I find it kinda sad...



  • Jbarbo01
    Jbarbo01 Posts: 240 Member
    Whole grains are good for you! RIGHT?! So I can eat all the whole grain pasta and "whole wheat" bread I want?! That one kills me, fruits and vegetables are supposed to be at the bottom of the food pyramid not grains. That kills me, they are healthy in moderation but even whole grains can cause massive weight gain in high quantities.

    Also, when they focus on only low fat or fat free products, it drives me nuts. Fat free fig newtons aren't good for you just because they're fat free. Whole foods are good for you, its not fat that's the enemy its the chemicals.
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    My husband thinks it is okay to eat THREE packs of Ramen noodles at a time...those things have two servings per pack, so he is eating 6 servings at once...wth?? 1140 calories and 4,980 mg of sodium at ONE SITTING!!! smh...
  • Pandasarecool
    Pandasarecool Posts: 508 Member
    :drinker: Bump! Want to read later!
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    I have a coworker that calls all diet food "low-fat." As in, diet coke is "low-fat". It makes me CRAZY.
  • ladykaisa
    ladykaisa Posts: 236 Member
    My husband's a fan of saying "get healthy snacks, like smartfood". Which is better then chips, yes, but he eats the entire. f*cking. bag in one shot. Then complains that he's 50lbs overweight.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I stopped allowing them to eat there when my son told me he had two pieces of pizza and a chocolate milk. I was livid. Why the F*** do they have chocolate milk as an option? Are you f***ing kidding me? In an elementary school?

    Whoa, there are things in school that worry me lots more than chocolate milk. I would prefer my kid drink chocolate milk of a lot of other things. Chocolate milk doesn't really contain much more sugar than the lactose in white milk provides. PLus they will get just as much sugar if not more from whatever juice or soda a school offers. At least the chocolate milk has health benefits.

    I support chocolate milk!!:laugh:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I stopped allowing them to eat there when my son told me he had two pieces of pizza and a chocolate milk. I was livid. Why the F*** do they have chocolate milk as an option? Are you f***ing kidding me? In an elementary school?

    Whoa, there are things in school that worry me lots more than chocolate milk. I would prefer my kid drink chocolate milk of a lot of other things. Chocolate milk doesn't really contain much more sugar than the lactose in white milk provides. PLus they will get just as much sugar if not more from whatever juice or soda a school offers. At least the chocolate milk has health benefits.

    I support chocolate milk!!:laugh:

    If not for chocolate milk, I never would have drank milk as a child (or even now). I HATE HATE HATE plain milk.

    I was underweight as a child, and very healthy. Chocolate milk in elementary schools is NOT a new thing, while childhood obesity is. Methinks chocolate milk is not to blame.
  • Ladyzumba
    Ladyzumba Posts: 217 Member
    I was talking to a lady at the gym while on the elliptical and asked her if she ever tried a Zumba class
    she said that she hates Zumba and any class that is chereographed...she then went on to say that she has
    never seen a "skinny" Zumba instructor! OMG! I almost fell off because guess who's a Zumba instructor?
    Me and I tell her so. Now I'm by no means rail thin but I can give a great workout! It makes me so mad
    when people associate size/weight with being a healthy person.
  • JenRLo
    JenRLo Posts: 95 Member
    My shake my head and press my lips together moment was when my MIL told me Sunny-D was healthy. In fact she thinks all bottled juices (ie, apple, grape, orange) are healthy. I've tried to explain that the sugar is still really high in these juices and asked her to please only occasionally give them to my kids. I'm a firm believer in "everything in moderation."
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I was talking to a lady at the gym while on the elliptical and asked her if she ever tried a Zumba class
    she said that she hates Zumba and any class that is chereographed...she then went on to say that she has
    never seen a "skinny" Zumba instructor! OMG! I almost fell off because guess who's a Zumba instructor?
    Me and I tell her so. Now I'm by no means rail thin but I can give a great workout! It makes me so mad
    when people associate size/weight with being a healthy person.

    What a silly comment! The Zumba instructor at our gym is a rail thin guy! We call him Zumba Brad. He is quite entertaining.
  • jenbridges
    jenbridges Posts: 213 Member
    Well, a Filet-o-Fish IS healthy compared to a snickers bar and a coke for lunch, no?

    400 cal.... I don't see why someone can't have one every now and then

    Well, a snickers bar is 220 cals, and a can of coke is 140 cals (total 360 cals), so calorie-wise, the filet-o-fish at 380 cals is worse! It also has much more fat. I am NOT advocating having candy and soda for lunch, I am just pointing out the numbers.
  • hlinn01
    hlinn01 Posts: 36
    Oh I completely agree, kls13la, but the large fries and Coke kinda cancelled that out! lol

    Maybe I'm just bitter because I can smell her fries and want to dive face first into them, though;-)

    Me too, on the jealous side, McDonalds fries are my all time favorite fast food item. Took kids there yesterday and ordered myself a grilled chicken ceasar salad with balsomic viniagrette. I had to steal about 10 fries from the kiddos though.
  • GadgetGuy2
    GadgetGuy2 Posts: 291 Member
    Ignorance has always been a "sales opportunity" for the unethical.

    Also, ignorance begets ignorance.

    Research the scientific facts yourself, else you might end up paying a higher price than you bargained for (heart attack, diabetes, stroke, etc.).
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I find it kinda sad...

    that after being on MFP for awhile and gaining some knowledge about health and nutrition that I seem unable to muster the patience and compassion to help others. For whatever reason, I seem to forget that I spent years not having a clue about nutrition and as soon as I see some success I look at others with disdain because of their ignorance.

    I also find it sad that I look to other like-minded individuals on a community forum to join me in my disdain for those ignorant of healthy choices.

    Isn't one of the rewards for making healthy choices more energy? Perhaps that extra energy could be used to fuel some compassion and humanity - maybe even reach out and try to educate and help the people in my life. Seems like a good idea, right?
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I'm actually more surprised at the things that are healthier than I thought, like pork rinds.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My husband thinks a Subway tuna sandwich is healthy because it's tuna....he forgets how much mayo there is. Granted, it's better than a Big Mac....

    If you have the calories to spare, the tuna sub is healthy. It may be higher fat than the cold cut sandwiches but it likely doesn't have the sodium nitrates either, which are not healthy no matter how low-cal the sandwich.
  • ladykaisa
    ladykaisa Posts: 236 Member
    I'd have to say my mom is surprisingly stubborn or really just clueless about things even though she's worked as a nurse.

    I get it.

    My favourite thing my mother says is "I don't know why I can't lose weight. It's not like I eat alot. And I'm on my feet all the time at work"

    She doesn't eat breakfast. At all.
    Lunch is cheese and crackers, if anything.
    Dinner is hit or miss. Sometimes it's McD's, sometimes it's a full beef steak stirfry, coated in Vh Stirfry sauce and portioned for a 300lb MAN. Sometimes it's chicken breast dipped in full fat ranch dressing. God forbit it's anything but a double potion of white pasta, with homemae garlic cheesy bread.
    Any snacking she does is chips. Dipped in full fat ranch. Or pepperoni, dipped in ranch.
    She drinks 3 Starbucks coffees a day. Though they're "skinny, so they're ok". Not when they're Venti sized.

    Unless she's on a "diet", then it's:
    no breakfast
    no lunch
    chicken and veg. Man sized portion. No ranch.

    And the only walking she gets in is at work, during a midnight shift, 2x a week.

    Does she listen when I tell her what's wrong with her diet, including the sporadic, low calorie eating? Does she listen when I compare her "dieting" diet to what I ate when I was anorexic? No.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I was talking to a lady at the gym while on the elliptical and asked her if she ever tried a Zumba class
    she said that she hates Zumba and any class that is chereographed...she then went on to say that she has
    never seen a "skinny" Zumba instructor! OMG! I almost fell off because guess who's a Zumba instructor?
    Me and I tell her so. Now I'm by no means rail thin but I can give a great workout! It makes me so mad
    when people associate size/weight with being a healthy person.

    What a silly comment! The Zumba instructor at our gym is a rail thin guy! We call him Zumba Brad. He is quite entertaining.

    I took a couple Zumba classes and the instructor had a rocking bod. She was TINY, but very firm. The only thing I couldn't figure out was how she could stand to lead the class with a cascade of thick, curly hair all the way down her back without tying it up. I was hot just watching her.
  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member
    my friend I did daycare for told me basically to mind my own business and let her kids eat what they want and how much they want at my house. 2 of her kids, 7 and 12 year ols, were individually eating more than my husband and myself combined at each meal. Her 6 year old equaled what I ate and they would all ask for a snack within 1/2 hour from when we ate.

    She thinks fat is "cute". She said not to worry about what they ate here because it was up to the parents to deal with their nutrition. They ate like 5 meals here a week, so quite a good percent of their nutrition. 2 of the kids wouldn't drink milk with meals because I refuse to give flavored milk at mealtime. Mom agreed with them so they would get the calcium, I still refused.

    I know they would go home and eat a pizza or whole meal as a really late night snack. I am 100% sure that is why she now keeps them home with their older sister, because I was teaching them substitutions, labels and only making enough for each person to have 1 serving. I always limited cheese and sour cream to a teaspoon and NEVER had treats when they were here. EVER! These are kis that LOVE apples, bananas, no fat yogurt, carrots, cucumbers and plain chicken. In my mind, no way should these kids ever have started their obese patterns. Dad was on disability with the possiblity of never working again and a really good possibilty that he would die in his sleep at about 45 years old. Mom is a super unhealthy weight and promotes how sexy big is. The 12 year old weighed as much as I do last year and wears the same size jeans. She is really unhappy and has a hard time getting along with anyone. So sad.

    people are often in denial.
    Kids need saturated fat so their brains can develop. Everyone needs fat but especially kids.

    Pretty sure you didn't mean to say "saturated fat" that one is always bad. Perhaps you meant good fats like monoUNsaturated fats?
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    My shake my head and press my lips together moment was when my MIL told me Sunny-D was healthy. In fact she thinks all bottled juices (ie, apple, grape, orange) are healthy. I've tried to explain that the sugar is still really high in these juices and asked her to please only occasionally give them to my kids. I'm a firm believer in "everything in moderation."

    At 50 calories a pop, it is not exactly the worst thing you can give to a kid. My kids get it for picnics or special treats instead of soda. Guess what? A lot less calories than any juice or soda out there. I also use it to mix drinks occasionally because of the lower calories.