Would you ignore it..or get involved? RANT!



  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    If you or your friend catches her doing it again, just calmly walk up to her and say...

    I may be a bit big now, but I can lose weight. Unfortunately, you'll always be a __________.

    Insert favorite word for a horrible person.

    You get this look from them at simply having the sheer gall to stand up to a bully. Bullies pick on those who they feel are inferior and the continue to do it because often times, those who are bullied are afraid to stand up.

    I've used this against some of my bullies in my past, and the look on their face when you just have the audacity to stand up for yourself is worth it alone.

    Then, tell management - I'm betting they have a policy that will at least get her reprimanded and told that if she does it again, she's out.
  • Sounds like she had a run-in with some catty twats. I'm to the point in my life where quite frankly I am tired of just sitting around and being quiet about b*tches. If it happens again and you're there, tell them to go to he11! And reporting the last incident to management is probably a good idea too. The more people get away with stupid middle-school type bullsh*t behavior like this, the more it just continues.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    When I was more of a gym rat, I'd say something to people that I saw engaging in this type of behavior. Very similar situation once, where a bunch of spandex clad women in full make up and hair at the gym were getting down on some heavy girl for actually sweating while she was doing her best to work out on an eliptical. I was in the weight cage that the gym had for heavy lifters that was really near and I dropped everything that I was doing and approached the pack of twats and gave them the whatfor.

    Most of the time when people like that are called on their bull **** they stop. If that doesn't work report them to management.

    This and other reasons is why I don't go to regular gyms any more. If I step foot in a gym I prefer the dank basement type that are full of juicers that are roided up and just want to work out, or go to a crossfit gym where the only people there are actually interested in working out. The gym should not be a socialization environment like a club or bar...
  • Cathcandoo
    Cathcandoo Posts: 107 Member
    There is not much I can add that hasn't been said but one thing I have NEVER understood is....
    WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD ANYONE MAKE FUN OF AN OVERWEIGHT PERSON EXERCISING????? They should be commending, encouraging and supporting someone trying to better themselves and get healthier!

    I have heard people making fun of larger people at an all you can eat buffet - and that isn't right either....but at a GYM it is just downright idiotic! She is lucky to have someone so supportive there for her...good for you both!
  • gibsy
    gibsy Posts: 112
    If she tries it again, your friend should just report her. A friend of mine, a thin and very mild mannered woman just getting started with strength training and who had never gone to a gym before, had a problem with a guy at her gym who would make fun of her when she was using the free weights. She'd never spoken to him in her life, but he would laugh at her for choosing smaller weights, and not in any way that could maybe have been a poor attempt at flirting or friendly teasing or encouragement (not that this would be ok either) he was actually just really mean to her. He did this several times over several weeks, and wouldn't f**k off when she told him to, so she ended up reporting him and it never happened again.

    These are the kind of losers who scare people away from ever stepping foot in a gym and they need to be put in their place. Everyone no matter where they are at in terms of fitness deserves to be respected and left in peace to work on whatever they're working on.
  • Racerrgirl21
    Racerrgirl21 Posts: 31 Member
    Those "mean girls" in school always pissed me off! It really gets me mad when people like to pick on other people over things they wear or how they look. I would just have a "talk" with this girl and tell her how it is very inconsiderate and childish to be name calling and poking fun at someone who actually is trying to better their life and don't deserve to be humiliated for it. Just be upfront with her.

    Gosh, I don't even know your friend and it makes me so angry there are people this immature out there!
  • anneerick
    anneerick Posts: 147 Member
    Personally I probably wouldn't do anything... but that's my personality. The only thing I would do is try in everyway to encourge my friend.
    Someone on mfp (i can't remember his name) showed me this. I think it fits this topic. Give it to your friend, it takes two minutes to read it, I promise it's worth the time.

  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    I'm still trying to plot my plan of attack...its a terrible thing to have a tramatic Spinning accident... :laugh:

    but reporting is probably the best route...
  • Tell the gym manager! They will most likely talk to the girl about this and tell her not to do this b/c it could affect their cusomers. And, I would also confront the girl myself AFTER you know the manager spoke with her and let her know what's on my mind.
  • manhn1
    manhn1 Posts: 137 Member
    It's not your battle to fight. You can give your friend the options mentioned in this thread, but it's up to her. I would not appreciate someone I confided in going after the person who slighted me.

    I must confess that in all my time in the gym (almost 20 years), I have never been a victim or seen someone be a victim of insults. And I'm a weirdo. I'm one of those people who will lipsync to some song on my MP3 player (today, it was Glee's rendition of "We Are Young") while running on the treadmill. I get looks--but I don't blame people for looking. I'm weird. But no one points and laugh. So, it is hard to really imagine people in a gym setting being so actively rude (although there are certainly rude and inconsiderate people in the gym--they're everywhere).

    I would be as supportive as possible and when you're at the class, keep your eye on those girls. If you see something remiss, then you can act!
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    I would cut a b!tch
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