not fat loss or fitness.
  • alord426
    alord426 Posts: 129 Member
    I joined WW on July 29, 2010 and lost 75lbs. I love WW and say it definitley works and yes after joining MFP I did learn that I was eating way under my healthy and normal calorie range but I learned so much from WW about portion control and everything. I stopped following WW due to financial reasons and wanted to try something new and MFP has worked so far. But I can definitley say WW will work if you have a substantial amount of weight to lose!!!
  • fitmek
    fitmek Posts: 277 Member
    Here is what I converted on Friday---and I guess this is a bad example because Friday's are my "eat a little more days"
    Starbucks Spinach Wrap w/ Egg Whites (280 cals) 7 p
    Snack, handful of peanuts in the shell--3/4 ounce-- (110 cals) 5 p

    Lunch was 1/2 classic salad from Panera bread (80 cals) 2 points
    cup of broccoli cheddar soup (didnt finish it all) (180 cals) 4 points
    1/2 my baguette (90 cals) 2 points
    I had them add a little feta cheese to the salad and take off the onions (90 calories??) 2 points
    Snack--half an oatmeal raisin cookie (234 cals) 6 points

    So just at 3pm, I was at 1064 calories and 28 points. See how it's not adding up? Normally I wouldnt have a cookie during the week, but I decided to splurge on Friday. So technically, I was over by 2 points and only at 1064 calories.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    With MFP I'm really about figuring out how to eat for the long haul. I like to track very accurately see cause and effect and adjust.
    I try different things and see what works for me.

    I haven't tried WW because I'm too scared. I know several people who have done WW several times and each time they gain the weight back plus more and have ratcheted them selves up to unhealthy weights.

    I kinda think WW makes money when they can keep you coming back for more. So it's not in their be$t intere$t for your maintenance to be successful.

    If you do do WW... With such a small amount to lose what about going straight to the maintenance program for your goal weight? You'll get there eventually and only have to relearn eating habits once.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    First off, let me start by saying that I am a huge supporter of Weight Watchers. I lost 70 pounds on Weight Watchers 10 years ago (unfortunately gained it all back but that had nothing to do with the plan, that was all me).
    I recently re-joined in March and I have lost 28 pounds since. Weight Watchers DEFINITELY works if you do it correctly.

    Secondly, if you only want to lose 5 pounds, you don't need Weight Watchers (I don't think you are even allowed to set a goal weight for so close to your current weight). If I were you, I would juse use MFP to count your calories, you should lose that 5 pounds within a few weeks, maybe less (you lose slower when you have so little to lose).

    Looking at what you ate for the day, it seems like you ate a lot of high point items all day without really cutting back anything. I am sorry to tell you but if you want to lose the weight, you will need to cut back in certain areas. For example, 12 points before lunch is A LOT of points to eat. I typically have about 3 points for breakfast and then lunch. Then you had 10 points for lunch which is also pretty high, followed by another 6 point snack which is huge.

    The reason you were at such high points for the day is because other factors go into the points besides the calories. You need to take note of the fiber and protein content of the foods you are eating. That will effect the points. If you choose the correct foods, you will be able to eat more calories for less points.

    So in your case it is definitely an issue of choosing healthier foods through out the day with smaller points values. A 6 point snack in the middle of the day is probably not a great idea, when you know you still need points for dinner.

    A huge thing that works for me is planning out everything I'm going to eat for the day, the night before. That way I know exactly how many extra points I have for a snack if I'm hungry. If that isn't possible for you, then just try to eat lower point foods - and on the new plan, fruits and veggies are 0 points, so if you are hungry, those should be your snacks. Not a 6 point cookie.. Hope that makes sense!! And good luck!
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I am also a lifetime member of WW. It def worked for me several years ago when you had a point range. I don't love the new program.
    I still have lots of cookbooks and in addition to points listed, the macros are listed as well. You don't have to be a member of WW to buy their products.

    One thing I REEEEAAALLLLY dislike about WW is all the fake food. The bars, the crackers, the fruit chews. Its just low cal junk food. Its also difficult to grocery shop on WW. You have to pull out that calculator too much.

    I have had more success this time around with MFP. I double-tracked on both sites in March and then stopped my membership at WW. I am so glad! I think MFP is so much easier and more of a lifestyle AND you can't beat the price! :)
    I'm not sure if you are aware, but you don't have to eat any Weight Watchers food while following the plan. They just sell it, but it is totally optional. If you don't want to eat the bars or crackers you don't have to. I don't buy any of the Weight Watchers foods except for the smoothies. And it is not difficult to shop on WW once you get the hang of it. I brought my calculator in the beginning but now I'm really good at estimating what the points would be (within a point or two) while looking at the package, then I just double check it when I get home.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member

    I haven't tried WW because I'm too scared. I know several people who have done WW several times and each time they gain the weight back plus more and have ratcheted them selves up to unhealthy weights.

    I personally gained weight back, so I know from personal experience that it had NOTHING to do with Weight Watchers. Weight Watchers is NOT a diet - it is supposed to teach you how to eat properly for the rest of your life. If one has the attitude that it is a diet, then you will gain weight back when you stop following the program (I did, and you should never stop). It is a lifestyle change.

    MFP doesn't teach you anything about eating properly. You can continue eating fatty foods that are unhealthy and continue losing weight, if you have a calorie deficit, but try keeping that weight off for the rest of your life. It will never happen.
  • bellavita0125
    bellavita0125 Posts: 116 Member
    i tried weight watchers. I felt soooo restricted and I absolutely hated it. Plus it was just too complicated for me. I didn't really stay long enough to figure out the system though (about 2 months, if that) so maybe that's why it was so difficult for me to understand. I prefer MFP. Plus, it's FREE. Spark people is free too. I tried that as well before trying this site. Again, I prefer mfp overall. :)
  • bugtrain
    bugtrain Posts: 251 Member
    First off, let me start by saying that I am a huge supporter of Weight Watchers. I lost 70 pounds on Weight Watchers 10 years ago (unfortunately gained it all back but that had nothing to do with the plan, that was all me).
    I recently re-joined in March and I have lost 28 pounds since. Weight Watchers DEFINITELY works if you do it correctly.

    Secondly, if you only want to lose 5 pounds, you don't need Weight Watchers (I don't think you are even allowed to set a goal weight for so close to your current weight). If I were you, I would juse use MFP to count your calories, you should lose that 5 pounds within a few weeks, maybe less (you lose slower when you have so little to lose).

    Looking at what you ate for the day, it seems like you ate a lot of high point items all day without really cutting back anything. I am sorry to tell you but if you want to lose the weight, you will need to cut back in certain areas. For example, 12 points before lunch is A LOT of points to eat. I typically have about 3 points for breakfast and then lunch. Then you had 10 points for lunch which is also pretty high, followed by another 6 point snack which is huge.

    The reason you were at such high points for the day is because other factors go into the points besides the calories. You need to take note of the fiber and protein content of the foods you are eating. That will effect the points. If you choose the correct foods, you will be able to eat more calories for less points.

    So in your case it is definitely an issue of choosing healthier foods through out the day with smaller points values. A 6 point snack in the middle of the day is probably not a great idea, when you know you still need points for dinner.

    A huge thing that works for me is planning out everything I'm going to eat for the day, the night before. That way I know exactly how many extra points I have for a snack if I'm hungry. If that isn't possible for you, then just try to eat lower point foods - and on the new plan, fruits and veggies are 0 points, so if you are hungry, those should be your snacks. Not a 6 point cookie.. Hope that makes sense!! And good luck!

  • NINtoTheVoid
    I was on WW starting January 2010 and lost 40lbs, but once they switched the plan in 2012 to add "free" foods, everything went downhill. :sad:

    What I like about MFP compared to WW is that a banana (or any fruit/veggie for that matter) ....HAS CALORIES. The new way they set up WW with Points Plus I've had a real hard time sticking within the daily points I was given and I'd avoid eating another point by eating a banana or some other 0 point food...well....in the non-WW world...if you eat 3 bananas, you've just eaten 300 calories, but WW its 0. No wonder people have a hard time with it not losing anything!

    If they woudn'tve changed it all around I probably would have stuck to it just fine (lost 40# the OLD way where ALL foods had points), but when they gave it a complete overhaul and started giving you "free" foods......it screwed me all up and I pretty much gained 75% of my loss back!

    I've been with MFP since August 6th and have lost 7.9# so far :smile:

    Edit: Oh and you're a tool girl like myself :wink: I'm constantly using the MFP mobile app. Works just like the WW app, but with calories instead :)
  • fitmek
    fitmek Posts: 277 Member

    One thing I REEEEAAALLLLY dislike about WW is all the fake food. The bars, the crackers, the fruit chews. Its just low cal junk food. Its also difficult to grocery shop on WW. You have to pull out that calculator too much.

    This is the only thing about WW I do not like either. I'm generally (minus a smart ones meal here and there) not a fan of packaged food. I know you can plan your menus however you would like, but most of my friends that are on the program eat a ton of sugar free jello, 100 calorie packs of cookies and crackers, the special K crackers, --basically tons of processed foods to keep their points lower. I wish there was a way that other things like peanuts or almonds or guacomole would be a lower point value--clean foods, good fats, good proteins etc.