Fitness Bucket List for Women



  • ptak1sm
    ptak1sm Posts: 172
    1) Run a local 10 mile race next year
    2) Do full pull-ups (I'm over halfway there thanks to the pull-up machine!)
    3) Do extended leg raises on the knee-raise (instead of just knee-raises :P)

    I can already do a full plank for 60 seconds, tricep push-ups, regular push-ups...4 months ago, I couldn't do any of that!
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Mine are simple:

    1. Be on the US Freedom when they compete at the International Cup in Australia in 2014
    2. Squat my bodyweight
    3. Deadlift 1.5 times my bodyweight
    4. Complete an olympic triathlon
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    I'd just like to do a jumping jack without getting punched in the face with my boobs.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Bench press my boyfriend.
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    To conquer the "wall" on the obstacle course at gym. 12 foot !!
  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    See my ticker below? That is the top 5 in the Novice division at a OCB Figure competition. I am entering my my first competition March 2013.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Women should also add:

    Squat body weight
    Deadlift 1.5x body weight

    I like these goals better. Go ahead and add a bench press and chinups/pull ups. 5 bodyweight chin ups is a much more difficult goal than 10 pushups - anyone who doens't have a physical issue or isn't ultra overweight should be able to work up to 10 pushups in a few weeks.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    Running bucket list:

    Run a half-marathon (I'm scheduled to run one on October 14th!)
    Run a full marathon (a long time from now, my job makes heavy training difficult sometimes)
    Run a Warrior Dash
    Run a Color Run
    Run a 5K in sub-22 minutes (I'm at 26:02)

    Non-running bucket list:
    Bench my body weight
    100 situps in 2 minutes (I've done 105 in the past, I was in awesome shape back then)
    60 pushups in 2 minutes (I can't remember what I did back then)
    Two-mile run in sub-15 minutes (okay, so that's running related, but it's part of the APFT)
    10 pullups (can't do a single one)
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    1. Run a 10k
    2. Do a one-handed push-up
    3. Do 5 pull-ups
    4. Climb a mountain (maybe 4 hrs up and 4 hrs down, as far as scale goes--not Kilimanjaro!)
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    I can do all of the three mentioned -- ran a half marathon a few years ago. I actually held a plank for 7 minutes. It was a contest and I won. :smokin:

    My Fitness Bucket List:

    Bench what I weigh right now (120. My 1 rep max is 90 as of this week)
    Do 10 unassisted pull ups (used to be able to bang off 7. Then I stopped doing them)
    Do 3 unassisted 1-arm pull ups
    Finish the Litchfield Hills Road Race -- which is a brutal 7.1 mile race -- in 50 minutes (or less)

    Woah! Lady, you are my hero. :flowerforyou:
  • Mceastes
    Mceastes Posts: 303 Member
    IMO, MSN's goals seem pretty weak. An ultramarathon is on my bucket list. I'm hoping to cross it off the list by the end of this year. The unassisted pull-up...that's a challenge I'm up for doing!

    I agree, those are some weak goals. Maybe that's just because I've already done them and if I can do them, then they're not hard enough. Most women that workout regularly could do a 60 sec. plank. I've done several half marathons and 4 fulls (training for my 5th right now). But 10 push-ups? Um, that's a good start but that's not exactly "bucket list" worthy. How about 100 push-ups in a row? That would be a serious goal. I've done 100 in a day, but in sets of 20 so there were little breaks. Climbing over a rope wall was also on my list, but I did that this summer at a mud race - that's freaking hard!

    I think an ultra marathon and 10 unassisted pull-ups (can only do 4 now and it's hard!) would be on mine. But you gotta start somewhere so if you can't do a 60 sec. plank yet, then go for it and then give yourself a new harder goal. These are all very attainable with consistent work.
  • summergrl17
    summergrl17 Posts: 75 Member
    Great topic...i'm not really crazy about bucket lists in general but for some reason, this one interests me.

    1. do a regular pushup (not a "girl" pushup)
    2. do a pull up (until recently, I could barely pull myself up off the couch so this will be a really big accomplishment)
    3. bend over and touch the ground with my hands (I can touch my toes now so I think that when I no longer have my ginormous belly, i should be able to put my palms on the ground.)
    4. ride a bike and paddle board - not at the same time of course. (Bike riding hurts my knees and butt now; I can't stand up on the paddle board from a kneeling position so i have to stay near the shore to get back on it when I fall off.)
    5. paddle board on the ocean so I can catch a wave and ride it in like a surfer!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I honestly would love to be able to do push-ups again someday. I had a pretty bad chest injury, so I physically cannot do a push-up without hurting myself. I'm slowly trying to make my chest stronger and more used to it by doing wall push-ups though. I'm hoping!
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    ive got 1 & 4 down lol. screw marathons though. i've realized i hate running. lol i'm gonna push myself to do a c25k and then thats probably as far as i'll go. i dont need to run that many miles. LOL.

    my fitness bucket list:
    1. start lifting seriously
    2. lift half my body weight
    3. look hot while doing it

  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    Can do everything on the MSN list but never ran a half-marathon yet can run a 7-minute mile, lol.

    Current item at the top of my fitness bucket list is: perform a one-rep handstand push-up by the end of this year. I'm INCHES away from realizing this goal. It's been a fitness fantasy of mine for a few years now and I've been practicing since the beginning of this calendar year. I figure it's now or never. No time like the present.
  • penelepurr
    penelepurr Posts: 204 Member
    I have done all those.

    Mine -
    Bench my body weight (another 40 to go)
    Squat and deadlift same. I just started squatting and deads.

    The real one for me is - Ironman. Still can't wrap my head around it though.

    Eta - oh and pull ups.

    yeah, IM!! I've done one half-IM and one half-marathon. definitely going for the top! :)

    more of my list, besides the IM:

    1) a marathon by itself, not as part of the IM (Boston or NYC, prob love to do one in Philly- my home city <3)
    2) like everyone else posting, unassisted pullups!!!
    3) some real all-the-way-down pushups
    4) get into dead lifting, squats, bench pressing
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    People saying the Half Marathon is hard, it's supposed to be. Fitness goals shouldn't be something you can do over night. You set yourself big goals so you have something to work towards, you won't progress if your goals are just in reach. A full marathon would be pushing it for those who don't run but a half marathon can be accomplished in 6-8 months max if you work at it.

    It's a bucket list after all, you have your whole life to achieve it. Why get it done next week?

    My point wasn't that a half marathon is HARD and shouldn't be on point was it's WAY harder than the other items on the list. To me, not even in the same ballpark fitness wise as the other 3 so the list just seems VERY odd to me.

    I agree with many of the additions too...pull-ups...never been able to do one!

    I don't know- I think it's not that hard at all. Most fit people could complete a half marathon but I think there's a huge mental block that gets in the way of people actually signing up and doing it. Now, it won't be pretty if you're not properly trained to do it, but with walk/run intervals it could be done. Running the whole thing and getting a reasonable pace is harder. But a full marathon is more than twice as difficult than a half marathon. In my experience, Half-marathons are kind of fun and not all that grueling.

    Hey - I like what you said! I find the half to be the perfect distance. Far enough to challange yourself but not so far that you are done for an entire day! I've got two halfs coming up because I skipped doing a marathon this year which means at least two marathons next year...part of my bucket list is to run more than just one in a year. I guess another bucket list item is to complete a triathlon and eventually do a half Iron. I think maybe though I just want that 70.3 bumper sticker on my car LOL
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    where are pullups on this list?
  • thingeringer
    thingeringer Posts: 241 Member