Wii Fit is awesome



  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Does anyone happen to know how to change the difficulity level you chose when setting up My Fitness coach? I set it too hard and nearly died the first time I used it, and haven't gone back for a few days because it was too hard. I was thinking of just deleting my profile and making another one, but if I can figure out how to just change it I'd rather.
    Thanks guys!! :bigsmile:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Sorry I can't answer your question, jb_sweet, buuuuut

    Here's what I did in Jillian's Pre-Made workout today...
    "Ran" 5 mins
    90 Jumping Jacks ('m very uncoordinated, so I just trotted in place some more, and did the arm lifts in time)
    21 Hip Twists
    50 Butt Bicycling thingies (which I still can't figure out how to do correctly, she was yelling at me the whole time)
    20 Sledge Hammers
    60 Oblique Twist Crunches (which I also struggle with doing correctly)
    60 MORE Jumping Jacks
    60 Crunches (Please tell me we're almost done!)
    15 Push Ups (must touch chest to Wii board, and completely SUCKS if you're a chick! Ouch, my poor girls)
    10 Boat Poses (which is really just the jackknife exercise)
    1 Lunge Stretch (Honestly, why couldn't we have done that FIRST? It was a great warm up stretch!)
    20 MORE Push Ups
    40 MORE Oblique Twisty Crunch Thingies (Okay, CAN WE BE DONE NOW?!)
    20 Squat Jacks
    *Collapses and DIES... at least until tomorrow's workout*

    If that's not good enough of a workout for you, then you really are used to a hard workout. That was really strenuous for me!

    EDIT: Didn't feel like doing Yoga on Wii today, so I just relaxed & did Rhythm Kung Fu and Rhythm Boxing for 1/2 hour. Burned 150 cals.
  • patricia184
    patricia184 Posts: 49 Member
    I get carsick real easy and hated the Wii games because that's how they ALL made me feel, so I've been reluctant to try the Wii for physical fitness. Does anyone out there get dizzy using their Wii for exercise or do you think it is something I should try?
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I love the Wii Fit I've had it for awhile and its fun and a workout. I've been wanting to get the new Wii Fit Plus. Anyone tired it?

    I have Wii fit plus. Its alot of fun I'm not going to rely on it for all my workouts but tonight I didn't feel like going to the gym so I came home and did my Wii Fit Plus for an hour and 15 minutes.

    In order to make it harder and unlock things you can't half *kitten* it you have to get high scores thats the point of the game to unlock other activities so you have to push yourself and I am a competitive person so it makes it fun for me besides having fun I am burning calories.

    I wore my hrm while doing it tonight and I burned 505 ( I don't stop working out until I atleast burn 500 calories) Mind you I also got side tracked and played some of the balance options so my Heart Rate dropped but it was fun
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I wimped out of my Wii Biggest Loser workout today, and did Wii Fit Plus instead. Did you know that Rhythm Boxing on Expert burns, like, 90 calories? So guess what I did for an hour. I love the Boxing! I torched through 400+ calories in 45 mins or so. It was great! For a break in between, I did Rhythm Step and Rhythm Kung Fu. Gotta love the Wii!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I have the BL game too. I have been bad on not getting on it but mabye i will tonight. I did the 1st 4 week challenge. I use Jillian as my trainer. Some of it can't do , i modify it to do the best i can.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I haven't tried the Biggest Loser one yet i have it and set it up but haven't tried it. I like the Wii fit because its a workout and a game in one and I like to get high scores.

    My husband and I played the games together on Wii Sports and he said if they had this 10 years ago American's wouldn't have become so obese- I completely agreed with him. Me, Him, and our 8 year old daughter spent an entire afternoon playing tennis, bowling, baseball, and boxing all of us were quite sore the next morning hahaha but went right back at it the next day. Great family fun. We don't sit down either..
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    So after you do the resolutions do you just go to workouts and it will do a new one for you or do you have to go to resolutions for the 6 month thing.?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Sorry I can't really answer you there, jdavis. I set it to 6 mos, so I don't know. You do the resolution, and it takes you through the workout after you select attempt. It should do it for you every time like that. I haven't played it since the other day. It's just really intense for me, but I'll take a look at it tomorrow to see if I can figure it out for you.
  • lovemyblessings
    I use the step aerobics on my Wii Fit and I love the advanced step, but I hate that it's only 5 minutes. Does anyone know if the Wii Fit Plus has more step aerobics? Hubby bought my an extender for my step, so it's right around 6 inches now. I usually do that 20 minutes or so per day, but the free step for that amount of time gets boring. I'm really hoping to find a better step game!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Lovemyblessings, have you tried the boxing on Wii Fit Plus? It's a lot of stepping around the board, and it works your arms & shoulders too. You'd probably get quite the workout with the extenders. The Expert level alone on boxing torches through 90 calories, easily, in a 10 minute span.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I love the boxing one I am really sore from it today. I am switching weeks of one week of wii fit and then the next week my workout videos!!! I am at the point now Its not lbs i iwll be losing its inches. So do you have to unlock the expert level on boxing?
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Do you guys think the calorie counter on there is accurate? I know my weight and BMI is off on the wii fit.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    My weight and BMI are pretty dead on with Wii Fit Plus. I unlocked the Expert level on the boxing by scoring high on beginner & advanced. Once you get it unlocked, try to beat my high score of 1190.
  • queen3510
    Hubby bought my an extender for my step???

    Where did he get the extenders from? Can they be ordered or bought at the store? Thank you for response! I'm interested in gettign the Wii Fit Plus too!!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I usually do the wii fit at night so i measure myself every morning on the scale i don't go by the wii fit much because i know i'm not gaining that much. Have you seend results from the boxing or other wii fit stuff?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I have been getting results using Wii as my primary workout. I typically burn 300-500 calories on Wii Fit +, and another 100 or so on Biggest Loser

    Extenders can be purchased on amazon.com I believe.

    jdavis, your wii is probably off because everyone's body weight fluctuates about 2.5 lbs throughout every day. I can weigh 240 in the morning, and 243 at night, and 245 in the middle of the day. It's better if you use your wii around the same time you weigh yourself, and make sure you're wearing the lightest clothes you can. That helps too.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Ya thats why I don't follow my wii fit weight.
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member

    I have wii fit plus and gold's gym cardio and I love them. I do both of them almost every night. I would like to get the biggest loser game, it sounds like everyone likes it here? My big question is, does it count the calories you burn? I am assuming it does, but I don't like to assume much..
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Biggest Loser does count calories, but I don't think it's accurate. It says I burn 100 calories in a BL workout, but it doesn't always count what I'm doing, so I know I'm burning more than it's counting. For example, I can never get it to count my hip lifts for some reason, even though I'm doing exactly (or it looks like) what Bob is doing on the screen. I know I burn more than 100, cuz I FEEL the burn.
    To answer your question in short, sjmay... Yes, Wii BL counts your calories as you burn them... depending on how well the computer thinks you do the exercise. It certainly makes it difficult to cheat or fool the system.