Anybody ever have a rough day on their calories.



  • sexikc
    sexikc Posts: 153 Member
    One day, 2 days, 3 wont make that big a a difference if you get right back on track....just dont let it go too everyone has said...plan and learn and dont beat urself wont catch me beating up me! I get off sometimes but I get right back whatever you do needs to conicide with your life....
  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    I go over quite a bit. But I am trying to build muscle AND lose weight. You gotta eat to gain muscle so it's definitely slowing the weight-loss down, but its still happening
  • cocoacannelle
    ..., some days you're going to fall off the wagon, some days you're going to talk a flying leap off the wagon into a grande frappuccino with extra whip cream...

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Thank you for that!
    I really needed to laugh today...
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I'm eating out for lunch today for the second time this week and already know I'm going out again on Sunday. (I rarely eat out). I've thrown in some extra workouts and eaten smaller dinners to try to make up for it since none of these restaurants publish nutrition facts and I'm having to guess.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I've had days where I've eaten over 12,000 calories. I don't think I'd consider any of those days 'rough'.

    OMG my tummy hurts

    All those would be accurate, not rough though.
  • pansfolley01
    Don't let it do to you what I allowed it to do to me. I was gang busters on My Fitness Pal a while back. I was doing well, but then I allowed a day of going over my calories to a few times a week. It turned into going over just about every day. Then before long, I just gave up because I didn't see any use in tracking anymore, and just felt awful about myself. Every pound I lost, I gained back and then a few more. Actually, quite a few more. I made the choice two months ago that I was unhappy with myself and restarted the tracking and really working on it. This time around, I decided that if I went over the calories on a day, I wouldn't stress over it, but rather look at what I ate and why I was eating it. I would go to the food database and look for alternatives. I would plan out my next day's meals and snacks so that I would be under my calories by 100 and stick to it. I would do that for a few days and really get my head around what choices I wanted and what choices were better for me. When ever I go over my calories, I don't beat myself up anymore. I just try to be honest with myself, look at what I did, and move forward with positive thoughts that I'm going to be in control & responsible about my choices tomorrow. I hope it helps!
  • KellyAlyssa84
    1) Don't stress out over it. If you go over today, which you might and that's fine, learn from it and move on.
    2) Try to figure out what went wrong today and how you can plan or prepare better for other days.

    Yes! This ^ is what I do. I make an effort to leave yesterday in the past and focus on today and how I can succeed. Not every day will be great but that's ok, your slipups give you better direction for tomorrow!
  • KellyAlyssa84
    Don't let it do to you what I allowed it to do to me. I was gang busters on My Fitness Pal a while back. I was doing well, but then I allowed a day of going over my calories to a few times a week. It turned into going over just about every day. Then before long, I just gave up because I didn't see any use in tracking anymore, and just felt awful about myself. Every pound I lost, I gained back and then a few more. Actually, quite a few more. I made the choice two months ago that I was unhappy with myself and restarted the tracking and really working on it. This time around, I decided that if I went over the calories on a day, I wouldn't stress over it, but rather look at what I ate and why I was eating it. I would go to the food database and look for alternatives. I would plan out my next day's meals and snacks so that I would be under my calories by 100 and stick to it. I would do that for a few days and really get my head around what choices I wanted and what choices were better for me. When ever I go over my calories, I don't beat myself up anymore. I just try to be honest with myself, look at what I did, and move forward with positive thoughts that I'm going to be in control & responsible about my choices tomorrow. I hope it helps!

  • brookeortner
    brookeortner Posts: 2 Member
    I always fill in my diary for the next day before I go to bed. So I know what I need to eat to meet my calorie goal. I end up having to revise it when things change- but it at least keeps me on track and from eating too many calories early in the day. And if I go over on my projections for lunch, I have to cut something out of dinner or snack :)
  • tnjackso1
    tnjackso1 Posts: 312 Member
    Thank God for tomorrows!! Dont stress or trip when you have a bad day... This is a lifestyle change, you didn't gain it overnight and you sure aren't going to lose it over night!!!

    Stay encouraged and don't beat yourself up, just get up dust yourself off and do better!
  • dirtydmvkid
    Nobody EVER goes over. We are all perfect in every way possible and YOU are the only one who is or has failed. ::rolls eyes::

    Everybody has their off days friend. Don't get too wrapped up in one day. Keep your head up.
  • nonafit
    nonafit Posts: 582 Member
    Check this out. A fellow MFPian posted this up but I can't trace it back. So check at the original link below.
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    Planning. If i know i am going out for a chinese buffet.. i know i will consume on or over 1200 calories, i will get myself up early and try to do daft amounts of exercise to try and make a dint on the calories i am going to consume. Telling myself i will work it off afterwards never works because i always feel lethargic and uncomfortable.. The way you always want to go to sleep after a whoppa christmas dinner. I feel that way every time i go out to eat naughty foods! But try not to let it spoil your outing because thats not a lifestyle change that you can keep up.
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    I posted a very similar question a few weeks ago and someone wrote back a reply that I really liked -- Instead of thinking of your calorie instake as strickly day to day, think of it as weekly. If you know you will be going out on the weekends and eating all kinds of extra food, then take it easy the day before. If you over-indulge, just relax and get back on track in the next few days. It's not a total failure! Your body will balance everything out. Hope that was helpful. :)
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    It happens, and it's not worth stressing about.

    Just don't allow going over to be an excuse for making poor choices. So many of us have the 'I screwed up so to heck with it' sort of mentality, when we should just pick up from the moment or realisation and keep on going forward.

    It's not the end of the world. Likely won't be the last time you do it.

    Learn, and keep on moving forward.
  • ruthannewillard
    Thank you so much everyone! I wish I had the time to respond to everybody! Yall are so encouraging and had some great tips and lessons learned! I appreciate each of you taking the time to respond, I wish MFP had a way to like each comment like Facebook does! Thanks again!