Sixers Heading Into The Holidays - Week 5



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    Chipper Chipper Chipper ... welcome back!! You're right ... we need a new name for the new challenge ... here's a couple of suggestions for a start ...

    "Sixers - No Fear In The New Year"
    "Sixers - The Resolution Revolution"

    thanks maggie. i like either one.

    as you can see i gained back 1/2 of what my total loss WAS.....:brokenheart: but, it will come right back off. shows how quickly it can come back, 40# gain in 7 months. and yes had to buy new clothes. which i hated, cause they had to be bigger. DH kept picking out the smaller size. no i can't fit into those anymore. so now he just picks out and asks what size.
    come on shanell come back with me.......

    got in some taebo for my exercise this morning. tomorrow will be a gym day. need to work slowly back to the gym now too. DH noticed i felt crappier when i wasn't going to the gym. he's paying for it, guess i better go. :tongue: feels good to be back typing again. i was reading.

    laundry is calling and next the living room to move around for the tree.

  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    no this will be week 6. next tuesday will be your final weigh in day and beginning of next challenge.
    :happy: Shew! Another week. Thank goodness :)
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Cathy!!! Nice to see you! I'll be back next challenge also!!!!

    Rhiannon...I miss you! But I totally understand the busy life! That's how it's been for me also!

    Maggie...I agree with Cathy...both are good. Whichever y'all choose is fine with me!

    Have a great day gals!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I need to start eating right, keep up the exercising (day 1 was yesterday, day 2 will be Wednesday), and get some sleep.
    I am exhausted. And busy. Who isn't, right? :angry: :wink:

    Maggie, I love the new names for the challenge.

    Cathy, (((hugs))).

    I don't have time for personals right now, I so wish I did. Maybe soon. Let's see if I can't get myself back in order and in top gear!

    (PS, I really don't want to weigh in tomorrow. REALLY DON'T WANT TO.)
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    :noway: WOAH! is the week already over!?!? No way... :noway:

    So I DO NOT want to weigh in tomorrow, I worked so hard to lose that first 15 I dont want to weight in tomorrow and find that I gained X number of pounds back :sad:

    SO my week has been amazing?! How was everyone elses!?!?!

    HEY CHIPPER!!!!!!!

    My REALLY good friend Alex flew up from florida to spend the holidays with my family and I, and when he left, I am pretty sure my heart left with him (he left last night). So I officially have a man in my life again, I am going to change my default to a pic of him and I :flowerforyou:

    SO guys, see ya tomorrow! Sorry I was gone all week!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hi ladies!! sorry i have been MIA all week!! I was at home for break (we got the whole week off) and then traveling more for the holiday. But hoping to show a somewhat good number tomorrow unless TOM messes it up!!!

    Maggie - I like both names as well!!! :happy: