Paying extra for organic, free range, etc?



  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    I do, where possible buy organic fruit and veg and free range chicken and eggs

    It's not all that more expensive. Lidl do great organic veg. And the local butcher will fillet a chicken etc
  • treehugger215
    treehugger215 Posts: 97 Member
    DEFINITELY worth paying extra for!! The amount of hormones they pump animals with is horrible - and that is going into your body! Not to mention the horrible treatment!!
    I pay extra for clean, healthy, organic foods from local health food stores. working at a health food store has made me realize it is veryyyy important!
  • mirandamayhem
    Organic carrots. The one veg I really really notice the difference with
  • SurfinBird1981
    SurfinBird1981 Posts: 517 Member
    Organic carrots. The one veg I really really notice the difference with

    Definitely! sweeter I think.
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    If I eat the peel or the whole thing, I try to stick with organic.
    Grass fed beef is AMAZING compared to conventional.
    I look for hormone free dairy when possible.... that is dairy made with hormone free milk, not like Daisy sour cream who states "with no added hormones" which is simply a marketing ploy. No dairy manufacturer adds hormones to the final product, so "no added hormones" is moot, but some dairy manufacturers make sure their cows havent been treated with hormones at all.
    Free range eggs are a must for me and I find them only slightly cheaper than regular from a local farm.
    BERRIES retain some of the highest levels of pesticides so if I cant afford them organic I dont eat them. But I usually buy them on sale and then freeze them :)
    I don't worry about oranges, bananas, anything with a peel that needs removed, seafood because I'm not eating it every week, nuts, and anything I don't regularly consume. If I'm only going to eat it or drink it on occasion I don't spring for organic unless I just particularly love the brand.
    Oh and I have found that organic wine is much higher quality than similar price range conventional wine. I don't know if it is because of the grapes, or just the manufacturers have a better quality product, but I have yet to meet an organic wine I don't like :)
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    Some organic fruits taste better like grapes and apples. Normal apples here are so gross, so much pesticides on them I can't even get it all off.
    I would never waste money on organic oranges, bananas... things with peels you don't eat.
    If I don't buy veggies from the farmers market I get the normal ones at the grocery store, for some reason the veggies here aren't covered in 10 layers of crap like our fruit is.
  • trish0018
    Fish! It is more expensive but is leaner, and has omega fatty acids.. (beware of mercury levels) Make to research the best fish to buy. Wild caught Alaskan salmon is my favorite!Stop buying canned, boxed, any thing processed. You should then have more to spend on healthier items. :)