smoking with asthma and exercise PLEASE HELP



  • cassiepv
    cassiepv Posts: 242 Member
    I have asthma and I'm doing couch to 5K . No problems so far
  • rustyfla
    rustyfla Posts: 15 Member
    Been an asthmatic since a kid and have COPD (never been a smoker, but was near a chemical explosion as a kid).
    Every six months i have my breathing checked with a Spirometer at the doc's office.

    I started doing an Elliptical machine for 10 minutes, then as I increased to 30 minutes, I started doing the interval setting, wearing a heart rate monitor making sure i was in the 75% to 85%.

    After losing 60 lbs and getting up to 45 minutes and staying in 75% to 85% on the Elliptical, I had my breathing checked again
    at the doc's office and my breathing increased 20%.
  • tsmom1128
    tsmom1128 Posts: 151 Member
    for all the people telling me to quit:

    I have two beautiful children, 2 and 7. The day that I found out that I was pregnant with them, I quit smoking, all the way up until I was done breastfeeding them. I don't smoke in my house, or in my car. I change my clothes when i get in the house. They BOTH have asthma. I have tried to quit several other times, but with a husband that smokes and the stress of my life, i have picked the habit up again and again. I will NEVER give up on quitting. My health all around is what is at risk right now, not just from smoking. I am prediabetic, and severly obese. I am cutting down on smoking, but need to get the weight down as well. That was my reason for this post. I KNOW i need to quit. I was looking for some guidance. Walk a mile in my shoes before you type the easy workds on the keyboard. This is a place for people to get support, not for people to send messages to me bashing my choices. My mother in law died from lung cancer. I was by her bed for the month journey from diagnosis to death. I know the risks and if seeing her decline hasn't helped me any, your telling me to quit isn't going to either. Please keep your negativity to yourself.
  • kokaneesailor
    kokaneesailor Posts: 337 Member
    I have asthma, and smoked for 31 years. My lung capacity was very low. I quit ( finally) by reading Allen Carr's book. The best thing to do is take it slow and use your ventilators prior to exercising. Start with slow walk's, then gradually build up speed and endurance. It takes awhile but don't get discouraged, you can do it.

    I haven't had to use my ventalin in over 3 months. By getting in shape and quitting smoking, drinking and eating right I was able to start hiking mountain trails were I live. Something I only dreamed about a year ago when I was 40 pounds overweight and would get out of breath tying my shoes. You just need to want it bad enough, and I wanted it.

    Best of luck :wink:
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    I smoked for 14 years about a pack and a half a day. I actually quit after I started exercising, it was like the natural progression of things, being healthy. And honestly? Losing weight is a lot harder than quitting smoking. And after I quit smoking, I felt like I could conquer the world :laugh:

    Start walking, cut down on the smoking, and you'll know when you're ready.:flowerforyou:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    for all the people telling me to quit:

    I have two beautiful children, 2 and 7. The day that I found out that I was pregnant with them, I quit smoking, all the way up until I was done breastfeeding them. I don't smoke in my house, or in my car. I change my clothes when i get in the house. They BOTH have asthma. I have tried to quit several other times, but with a husband that smokes and the stress of my life, i have picked the habit up again and again. I will NEVER give up on quitting. My health all around is what is at risk right now, not just from smoking. I am prediabetic, and severly obese. I am cutting down on smoking, but need to get the weight down as well. That was my reason for this post. I KNOW i need to quit. I was looking for some guidance. Walk a mile in my shoes before you type the easy workds on the keyboard. This is a place for people to get support, not for people to send messages to me bashing my choices. My mother in law died from lung cancer. I was by her bed for the month journey from diagnosis to death. I know the risks and if seeing her decline hasn't helped me any, your telling me to quit isn't going to either. Please keep your negativity to yourself.

    sounds like you're not trying to convince us...
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    Even out walking you could have difficulty but I agree your best type of exercise is going to be walking.

    I have environmental allergies, mostly to fragrances, so I know how hard it is to catch your breathe. :grumble: I get the folks doing laundry, pumping all the scented detergents & softeners out the vents, or someone walks by who's wearing a ton of perfume, or a stinky vehicle goes by & nearly chokes you. :ohwell:

    I won't give you a lecture on smoking even though I've been smoke free for 7 yrs because I know that you'll just get ticked off & light another. :smokin: Been there, done that!

    Good luck with your exercise.:smile:
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I am a smoker too - I began jogging about 2 months ago and have gradually increased my pace, speed and distance - but my lungs let me know about it. I am using the difficulty to encourage me to quit (that is the next thing on my fixing me list).
  • vtachycardia
    "Please keep your negativity to yourself."

    certainly a new one, advising someone to give up harmful toxins is negative.

    Is a positive help slogan, "go and jump in front of a bus."

    Walk a mile in your shoes, maybe you should walk a mile in your shoes.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    for all the people telling me to quit:

    I have two beautiful children, 2 and 7. The day that I found out that I was pregnant with them, I quit smoking, all the way up until I was done breastfeeding them. I don't smoke in my house, or in my car. I change my clothes when i get in the house. They BOTH have asthma. I have tried to quit several other times, but with a husband that smokes and the stress of my life, i have picked the habit up again and again. I will NEVER give up on quitting. My health all around is what is at risk right now, not just from smoking. I am prediabetic, and severly obese. I am cutting down on smoking, but need to get the weight down as well. That was my reason for this post. I KNOW i need to quit. I was looking for some guidance. Walk a mile in my shoes before you type the easy workds on the keyboard. This is a place for people to get support, not for people to send messages to me bashing my choices. My mother in law died from lung cancer. I was by her bed for the month journey from diagnosis to death. I know the risks and if seeing her decline hasn't helped me any, your telling me to quit isn't going to either. Please keep your negativity to yourself.

    I was going to write something helpful, about my path to quitting, about what I was able to do and not do while smoking and how it affected me. I'm an asthmatic too, btw.

    Then I read the above, and honestly, you don't want advice. You want people to sugar coat the truth. Sorry, but I refuse to give advice when you don't want it.
  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    for all the people telling me to quit:

    I have two beautiful children, 2 and 7. The day that I found out that I was pregnant with them, I quit smoking, all the way up until I was done breastfeeding them. I don't smoke in my house, or in my car. I change my clothes when i get in the house. They BOTH have asthma. I have tried to quit several other times, but with a husband that smokes and the stress of my life, i have picked the habit up again and again. I will NEVER give up on quitting. My health all around is what is at risk right now, not just from smoking. I am prediabetic, and severly obese. I am cutting down on smoking, but need to get the weight down as well. That was my reason for this post. I KNOW i need to quit. I was looking for some guidance. Walk a mile in my shoes before you type the easy workds on the keyboard. This is a place for people to get support, not for people to send messages to me bashing my choices. My mother in law died from lung cancer. I was by her bed for the month journey from diagnosis to death. I know the risks and if seeing her decline hasn't helped me any, your telling me to quit isn't going to either. Please keep your negativity to yourself.

    You have responded to the people who you feel are criticising... what about your thoughts on the other advice that people have given you?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Sorry cant help - you said we arent allowed to post the real answer. cheers!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    No negativity here...I have never smoked a cigarette in my life. But I have been addicted to junk carbs....and, yes, the cravings can be just as bad, and just as dangerous. That's why I have T2 now. So I went cold turkey off the junk. And it worked....cravings gone....even living with a partner who can eat what he wants and doesn't gain an ounce! Wasn't easy but when your choice is your health, you do what you have to do. I can't say I am particularly strong willed person, but I don't want to have heart problems, nerve damage, a stroke, PAD, etc. I wish you luck with your weight loss program!
  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member
    I am 48 years old and have smoked for 32 years. I currently weigh 170 pounds and am 4'10".

    I do cardio almost everyday, sometimes I have to take a break and then get back to it but I get it done. I ride my bike for miles a day. I also do some walking.

    Try out some exercise videos, do what you can do and no more. The next time do a little more, and so on. Even if you can only do 5 minutes the first day, the next day try for 6 minutes and the next day try for 7 minutes and so on. You can do the same with walking, take it slow at first and build up to doing more.

    If you need a friend on here, please feel free to add me. Good Luck to you!!

    Just noticed you are 5' tall. We must be friends, sending you a request.
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    And after I quit smoking, I felt like I could conquer the world :laugh:

    Start walking, cut down on the smoking, and you'll know when you're ready.:flowerforyou:

    I agree!
  • tsmom1128
    tsmom1128 Posts: 151 Member
    for all the people telling me to quit:

    I have two beautiful children, 2 and 7. The day that I found out that I was pregnant with them, I quit smoking, all the way up until I was done breastfeeding them. I don't smoke in my house, or in my car. I change my clothes when i get in the house. They BOTH have asthma. I have tried to quit several other times, but with a husband that smokes and the stress of my life, i have picked the habit up again and again. I will NEVER give up on quitting. My health all around is what is at risk right now, not just from smoking. I am prediabetic, and severly obese. I am cutting down on smoking, but need to get the weight down as well. That was my reason for this post. I KNOW i need to quit. I was looking for some guidance. Walk a mile in my shoes before you type the easy workds on the keyboard. This is a place for people to get support, not for people to send messages to me bashing my choices. My mother in law died from lung cancer. I was by her bed for the month journey from diagnosis to death. I know the risks and if seeing her decline hasn't helped me any, your telling me to quit isn't going to either. Please keep your negativity to yourself.

    You have responded to the people who you feel are criticising... what about your thoughts on the other advice that people have given you?

    I think it's all great. I was just checking out online the ECig, hopeing that maybe I can do as one person suggested and cut down on the junk stick, and then cut it out completely. when my son gets up from his nap, we three are going to walk to the market (which is about a mile from my house) so that way I can get some walking in. (which also saves on gas, which is a plus) I am thinking about just not buying any more. The idea teriifies me, but the others are right to, if I want to make the changes in my life, I can't just talk about it, I have to be about it.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 892 Member
    I've had bad ashtma most of my life. At one point my heart stopped beating as a child. My dad gave up smoking for me to surivive. I wouldn't be able to start an exercise program while smoking too. Your question seems a bit off as it doesn't sound like your lack of exercise is the problem. Ashtma is the problem. It's hard to deal with. Try to get it under control first. Then figure out the exercise.
  • Captain_Spatchcock
    Ok first of all, smoking, asthma, and exercise is a very bad combination. I suggest you cease all exercise immediatley. You don't want to give yourself an asthma attack. if you feel that you need to stay active, consider rolling your own cigarettes instead of buying the mainstream pre-rolled stuff.
  • staceface519
    I get where your coming from. . i still smoke and i still work out. . . . sometimes. . depending how hot it is, kills my asthma with being a smoker. . . but if keep cool and really drink a LOT of water i dont feel it that bad. . . the longer i run/walk/ exercise the easier it becomes, even with smoking. . . . my asthma is really bad but doesnt seem to bother me unless i smoke a cigarette RIGHT before working out, then it will give me heart palpatations from the stress and the nicotene going through my blood. . .

    id say try not having a ciagette at least 2 hours before you work out and 2 hours after. . . it also can depend on what medications your on for asthma. . .

    my albuterol inhaler i try to use not so much because of the steroid in it. . . . . . if anything ill take a pre-workout puff hours after my last cigarette and then go about my workout. . . .

    Ive tried the Ecig and all that fun stuff and they really dont work. . . . i went through a hell of withdrawl from ciagettes when i did the fake cigarette. . . so it wasnt worth it. . . its easier to ween yourself off . . . . even still im at 3 - 5 cigarettes a day and just fine with my asthma, allergies and workouts. . . u just need to see what works for u.

    one thing to keep in mind though. . . . smoking is a weight maintainer. . . meaning that if u quit smoking there is a huge potential that you could eat more and gain weight. . . .when you smoke the nicotene coats your stomach not making you hungry. . . but smoking wont make u skinny either. . . . if u can. . . cut down (for the weight loss and asthma) little by little and see if u can do that. . . try it out. if its not for u then try a different alternative.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I totally understand the smoking addiction; I was a smoker for 13 years. I will tell you that when I made the decision that I wanted to lose weight and get in shape, I quit smoking. But, it was not an easy process and took me several tries. I would get on the treadmill and just get pissed off that I couldn't even jog for 10 seconds without feeling like I was going to die from lack of oxygen! I was finally able to stop by exercising every day (and struggling for air), using the nicotine patch and lozenges, and an E-cigarette. I am now 8 months smoke-free! I was not able to exercise hard enough to lose weight while smoking. I want you to know that if quitting is a choice you are considering, you won't regret it; but it is going to be the most difficult thing you have ever done! However, the rewards are endless! In January, I was lucky if I could jog for one minute before wanting to collapse. Now I am able to do 60 minutes of an Insanity workout! I would have NEVER thought that would be possible!! I wish you the best of luck with whatever decision you make, and I hope you are able to reach your goals! :wink: