Would you ignore it..or get involved? RANT!



  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,234 Member
    Sadly, some adults are teens that never grew up! Tell her to press on! She can do this...I have felt self concious too...still do sometimes but I know I got to do this! Maybe just move to another machine. Now if they follow her and harass then she needs to report them...bammas!
  • missanniegee
    This is the number one reason i stay away from gyms!!! I used to go before and people would always stare at me / laugh at me. So i bought a treadmill / exercise DVDs and now workout from home.

    why can't they just show support, shes there because she obv knows she needs to be healthier and its not easy on her and theyre not making it any easier.
  • pen_thief
    pen_thief Posts: 78 Member

    Those See-You-In-TEES!!!

    They either need the worst verbal burn in human history that makes them feel ashamed of themselves for at least a decade, or a legitimate smackdown.
  • pen_thief
    pen_thief Posts: 78 Member
    Just get all gangster on them. Walk up to them all intimidating after listening to some Dr. Dre and be like. "What the f**ck you talking *kitten* about my friend motherf*ucker, talk some **** to me now b*tch, what the f*uck, you want some *kitten*? P**sy-*kitten* b*tches thats what I thought, dont you ever talk *kitten* about my friend again."

    I just laughed my @$$ off at this. Thanks!!
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Every time I see someone who is obviously just starting their wieght loss journey and I think to myself every time I see them "Good for YOU".

    Me, too. I can't help but smile in admiration. I want to walk up to them, give them a hug, and say "good for you!"

    But when I started out, people would look at me and smile and I thought they were being condescending.

    It never occurred to me that most of them had probably been through a journey somewhat similar to my own and were smiling because they were thinking "good for you!"

    Humans. If we aren't acting in the worst possible way toward each other, we're assuming someone else is. Go figure. LOL
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Well..she said..and I quote "Look at the fat cow on the treadmill" while they pointed at her..and laughed?

    I dont see my friend as a fabricator either..for attention..I sure the HELL would not want to admit that someone said that about me!
    Oh, that's so horrible! I feel so sorry for your friend. Her treadmill time should make her feel empowered and these nasty women are just tearing her down. They truly do have ugly hearts as someone else said.

    I think your friend should report it to the management to get it on their radar so they will do something if it ever happens again. I've always imagined things like this could happen at a gym, which was why I bought a treadmill to get in shape in the privacy of my home. Reading things like this makes me glad I did. I know that's not an option for everyone... and shouldn't be! People should act like adults and show some common decency toward others at the gym. This makes me sad.
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    Just get all gangster on them. Walk up to them all intimidating after listening to some Dr. Dre and be like. "What the f**ck you talking *kitten* about my friend motherf*ucker, talk some **** to me now b*tch, what the f*uck, you want some *kitten*? P**sy-*kitten* b*tches thats what I thought, dont you ever talk *kitten* about my friend again."

    I will wear a bandana...and some gold chains..just to make it more realistic.. :wink:
  • lowbodyfat
    Yeah or you could buy a 24 ouncer and blast this right before you pull up to the gym buzzing, just kidding you'll probably lose balance. :) lol http://youtu.be/SVCKZoWAlDw
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Me..personally..I would say something to them. However, I have learned that speaking calmly..yet in a way that scares the *kitten* out of them...works way better than yelling, swearing, screaming, etc.

    ^^^^Exactly what I was going to say. Just state your b!itch-out in a very calm but "you know exactly what the h*ll I'm talking about so don't let me hear that it happened again" sort of tone. I feel this approach comes across a little better than screaming at someone and walking away. It tells them that you're mature, but you're watching them.

    And by the sounds of it, she'll get the hint, especially if you really can take this b!tch like you said you can. :laugh:
  • rlouise14
    One reason I don't want to use the gym until I've lost some weight. I'd definitely feel to self conscious working out with how much I weight at the moment. So laps of my garden and running up and down the stairs each day will have to do for now :)
  • Jamdrgn
    Jamdrgn Posts: 15 Member
    Wow, my evil mind went straight to "accidently" pulling out the plug while she was running on the treadmill. Then I realize her insecurites made it easier to poke fun at someone else to entertain the other morons she was with.

    Even if you say anything to her she would probaly pull a OMG it was a joke get over it. Best thing is for your friend to not give up and let this motivate her to get to her goal and then she can tell this B*$%h to kiss her firm butt.
  • zeebruhgirl
    zeebruhgirl Posts: 493 Member
    Take the class with your friend, if she gets started be like "excuse me, who is making an effort here to better themselves? don't bring people down."

    Or punch her after gym :D haha
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    Just continue being the positive energy for her. encourage her. making fun of others WHILE they are trying to better themselves is just awfull. i wouldnt seek those girls out but if they tried to include me i would set them straight.
  • AmandaInGA
    AmandaInGA Posts: 122 Member
    Oh my..I'm soo GRR right now! A friend from my gym(she probably has at least 150 to lose) just mentioned how she was worried to try out some of the gym classes..... She said because this one girl(who I know) might be there.. I said? Why?! She proceeds to tell me that she was on a treadmill one day and her and her skinny friends were making fun of her and calling her fat and laughing at her... it just breaks my heart :brokenheart: Ok.. I really dont want to lose my gym membership..but someone needs a B*tch slap down.. :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode:

    My number one loathing attribute of humanity..People who think they are better than someone else because of looks..

    I was there before..having a lot of weight to lose.....and I'm not saying I am currently some bikini model:noway: .but I know how she feels. Its very intimating to go to a gym and feel like people are starting because of your size...it reminds me of the teasing and taunting some kids got in grade school...like..really? We are adults here...Geeeeezz!

    Please please PLEASE..just give people a smile...a hello..just getting to that gym without canceling because they felt
    self-conscious a huge feat in itself...:cry::cry: That small gesture of kindness will go so far..you have no idea...

    I had tears in my eyes she told me too..and I hugged her tight..the sweet thing! :sad: :sad:

    Now..I can TOTALLY take this girl out... I just gotta figure out how I can do it..legally...:wink:

    see? this is EXACTLY why i won't go to a regular gym.. I go to Curves during the day when I know most of the women are at work so that I am there by myself.
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    I think we have all exp this one time or another.

    My Gym has a second story where the women work out and there was this lady who always talk smack about people coming in. Well one day she "picked" on the wrong person and I went off. I told her she can lose weight but cant lose a S^&*% personality! Now when I see her she isnt talking smack about anyone... most the time she stops talking when I walk by :)!
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    *****es will always be *****es. I would go with your friend and let her report it. Your friend is lucky to have you!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    report her to management
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    The sad part is that kids who bully usually learn it from their parents. "adult" should be a title earned, because there are soooo many people who do not act their age. I totally feel for the poor girl. People have made me want to quit several things in life (or kept me from trying at all). I loved gymnastics/dance & tap class as a kid, but this girl in the class, I hated her so. She was so mean, and so whiney. During dance routines she would come over into my space and if I accidentally bumped her (I was in between her and the wall) she would yell at me. And she was the assistant instructors daughter. I knew nothing would be done. So I talked my mom into letting me quit. I came home from preschool my first day and told my mom "I hate the kids, I quit!" and I hated school all the way up to my high school years. High school was awesome. I left my home district and went to a vocational school. So thankful I was offered the opportunity because they were the best years of my entire school life, and I made the best friends.

    and I agree with zeebruhgirl. I'm not quiet like I used to be, I would speak up and tell that girl where to go. I would want to protect my friend from their wrath.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    report her to management


    and, *hugs* to your friend.
  • Nukkers
    Nukkers Posts: 139 Member
    I can't tell you what I'd do. I have a big mouth and it gets me in a lot of trouble. Aside from telling management, karma is the best revenge. I am a strong believer in poetic justice. She will get her due! Trust me!!!