What was your "fat" breaking point?

By that I mean when did it finally hit you that no matter what you need to start dieting to make a life style change and to stick with it?


  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    When I booked a cruise and didn't want to be the fattest chick in the pictures.
  • d8nni
    d8nni Posts: 49 Member
    I was supposed to lose the baby weight after my second child turned 1. He turned 2, and I was still 20lbs over my heaviest. I realized that my job, my home life, my schedule, nothing was going to change any time soon. Sooo, either I figured out how to make it happen, or accepted I'd be one of those ladies who got fat after kids and just stayed that way. Uh uh, I'm to cute to be fat! :-)
  • marsviolet
    marsviolet Posts: 79 Member
    When I found out my work was getting compulsory uniforms as of next year. They are not flattering to say the least.
  • wedge421
    wedge421 Posts: 224 Member
    I was supposed to lose the baby weight after my second child turned 1. He turned 2, and I was still 20lbs over my heaviest. I realized that my job, my home life, my schedule, nothing was going to change any time soon. Sooo, either I figured out how to make it happen, or accepted I'd be one of those ladies who got fat after kids and just stayed that way. Uh uh, I'm to cute to be fat! :-)

    This sounds like my wife currently. I would never push her to do anything but your description is exactly what I hear a lot from here. I just want her to be happy. Hopefully she can find her point of clarity
  • emilysmom26
    It really hit me a few days ago. I've dieted on and off for the past couple of years but have been suffering from depression among other things and couldn't get the motivation to do anything about it and kept gaining weight. I was overweight for most of my life except for a few years ago when i was in great shape and that lasted maybe 3 years. I miss being in great shape and having a good self esteem. I really don't like my body at all and now i'm finally going to do something about. That should help with my depression also,
  • d8nni
    d8nni Posts: 49 Member
    I hope your wife will start using an app like this one. The simple act of tracking calories is what made things start to move in the right direction. One of my girlfriends had tried several different things and she convinced me that a calorie app is the most effective. So far, I agree!
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    I pretty much hit rock bottom in every area of my life. I guess you could say I woke up and realized I was the only one who could change it all and I knew I had to start with changing ME. It started with portion sizes, cutting out the junk & processed foods. Eventually started really eating clean and exercising. Forceed myself to this every day because the alternative made me cringe. Fortunately, I became a bit obsessed with it. I soon realized I was feeling a lot better, both physically and mentally. At that point, it became nonnegotiable. It's just the way I live my life now and I wouldn't want it nay other way. I don't ever want to go back to the person I was a year ago.
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    We played a game at a baby shower, and I had to guess the pregnant friends waist measurement, I jokingly put mine in and hers was smaller than mine

    That was my breaking point
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    When I realized my entire closet was full of black clothes. Like I was going to a funeral everyday... a funeral for my body.

    And I looked like a black cow in all the black clothes.
  • atxdee
    atxdee Posts: 613 Member
    I was in VEGAS and went to all their buffets, then when I got home I weighed myself at 150ish and my gut was hanging out my shirt..
  • projectxreborn
    When my son had to be taken by ambulance to a bigger city hospital...I was terrified I would not be able to ride
    with him...and then when we arrived, realized I had absolutely no extra clothes for the next few weeks we would
    be there...it wasn't as if I knew anyone that was my size I could borrow from. It was just extra stress that I did not
    need on top of everything else.
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    when I was about to go up a size with my winter coat. I thought no way and decided this was it.
  • tamtamzz
    tamtamzz Posts: 142
    I was changing my shirt, and my husband had a t-shirt on and my six year old yelled, ''Mommy! Your belly is bigger than daddy's!" That was IT. If you need some clarity about a situation, ask a 1st grader. They don't hold back lol.
  • Everythin2Lose
    The breaking point was when I realised I was 26 and fatter than when I turned 25 and I've had the year from hell where I've had no control over anything and I am so sick of seeing myself in photos and being ashamed of being the fat girl day in and day out - i don't care if my face and personality is amazing (which my ex keeps telling me) - I look in the mirror and I can't stand to have one more day where I am fatter and more unhealthy as I am today...... so I'm getting off my fat *kitten* and showing the world who I want to be!
  • OnMyWeigh464
    OnMyWeigh464 Posts: 447 Member
    By that I mean when did it finally hit you that no matter what you need to start dieting to make a life style change and to stick with it?

    Sadly, I have had a few of them.

    The first was when I realized I weighed more than I did when I was carrying a full term baby...that depressed me. September 2004 I weighed in at 247.5

    I lost ALOT of weight...my mini goal was 200...I got to 202 then got pregnant with an unplanned third pregnancy...lost the baby. Went into a deep depression and got to my highest of 293 :-(

    My final breaking point was just the way I feel...walking a few steps and getting out of breath. Not being able to tie my own damn shoes without lifting my damn foot onto a foot stool!!!

    Going onto a ride at our West Edmonton Mall Galaxyland and being asked to get off because the restraints weren't closing :-(
  • neetneetneets
    neetneetneets Posts: 95 Member
    Every year.
    Getting diagnosed with mild depression and realising how much of a positive impact regular running had made on my life last year, and that if it didn't work with my schedule I'd have to join a gym.
    I went to the Dr about another unrelated issue, she asked how active I was and I said I used to run but hadn't had enough time to put into it this year. I was incredibly stressed, working and studying a demanding degree. She suggested I put exercise back into my life - the best part of that was that I'd already booked an appointment at a nearby gym, and told her that with a big smile on my face.
    I realised no matter how much I need to study and work, I should always have some 'me' time and do something that makes me feel good about myself. I was worried initially that I wouldn't have the time to commit to join the gym. But then I thought - there's no WAY I should neglect myself and focus solely on my degree. I am me, not what I study.
    So nearly 12 weeks of gym attendance 5-6 times a week, I feel better about myself, am much fitter and healthier, no longer feel depressed and what's more, my fear of not dedicating my whole day of study has been completely eliminated - I have been doing a lot better academically as well.
    Let's hope this time it works (me getting into a bikini by December!)
  • katiefly86
    I've hit bottom twice. The first time was while I was in the Army. I'd given birth to my first child, 3 1/2 months later I deployed to Iraq. I went into a terrible state of depression. I got up to 167 (in the army mind you), and was about to be kicked out if I didn't lose it. So I lost it and got to my smallest @ 135, and shortly after got pregnant w/ my second child.

    My second is 4 now, and I'm no longer in the army. I became extremely depressed since I got out of the army, and went through a divorce. I hit bottom just over a week ago. I was laying in bed crying b/c I didn't want to live any more. But, I'd never harm myself b/c I have so much to live for. I knew then that I had to do something. I look in the mirror and can't see the ME that I know I am. I deserve to see her again, and my children deserve a mommy that can keep up with them. Someone recommended me to this site, and I thank her each time I talk to her!!!
  • hannahcaringal
    LOL "i'm too cute to be fat" hahah!!
  • hannahcaringal
    By that I mean when did it finally hit you that no matter what you need to start dieting to make a life style change and to stick with it?

    Sadly, I have had a few of them.

    The first was when I realized I weighed more than I did when I was carrying a full term baby...that depressed me. September 2004 I weighed in at 247.5

    I lost ALOT of weight...my mini goal was 200...I got to 202 then got pregnant with an unplanned third pregnancy...lost the baby. Went into a deep depression and got to my highest of 293 :-(

    My final breaking point was just the way I feel...walking a few steps and getting out of breath. Not being able to tie my own damn shoes without lifting my damn foot onto a foot stool!!!

    Going onto a ride at our West Edmonton Mall Galaxyland and being asked to get off because the restraints weren't closing :-(


    Funny, I am an Edmontonian as well and I'm glad to see you've lost weight! Just had a question, If you eat out here in Edmonton (for lunch, something like a food court), what do you usually get?

  • kobashi
    kobashi Posts: 164
    Blood pressure was high and just felt like I needed a change in life. Always depressed.

    Now, in general, I feel great!