How often / long do you workout?

Hi everyone,

I'm wondering how often / long you all tend to work out for.


  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Weight days - 40 minutes to an hour.

    Cardio days - 30-60 minutes.

    IMO, the point isn't to work out for hours and hours - it's to get a good workout in and get out of there.
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    I enjoy my time at the gym and about 20 minutes of cardio and 60 minutes of weights 4-5 days a week, normally take nice run once a week as well
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Weight days - 40 minutes to an hour.

    Cardio days - 30-60 minutes.

    IMO, the point isn't to work out for hours and hours - it's to get a good workout in and get out of there.

    ^^^^^this exactly!!!!
  • Ilovetrish
    I've been doing at least an hour of cardio about 4-5x a week and a 30 minute ab class once a week.
  • kristapennie
    kristapennie Posts: 105 Member
    about 30 minutes of strength training and 45-60 of cardio.
    Mon, Wed, Fri
  • snowdrop_diva
    snowdrop_diva Posts: 142 Member
    About 90+ minutes of cardio 6 days a week 'til I peel off some of this extra weight, then I'll throw in some strength training and toning work outs.
  • bohonomad
    bohonomad Posts: 171 Member
    I'm doing 30DS since I can't afford my gym membership anymore. I do the video (20 mins) every single day, sometimes twice a day. I also go to a zumba class or walk a few miles a couple times a week. I have cut back a lot on my exercise time but I feel the exercise I'm doing is higher intensity.
  • Substances
    Substances Posts: 120 Member
    Every day.
    Depends on how I feel.
    I try to aim for at least thirty minutes of cardio on a bad day, sixty or more on a good day.
  • 709sherry
    709sherry Posts: 33 Member
    On my lunch breaks each day I usually get in 20 minutes of intense cardio (2 miles), warm up by doing 10 minutes of very brisk walking (to get to the gym) so 30 minutes of cardio total and then I circuit train for 20 minutes. I try to be consistent and get there at least 5-6 times per week.
  • bahlquist
    4 days a week 2.5 hours per workout
  • munchlaxx
    munchlaxx Posts: 102 Member
    I typically spend about 2-3 hours...depending on my mood. I don't work at the moment, so I like to spend longer at the gym since it helps take my mind off things. :)

    It's usually 1 hour of cardio, 30-60 minutes of heavy lifting, and 30'ish minutes stretching/yoga.
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    30-60 minutes of circuit training 6 days a week
    30-90 min walking at a 3.0 to 3.5 mph pace 7 days a week
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    Strength days, 45 minutes of weights, plus 15 minutes of ab work and stretching, 3 X week

    Cardio 30-45 minutes, 5 X week
  • jimmeezwyf
    jimmeezwyf Posts: 140 Member
    3 - 4 times a week I do a 20 minute run, and I mean run, not jog, and right after 15 - 30 minutes of heavy weights such as 125 lbs. weighted squats at 3 reps of 12, same with dead-lifts, bench presses, heavy weighted rows with rowing machine, leg press, push ups, etc followed by stretching. I usually mix it up depending on how I feel and how sick I am of the routine. This is just an example, but it's generally every other day.
  • maraefisio
    Every day:
    I run for 40 minutes
    Stretching 20 minutes
    Sit up 15 minutes

    4 times per week:
    Weight lifting for 30 to 40 minutes.

    Usually, on weekends besides my regular workout I walk 40-60 minutes as additional exercises.
  • pjeddy741
    Aerobic 30-60 mins- 6 days/week
    Strength training 3x/week for 30 mins each
    Yoga /stretching: 60 mins/week
  • Akious
    Akious Posts: 71
    Mon / Wed / Fri = Strength Training (1.5-2hrs)
    Tues / Thurs / Sat = Cardio (1hr)

    Sat depends on my work schedule. Sometimes I work long hrs on sat and cant make it.
  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    About 30-60 minutes 5-6 days per week,
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Spend 40 min to an hour in the weight room 2x a week. Sometimes I go for walks in the evening if I feel like braving the heat, but not even worth logging that. I'm about to start seeing my trainer again once a week for an hour to do whatever torture sessions his little heart desires. I'm brave. :happy:
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member

    (I just started here. At this point, I'm trying to lose enough poundage so I can walk without pain.)