How do I eat all those calories?



  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    It asked me for my current weight and my goal weight and when I put in my info that's what it said.... nothing about subtracting anything It specifically said Eat this many calories.

    Helloitsdan- Please excuse me for calling you a fruit loop.
    Dan's follower's - Please excuse me for calling Dan a fruit loop.

    It's ok, we all get a little grouchy on a calorie deficit. After you get it all straightened out, you may decide to call him a Lucky Charm instead. :bigsmile:

    I've been called many things but like the honey badger....I don't give a ****!
  • MayeNesh
    MayeNesh Posts: 5 Member
    After reading this thread, I came to a conclusion: I want Fruit Loops!!

    Seriously: Good info here and I will visit these sites!! Thanks for the info!

    And for the OP: Drink more water!
  • emnpepper
    emnpepper Posts: 16 Member
    I have the same issue in regards to keeping my daily cals up. Thank you for the advice provided in this thread - I've lots of reading and learning to do...
  • peachea
    peachea Posts: 92 Member
    My CURRENT WEIGHT and my GOAL WEIGHT input are the same exact two numbers. For example, I weigh 204, so my current weight is 204. Dan asks you to NOT put what you'd like to weigh in your GOAL WEIGHT, he asks you to put your current weight in your GOAL WEIGHT. So my goal weight was 204.

    After it gives you your TEE, you look it up in the chart below, figure out your activity level, then deduct 20% from that. The number you come up with is what you should be consuming while active. Did you also measure to get your body fat percentage? You need to have that in order to get these numbers. Also, when I am not active, for whatever reason, I don't go below 1600 calories as BMR because as he said, your body needs energy to live on just a basic level.

    Let me know if you got all of that and if not I can help you.

    It's not really hard to eat that much when your hungry from exercise but so far I have been able to do it myself. There are a lot of healthy foods that are high in calories, that are filling enough. I broke my food tracking into 6 meals per day. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack, divided up my calories and follow it that way. Not always perfectly but well enough.

    You'll get it! I know you have a fear of eating too much and that maybe you'll wind up gaining, but if youre exercising youll keep muscle and lose fat. It's important to measure and not get on the scale. You can shrink into a tiny little thing who's fit and still keep the same weight. It's all about lean muscle mass.