Would you ignore it..or get involved? RANT!



  • kototo
    kototo Posts: 49 Member
    Sorry... disagree... there are things that you just don't do in a gym. You don't gawk, you don't drop the weights, you don't belittle other peoples attempts. No one said the management should accuse the patron of anything. Simply bringing the code of conduct to the attention. And I guess if the person in question got upset, THEY can find another gym!

    Grrrr the formatting isn't working.. LOL
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    I have always told my kids if they see someone in distress- being bullied - or in some other ganged up on situation - go find help if they cant themselves be of some kind of help.

    In this case- Id tell management - or - even more fun- rally around your friend. Get a bunch of fun gals- hit that class and have a ball with it and your friend. Encourage and smile at each other and make like the skank bit - errr I mean skinny bitc -err - them chicks! are not even in the room.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    You heard one side. Lots of times people hear what they do or do not want to hear and take things out of context.

    The other ladies could indeed have been making fun of her....orrrrrr they could have been talking about something (or someone) different and this friend of your projected. So, before you get the tar and feathers out for these folks it would be nice to calm a bit.

    If your friend wants to lose the weight she will go to the gym, or any gym, or work out at home, or whatever..... If this stops her I would say she was looking for a reason.

    And I agree, it would be best if most folks simply smilled and gave a friendly wave. But thats not how humans work. As to reporting it to the management, if I had a manager of a gym approach me and accuse me of making fun of someone based on a secondhand story (which this is) it would not be pretty.

    THe best think would be to let your adult friend be an adult and allow her to deal with things herself.
    It doesn't matter if the women were actually talking about her friend, or someone else entirely. That kind of behavior in an environment that is supposed to be about improving one's health and well being is uncalled for and downright unacceptable.

    These catty women need a reality check. That being said, I agree with the other posters. Report the situation to management. If it continues, and management does nothing about it, take your money elsewhere. You and your friend to not need to support an establishment that condones such childish, rude behavior.
  • Kookie215
    Kookie215 Posts: 66 Member
    This is why its so hard sometimes for me and my friend to go to the gym when there is a lot of people there! We have honestly walked in about 6 at night seen how many people were there and then walked rite out but you should never let anyone make you feel bad about bettering your self! i agree with most people here you should go to management
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    OP, I totally get where you're coming from. If it was my friend, I would totally want to open up a can of whoop *kitten*. However, stooping to the level of those b****es will solve nothing. The best thing you can do is support your friend, and encourage her to keep trying to better herself.

    Hell, tell her to use their rude, catty remarks as motivation. That's what I did, and it worked.
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    I wont hurt her..but she doesnt have to know I wont...really....:devil:
  • andrewlazenby
    You heard one side. Lots of times people hear what they do or do not want to hear and take things out of context.

    The other ladies could indeed have been making fun of her....orrrrrr they could have been talking about something (or someone) different and this friend of your projected. So, before you get the tar and feathers out for these folks it would be nice to calm a bit.

    If your friend wants to lose the weight she will go to the gym, or any gym, or work out at home, or whatever..... If this stops her I would say she was looking for a reason.

    And I agree, it would be best if most folks simply smilled and gave a friendly wave. But thats not how humans work. As to reporting it to the management, if I had a manager of a gym approach me and accuse me of making fun of someone based on a secondhand story (which this is) it would not be pretty.

    THe best think would be to let your adult friend be an adult and allow her to deal with things herself.
    It doesn't matter if the women were actually talking about her friend, or someone else entirely. That kind of behavior in an environment that is supposed to be about improving one's health and well being is uncalled for and downright unacceptable.

    These catty women need a reality check. That being said, I agree with the other posters. Report the situation to management. If it continues, and management does nothing about it, take your money elsewhere. You and your friend to not need to support an establishment that condones such childish, rude behavior.

    again..... the poster is working off a secondhand story. If it continues, by all means, report it. But it needs to be the friend. Not a friend of a friend. If I had a "secondhand" story by an individual cause me trouble at a gym with the managment, I would look at legal recourse if if cost me any money. Furthermore, if the gym management will take a secondhand story and run with it, they suck at management.

    not saying that it does not occur.... I am saying that we are only getting one heavily biased side of the story.
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    Me..personally..I would say something to them. However, I have learned that speaking calmly..yet in a way that scares the *kitten* out of them...works way better than yelling, swearing, screaming, etc.

    I hope your friend can move past this and get the courage to take a class or two....she should never let someone with such an ugly soul cause her pain. Remember, you can always lose weight, but you can't fix an ugly heart.
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    You heard one side. Lots of times people hear what they do or do not want to hear and take things out of context.

    The other ladies could indeed have been making fun of her....orrrrrr they could have been talking about something (or someone) different and this friend of your projected. So, before you get the tar and feathers out for these folks it would be nice to calm a bit.

    If your friend wants to lose the weight she will go to the gym, or any gym, or work out at home, or whatever..... If this stops her I would say she was looking for a reason.

    And I agree, it would be best if most folks simply smilled and gave a friendly wave. But thats not how humans work. As to reporting it to the management, if I had a manager of a gym approach me and accuse me of making fun of someone based on a secondhand story (which this is) it would not be pretty.

    THe best think would be to let your adult friend be an adult and allow her to deal with things herself.
    It doesn't matter if the women were actually talking about her friend, or someone else entirely. That kind of behavior in an environment that is supposed to be about improving one's health and well being is uncalled for and downright unacceptable.

    These catty women need a reality check. That being said, I agree with the other posters. Report the situation to management. If it continues, and management does nothing about it, take your money elsewhere. You and your friend to not need to support an establishment that condones such childish, rude behavior.

    again..... the poster is working off a secondhand story. If it continues, by all means, report it. But it needs to be the friend. Not a friend of a friend. If I had a "secondhand" story by an individual cause me trouble at a gym with the managment, I would look at legal recourse if if cost me any money. Furthermore, if the gym management will take a secondhand story and run with it, they suck at management.

    not saying that it does not occur.... I am saying that we are only getting one heavily biased side of the story.

    Well..she said..and I quote "Look at the fat cow on the treadmill" while they pointed at her..and laughed?

    I dont see my friend as a fabricator either..for attention..I sure the HELL would not want to admit that someone said that about me!
  • AnewTif
    AnewTif Posts: 26
    Your friend needs to gain some perspective. I am that girl. I want to lose 175 lbs. I'm at 103 lost right now. I go to the gym 5-6 days a week and I have my Ipod and do my thing. I smile at people who smile at me. One time, about 3 weeks ago someone made a comment that I overheard (in between songs on my Ipod) about my fatass. I turned around and looked at him and said, "Oh I'm sorry, is my fat *kitten* in the way? You know the ironic thing is I'm here doing something about my fat *kitten* and you'll probably always be an *kitten*." The funny thing is 3 weeks ago I had lost 98 lbs. So I wasn't nearly as fat as I once was.

    There will always be those people that are just *kitten*. Plain and simple. She has to take pride in who she is and just getting to the gym is half the battle.

    A month ago I joined the bellydancing class at the gym and it is so much fun. My belly dances all on its own right now, but I have a blast. I go by myself and I am by far the biggest one in the class and I laugh at myself the whole time. I sweat and I'm sore the next day. I don't do it for anyone else. I do it for me.

    Tell your friend that she's not there for anyone else other than herself.


    For everyone of those people, there is a few more that notice what she's doing and applaud it. They may not vocalize it, but I've had random people, men and women come up to me in the gym and tell me I'm doing a good job. The first couple of times I thought it sounded patronizing, but then I took the comments for what they were and in the spirit in which they were given. An "Atta Girl" for a job well done.
  • lynnprice
    lynnprice Posts: 101 Member
    I have family that owns a cemetery....we can help you hide the body!!!
  • andrewlazenby
    Sorry... disagree... there are things that you just don't do in a gym. You don't gawk, you don't drop the weights, you don't belittle other peoples attempts. No one said the management should accuse the patron of anything. Simply bringing the code of conduct to the attention. And I guess if the person in question got upset, THEY can find another gym!

    Grrrr the formatting isn't working.. LOL

    same goes for the "slighted individual".
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    I have family that owns a cemetery....we can help you hide the body!!!

    I like the way you think..:laugh:
  • kazhowe
    kazhowe Posts: 340 Member
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I honestly would walk right up to the *kitten* and call her out. I wouldn't get physical, but I would make her feel like a piece of steaming cow **** when I was done with her.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    ...aaaaand this is why I put in my headphones and don't make eye contact. I am not there for them, I am there for ME. :angry:
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    I love seeing fatties at the gym. It makes me smile and I'm glad to see them working hard. :)
  • Christylee76
    Christylee76 Posts: 138 Member
    This breaks my heart, however I can kind of relate.. I had a similar thing happen to me when they couldn't get the Superman ride to close on me at Six Flags..Mid summer, 2 hours of waiting in line, as I was told to exit off, I could hear the laughs and words of people..As I left there in tears, I used that to fuel my weight loss journey...NEVER again will that happen to me..Tell your friend to hold her head high...She is certainly in the right place to see help..The GYM..I mean when we are sick we go to the dr, and when we need money we go to work, right? Sorry that people can be so cruel!!
  • Jesstruhan
    Jesstruhan Posts: 331 Member
    That is horrifying. I don't condone the violence, only because you would likely get arrested, but nobody should have to feel that way. I am always worried at the gym about what I look like and looking around to see if anyone is snickering but WHY should we have to feel that way?! Why do we let these haters make us feel so down!?

    I say report her to the front desk. It's likely that she'll lose her membership or be asked to leave the gym of her own accord. That's justice enough if the little brat doesn't get the point, but someone needs to tell her to keep her hating to herself. I"m sure she hates a lot about herself and judges herself against others to make herself feel better. Making someone else feel bad likely makes her feel better. Horrible little piss-ant.
  • lowbodyfat
    Just get all gangster on them. Walk up to them all intimidating after listening to some Dr. Dre and be like. "What the f**ck you talking *kitten* about my friend motherf*ucker, talk some **** to me now b*tch, what the f*uck, you want some *kitten*? P**sy-*kitten* b*tches thats what I thought, dont you ever talk *kitten* about my friend again."