Halp! Dealing with saboteurs at work :(



  • jjmnet
    jjmnet Posts: 110
    At "SoDamnHungry"..........
    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I'd love to see that!!!!!! :drinker:
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    I think it's hilarious that some people are taking you seriously LOL :laugh:

    This gave me a great laugh for today! NOW GO EAT SOME HAGAN DAS!!!! :drinker:
  • lg3703
    lg3703 Posts: 190
    Lol.. yeag- thought about revoking your man card when you mentioned wheat grass.
  • FloridasFinest
    I think it's hilarious that some people are taking you seriously LOL :laugh:

    This gave me a great laugh for today! NOW GO EAT SOME HAGAN DAS!!!! :drinker:

    Yep ^^^ Agree! You'll eat your icecream later anyway!
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    I know you are not totally serious, especially with the wheat grass comment but…..
    I opened the fridge today at work and I am in for it as well. Not only do they always have donuts, cookies, muffins, and pot lucks every freakin day! They have 5 cakes and pies for a couple peoples birthdays! Not 1, Not 5 small cakes and pies. 5 FREKIN HUGE CAKES AND PIES FROM KEY LIME PIE (my fav) to chocolate moose, to cheesecake. THEY ARE HUGE! 1 of them is 2 feet across of chocolate cake with a chocolate filling! !@#!@#$ What the !@#$@#$!! SERIOSLY!

    …I understand…. Wheat grass aside. Maybe I should get some key lime pie ice cream for later if I make it…. That seems to be one of your favs too.
  • budru21
    budru21 Posts: 127
    OMG. I could write a book on this topic. I work in an area where there are two chatty (overweight, but ALWAYS "dieting") women in a cubicle, then two older men that eat anything under the sun and don't think twice. These people are also the social butterflies of the entire organization, so they invite others over for pot lucks every single Thursday. There are usually 10-15 dishes of nasty salads, cakes, pies, cookies, brauts, nachos, etc. I don't like this stuff, but it cooks all day long, and people come and go and are eating it all day long. THEN...every Wednesday is "Chinese Day" where they all order out from the Chinese joint and eat together. THEN...they celebrate SOMETHING at least once a week, where they bring in cake, ice cream, pie, or whatever and "celebrate." Finally, one of the older guys has a wife that loves to bake, so he brings in things constantly. All this is fine and dandy, BUT they will intentionally set plates full of brownies, cookies, whatever...on my desk while I'm out doing things, so I come back to the temptation at my desk. They did this for months while I was dieting down for my first physique show. When I couldn't take it anymore, and hit an all time low for carb depletion and sleep deprivation and exhaustion, I snapped. I came into my office to see a plate full of brownies and a note that said, "EAT ME FATTY!" I shoved two whole brownies in my mouth, chewed it up half way, while picking up the plate of remaining brownies...I went out to the ***** that did it and threw the plate of brownies at her. I then went around the corner to the next cubicle and spit the brownies out on the other *****'s desk and said....I can't possibly swallow these. I'm too fat. I turned around and walked out. I went to my car, went home early, and balwed my eyes out. Dirty *kitten* never did it again. :-)
  • budru21
    budru21 Posts: 127
    lol I am sure they didnt do this on purpose! lol You knew it was coming.....either eat what you want and work it off or bring your own treats to share....who knows maybe someone there might be looking for something healthy too. :)

    My veggies and fruit usually get eaten first. This is a great idea!
  • JenniferNoll
    JenniferNoll Posts: 367 Member
    OMG. I could write a book on this topic. I work in an area where there are two chatty (overweight, but ALWAYS "dieting") women in a cubicle, then two older men that eat anything under the sun and don't think twice. These people are also the social butterflies of the entire organization, so they invite others over for pot lucks every single Thursday. There are usually 10-15 dishes of nasty salads, cakes, pies, cookies, brauts, nachos, etc. I don't like this stuff, but it cooks all day long, and people come and go and are eating it all day long. THEN...every Wednesday is "Chinese Day" where they all order out from the Chinese joint and eat together. THEN...they celebrate SOMETHING at least once a week, where they bring in cake, ice cream, pie, or whatever and "celebrate." Finally, one of the older guys has a wife that loves to bake, so he brings in things constantly. All this is fine and dandy, BUT they will intentionally set plates full of brownies, cookies, whatever...on my desk while I'm out doing things, so I come back to the temptation at my desk. They did this for months while I was dieting down for my first physique show. When I couldn't take it anymore, and hit an all time low for carb depletion and sleep deprivation and exhaustion, I snapped. I came into my office to see a plate full of brownies and a note that said, "EAT ME FATTY!" I shoved two whole brownies in my mouth, chewed it up half way, while picking up the plate of remaining brownies...I went out to the ***** that did it and threw the plate of brownies at her. I then went around the corner to the next cubicle and spit the brownies out on the other *****'s desk and said....I can't possibly swallow these. I'm too fat. I turned around and walked out. I went to my car, went home early, and balwed my eyes out. Dirty *kitten* never did it again. :-)

    I'm really sorry you have such generous, genial, and friendly co-workers. Are they forcing their treats down your throat?

    Geez. Just have some self control and don't eat the treats.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    OMG. I could write a book on this topic. I work in an area where there are two chatty (overweight, but ALWAYS "dieting") women in a cubicle, then two older men that eat anything under the sun and don't think twice. These people are also the social butterflies of the entire organization, so they invite others over for pot lucks every single Thursday. There are usually 10-15 dishes of nasty salads, cakes, pies, cookies, brauts, nachos, etc. I don't like this stuff, but it cooks all day long, and people come and go and are eating it all day long. THEN...every Wednesday is "Chinese Day" where they all order out from the Chinese joint and eat together. THEN...they celebrate SOMETHING at least once a week, where they bring in cake, ice cream, pie, or whatever and "celebrate." Finally, one of the older guys has a wife that loves to bake, so he brings in things constantly. All this is fine and dandy, BUT they will intentionally set plates full of brownies, cookies, whatever...on my desk while I'm out doing things, so I come back to the temptation at my desk. They did this for months while I was dieting down for my first physique show. When I couldn't take it anymore, and hit an all time low for carb depletion and sleep deprivation and exhaustion, I snapped. I came into my office to see a plate full of brownies and a note that said, "EAT ME FATTY!" I shoved two whole brownies in my mouth, chewed it up half way, while picking up the plate of remaining brownies...I went out to the ***** that did it and threw the plate of brownies at her. I then went around the corner to the next cubicle and spit the brownies out on the other *****'s desk and said....I can't possibly swallow these. I'm too fat. I turned around and walked out. I went to my car, went home early, and balwed my eyes out. Dirty *kitten* never did it again. :-)

    wow.......at your reaction, not their generosity or friendliness.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Eat a fiber one bar between every unclean food item
    It'll flush out all the dirty food before your body can absorb any of the bad calories
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Kill them all.:flowerforyou:
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    They're out to get you! You better run and hide before they force these baked goods down your throat!
  • Shenzi03
    Shenzi03 Posts: 88 Member
    Am I the only one who noticed how insanely ripped the OP is?! I really don't think one doughnut is going to derail his progress!
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I'm really sorry you have such generous, genial, and friendly co-workers. Are they forcing their treats down your throat?

    Geez. Just have some self control and don't eat the treats.

    Yes, writing your coworker a note that says "eat me fatty" is the epitome of friendly. I would have went ape *kitten* too.
  • s_who
    s_who Posts: 8 Member
    Today there are two mini parties for a guy whose wife is having a baby and a girl who is going on maternity leave. There are unclean baked goods everywhere! Clearly they are trying to derail my clean eating lifestyle because they are jelly. Why couldn't they bring in organic apple slices or some wheat grass shots instead of OJ and muffins and doughnuts?

    How do you deal with sabotage such as this?
  • s_who
    s_who Posts: 8 Member
    Bring some fruit to contribute to the celebration. In our office we have a birthday cake almost every month. This month it was my birthday and I asked for watermelon instead. It was DELICIOUS!
  • Kellybeth16
    People should seriously think about how it affects others before they get pregnant. Stupid parties. Go steal all of their gifts. :smile:
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Today there are two mini parties for a guy whose wife is having a baby and a girl who is going on maternity leave. There are unclean baked goods everywhere! Clearly they are trying to derail my clean eating lifestyle because they are jelly. Why couldn't they bring in organic apple slices or some wheat grass shots instead of OJ and muffins and doughnuts?

    How do you deal with sabotage such as this?

    Next time...volunteer to bring that kind of stuff. That's what I do for "eatin' meetin's"
  • mfittracker
    If the food is dirty, just clean it off. 10 second rule doesn't apply to party food....
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Today there are two mini parties for a guy whose wife is having a baby and a girl who is going on maternity leave. There are unclean baked goods everywhere! Clearly they are trying to derail my clean eating lifestyle because they are jelly. Why couldn't they bring in organic apple slices or some wheat grass shots instead of OJ and muffins and doughnuts?

    How do you deal with sabotage such as this?

    Go out to lunch after dropping in and and giving congrats.