Confused and needing some weightloss help

Hey all,
I've been stuck for most of the year now in terms of weight loss and finding the more i read up about BMR's TDEEs and so on the more confused I get - causing myself to constantly change my calorie intake
I'm 5"1, 20yrs old
and around 107-108lbs (48-49 kilos)
(at the start of the year i was at 46kilos)

I am currently training for a half marathon, doing insanity a few days a week, play netball and go to the gym about 2-3 times a week. Most weeks i am burning up to 3,500 calories and I upped my intake since starting insanity to 1450 calories from 1200. (which mfp set me to)

Over the past few months I have noticed zero changes so I have upped my calories to 1600 and when i ate more I found myself feeling bloated all the time and feeling sick.
Since then i am back to 1450 but I am stuck as to what I should be doing and wondering if its possible I am gaining weight because I am doing too much?

I opened my food diary too so you can see what I'm doing, but keep in mind I don't always input every single meal ; in saying that I do keep track of what I am eating



  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    bumping cause i am having the same issue! i will offer my experience in a bit when i have a little more time. good luck at getting this figured out!
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 841 Member
    You definitely don't need to be losing weight.... you sound like you're right about perfect for your height, so your body is probably fighting you on losing. Now is the time where you can focus your energies on sculpting your body, training it to DO what you want it to, vs focusing on a number on the scale.

    Check out this girl:

    Not saying you need to have lifting goals like hers, just as a way to point out the difference between focusing on losing vs focusing on really taking care of your body and turning it into what you want it to become.
  • jordandis
    jordandis Posts: 9 Member
    You definitely don't need to be losing weight.... you sound like you're right about perfect for your height, so your body is probably fighting you on losing. Now is the time where you can focus your energies on sculpting your body, training it to DO what you want it to, vs focusing on a number on the scale.

    Check out this girl:

    Not saying you need to have lifting goals like hers, just as a way to point out the difference between focusing on losing vs focusing on really taking care of your body and turning it into what you want it to become.

    Thanks heaps for that, I'll definitely take a look. Using a few calculators I've figured out that I am around 20% BF and am aiming for around 18%
    Do you think focusing on weights more than cardio would benefit me?
  • orkilatrish
    Amen, you don't need to be worrying about weightloss at this point! I am sure you are gaining muscle mass which is why your body has stabilized. Work on toning muscles now to get the look and strength you want and stop worrying about the number. Maybe give some weight work, kinesiology classes, core yoga or pilates a try for sculpting and a change of pace? Good luck!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Do you think focusing on weights more than cardio would benefit me?

    the weights will help shape your muscles, which is a huge part of how you look. If your muscles are bigger (even by half a centimeter) and the body fat around it shrinks (which is likely with a slight deficit in your food) then your body will look lean and toned.

    If you don't want to gain mass, try to eat AT or BELOW your TDEE

    if you DO want to gain mass, eat MORE than TDEE
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Do you know what TDEE is? to get an estimate, you can fill out the information here:

    and look at the activity level table. the calories listed there are how much to eat to maintain your weight, otherwise known as TDEE (total daily energy expenditure)
  • jordandis
    jordandis Posts: 9 Member
    Do you know what TDEE is? to get an estimate, you can fill out the information here:

    and look at the activity level table. the calories listed there are how much to eat to maintain your weight, otherwise known as TDEE (total daily energy expenditure)

    It came out with 2,249 which seems a little high for someone who is 5ft 1?
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Amen, you don't need to be worrying about weightloss at this point! I am sure you are gaining muscle mass which is why your body has stabilized. Work on toning muscles now to get the look and strength you want and stop worrying about the number. Maybe give some weight work, kinesiology classes, core yoga or pilates a try for sculpting and a change of pace? Good luck!

    No way is she gaining muscle in a severe calorie deficit.

    To the OP, you probably are eating too little for your activity. Although even training as hard as you do, I doubt your TDEE is actually as high as estimated. You're too small for that. I don't mean to get personal, but do you get your period? I think that's the easiest way to tell if you're not eating enough.

    While I don't have experience successfully fixing this problem without gaining weight, I have read that you're supposed to slowly increase calories (like 100 calories/week) until you're eating at your TDEE and maintaining your weight, then lower from there. If you aren't losing weight, you probably will continue to not lose weight if you continue to eat the same way.

    ETA: sorry, I thought you were saying your TDEE was 3,500. Sorry, I take back the first paragraph. Oh, also, BMR i s basal metabolic rate, what you would burn in a coma. TDEE is your total daily energy expenditure. Generally, you should eat at least what your BMR is so that you aren't running too severe of a deficit.
  • jordandis
    jordandis Posts: 9 Member
    Amen, you don't need to be worrying about weightloss at this point! I am sure you are gaining muscle mass which is why your body has stabilized. Work on toning muscles now to get the look and strength you want and stop worrying about the number. Maybe give some weight work, kinesiology classes, core yoga or pilates a try for sculpting and a change of pace? Good luck!

    No way is she gaining muscle in a severe calorie deficit.

    To the OP, you probably are eating too little for your activity. Although even training as hard as you do, I doubt your TDEE is actually as high as estimated. You're too small for that. I don't mean to get personal, but do you get your period? I think that's the easiest way to tell if you're not eating enough.

    While I don't have experience successfully fixing this problem without gaining weight, I have read that you're supposed to slowly increase calories (like 100 calories/week) until you're eating at your TDEE and maintaining your weight, then lower from there. If you aren't losing weight, you probably will continue to not lose weight if you continue to eat the same way.

    ETA: sorry, I thought you were saying your TDEE was 3,500. Sorry, I take back the first paragraph. Oh, also, BMR i s basal metabolic rate, what you would burn in a coma. TDEE is your total daily energy expenditure. Generally, you should eat at least what your BMR is so that you aren't running too severe of a deficit.

    my BMR is 1,169 according to mfp and yeah my periods are regular!
    I just had an epiphany, does that mean i must NET higher than 1169 daily? because with exercise sometimes its impossible for me to NET that amount, so less and eat more?
  • Jennical
    Jennical Posts: 219 Member
    Bump to read later!
  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member
    my BMR is 1,169 according to mfp and yeah my periods are regular!
    I just had an epiphany, does that mean i must NET higher than 1169 daily? because with exercise sometimes its impossible for me to NET that amount, so less and eat more?

    Epiphany correct!! You must must MUST net your BMR or your body thinks it's starving and holds onto excess fat. Also, a previous person was correct, you won't gain muscle with a huge calorie defecit. It would do your body so much benefit for you to eat at TDEE for a few weeks and then if you still want to lose a bit more fat, cut to 10-15%.

    If you still want to exercise that much, just eat more. Doesn't necessarily mean more volume, add high calorie healthy foods like avocados & peanut butter :)