What was your "fat" breaking point?



  • Jamdrgn
    Jamdrgn Posts: 15 Member
    It isn't a fat point although I am a size 12 the first for me, but when the doc found atypical cells and i am now on cancer watch with a regiment to help kill the cells before they become cancer. If I am changing my food might as well change my lifestyle and stop trying to pretend my size 6 clothes shrunk.
  • 300.1lbs.

    No. Thank. You.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    My pants got really tight. Pants cost money. Eating less is free.
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    After years of successfully avoiding cameras I now have a boyfriend who takes photo ALL the time and I'm sick of seeing pics of me looking foul!
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    Right before I found out I was pregnant with my son. Also was looking back through pictures of when my husband and i got engaged and realized how big i was back in 2009. My asthma was kicking in more from even the littlest walk. Decided enough was enough back in 2011 (yes I was ignorant, and carried 243 for 2 years). Now being at 187, i know i still have a ways to go, but i am going to get there!!!!!!!!!!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I felt disgusting on my wedding day.

    Now that i'm divorced (almost) I have to get back into the dating world. I've put about 15lbs on in the past year.
    I need to be confident by the time i'm ready to date.
  • petiteLady89
    petiteLady89 Posts: 198 Member
    I didn't feel comfortable being intimate with my husband for a long time. Very low self-esteem. So I decided I didn't want to keep living that. It was really bad. I didn't ever want to leave the house.
  • wedge421
    wedge421 Posts: 224 Member
    I didn't feel comfortable being intimate with my husband for a long time. Very low self-esteem. So I decided I didn't want to keep living that. It was really bad. I didn't ever want to leave the house.

    I was/am in a similar situation. I just dont feel comfortable in my own skin
  • 2 years ago, I realized that I couldn't put on my socks or wipe my a** without a massive amount of effort. So I dropped 15-20 pounds. Was pretty proud of myself too until I took a trip to Egypt and got on a camel. The poor camel screamed really loud when he stood up with me on his back. The camel's operators were trying to help him stand up and everyone was staring at me. So embarrassing!!! Next time I go to Egypt I'm going to ride on another camel, and he won't scream.
  • ladytxn
    ladytxn Posts: 97 Member
    I'm to cute to be fat! :-)

    Love THIS!!!
  • clowdusc
    clowdusc Posts: 32
    It finally hit me to start dieting again when I hit almost 160lbs - again. When I was in junior high, I was around 170lbs, which is obese for my height. Slowly but surely I lost the weight and was down in the 130's by my junior year of high school. Then I slacked off, and started gaining weight again. I was concerned when I hit the 140's again, but didn't do a whole lot about it. Then when I looked at my graduation pictures, I told myself "That is not what a healthy me looks like..." I hopped on the scale, and here I was at 158lbs. I was hesitant to start dieting again, mostly because now I'm on my own and buying healthier is a lot harder than just eating healthier. But I finally cracked down on myself in January. I've dropped down to 140 now, and I'm not going to be happy until I've not only reached around 120lbs (my goal weight is 115lbs for the reason that my weight does fluctuate, so 115-120 is a happy weight. If I hit 120, I push back to 115lbs.) but I also need to reach a healthy diet and lifestyle so I can keep the weight off. Old habits are hard to break, but I'm being really stubborn with myself because when I look in the mirror, I'm not happy yet. And that's what initially caused me to break down on myself.
  • slsmoot123
    slsmoot123 Posts: 98 Member
    When a relationship with someone I really adored fell apart, I couldnt help but wonder if my weight had something to do with it. It probably didnt but my being overweight permeates my ever thought and shakes my self confidence. That's when I decided for the next relationship being overweight is not going to be at the root of my insecurity. Let it be because my breath stinks or something :laugh: Thanks for the reminder of why we all work so hard and do what we do!
  • Watching my entire immediate family (who are all obese) deal with various health issues, most of which are at least partly related to weight. As a 39 year old, I needed to make a lifestyle change. Been working so far, BMI is down into the normal range :)
  • endureandpersist
    endureandpersist Posts: 59 Member
    When I found out that I had a umbilical hernia and that by losing weight, I decreased the chance that I would need an operation.
  • ajswriter
    ajswriter Posts: 117 Member
    There were a couple...

    -The idea of going into a size 20 was unacceptable to me.

    -Being told part of the reason my then-spouse and I weren't having sex was because I was overweight. (I asked, though, so, don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to...lol )

    Started exercising & eating better & kept it moving! :)
  • Vipecap
    Vipecap Posts: 166 Member
    It was a combo of things all happening within a week or two of each other that finally made me change my lifestyle.

    1. My father, who is extremely obese, developed NASH(Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis), due his weight and well fat.

    2. Literally being out of breath and my calves being on fire from walking outside my place to take the trash cans out, so not even 100ft worth of travel.

    3. Seeing the scale at the doctor read 301.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I can't say I ever had a "fat" breaking point. I was fat pretty much my whole life and there comes a time when you stop letting it bother you...at least that's the way it was for me. I have confidence, and don't really care what anyone else thinks about me and my weight. I never let my weight hinder me from doing anything I really want to do.

    I just made a promise to my wife that if she would get on a "diet" that was real and actually doing some exercising and not just fad diets she normally does, then I would jump on board and get healthy with her.

    Well, she started working her butt off exercising and eating healthy, so I started eating healthier too...mostly because she's the cook. I started to exercise some and now I'm all in to get myself healthier and to support her.
  • Nukkers
    Nukkers Posts: 139 Member
    Being asked if I was pregnant. Several times. I'm not. I hated my body. And though I know it's not where I want it to be, and the scale is not moving fast enough, I know I'm on my way!
  • After a nice vacation with my toddler daughter but without my husband, my husband squeezes my stomach, jiggles it and says laughing "You were eating good in Florida. You didn't leave here with all of THIS! Instead of laying in the bed, you should be working this out at Planet Fitness. HA HA HA". Needless to say I didn't find him funny at all. He says he was joking but whatever.

    I had started working out right before I went away...for me, for my health, and because it would make me happy. I was at work one day...had gone to the bathroom, washed my hands, did the mirror check and had to do a triple take because I didn't recognize the person staring back at me. I was furious and disgusted and immediately started looking up programs to join and that's when I found his app and Planet Fitness but the incident with my husband really drove the nail in the coffin for me. I was so insulted. There's no turning back for me.

    While on vacation I didn't diet or workout and I gained 6/10 of a pound. I thought that was pretty good. I started dieting and working out a day after I got home. So far I've lost 6.6 lbs. in almost a months time including my 10 day vacation time. I'm proud of myself, inspite of what others may say. They'll be my fuel when I'm pounding away at the gym.
  • Atarahh
    Atarahh Posts: 485 Member
    When I saw pictures of myself that I didn't like.