Starting Chalean Extreme and have Questions...



  • Ljmcbryde
    Ljmcbryde Posts: 10 Member
    I am gonna start with 15s and see how that feels, and if its just a bit too much, i will go 10s... I need to get 2.5 lb plates so i have a middle of that if i need it.. Anyone that wants to friend me on this, go for it, just make sure there is a note with it to tell me who you are a little bit!
    Each muscle group is going to require a different weight. For example you would lift a lot heavier on a squat than you would on a shoulder raise. So you will need a range of weights and will need to switch your weights throughout each workout.

    Chalene is good at telling you if you will need a lighter or heavier weight. Of course it is all relative to your fitness level and strength. Just go easy the first workout and record your weights on the workout log (which you can get online). If the weight was too light, you just know you will need to go heavier next time. :)

    Good Luck! Chalean Extreme is a great program!
  • Larisonlj
    Larisonlj Posts: 426 Member
    I am going to be starting CX on September 3. I use 5-10 pd weights. Feel free to friend me if you want a workout buddy. :) We can keep each other accountable.
    Me too! Just received mine and want to look through the DVDs, read up, and then get started.