Is it ok to have a ''cheat day"?



  • samuraistephanie
    Lapse day, reward day whatever you want to call it, are nice on small occasions but still try to be aware of what you are putting in your body. I have just started to try to loose the weight I have put on in the last 6 months. Just remember pounds come on quick but drop off slow. Question is will YOU be okay with it later. If no, then stay strong, if yes, than that is your choice!
  • subcult
    subcult Posts: 262 Member
    Yeah I try to have one a week usually Saturday, that also happens to be the day I do yard work at home and my moms. I usually play hard with friends and my kids. It seems to restart my system and it gets rid of my food and alcohol cravings. I also find I am a lot more willing to burn 1k plus if I know I can have both good and bad food that day.
  • theNurseNancy
    Every weekend, I eat things I want. I still lose weight and keep my sanity. You just have to have the willpower to not turn it into a habit again.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Yep. After all, it's not like you're never going to indulge once you've reached your goal weight, so why not indulge while you're losing weight? This journey should be about developing healthier habits. One of those is moderation.
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    I have heard that having a cheat day helps cuz it gives you a day when you can satisfy your sweet tooth or sugar desires. But is it ok to have one and still lose weight too??

    I don't have "cheat day", I have a "Damn you've done well" day. My sports doctor back in New Zealand coached some of our top athletes and Olympian hopefuls told me that you can have anything you want as long as it is in moderation. If you don't deprive yourself then you are less likely to binge. And you can use it as a short term goal/reward too. I lost 51 lbs that time and did not miss out on anything. Today I have had one mini red velvet cupcake. I work hard so that I can still eat treat. The biggest difference now though is the right portion. Now I'm going to have another soon as I have a lot of calories left to eat.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    People are of different opinions. Some say yes and some day no.

    I for one, have a cheat day every week. It hasn't affected my progress at all. Usually, my cheat day is the day that we do our grocery shopping. We live 90 miles from town so our weekly trip usually includes lunch or dinner depending on if we go Friday after work or Saturday, a latte stop, and soft serve yogurt on the way home.

    My weight may go up the next day by a 1lb r 2 just because of day before but it's right back down. I also have a huge sweet tooth so everyday I have something but I save 150 cal for my sweet tooth. The rest of the week I am within my calorie goal.

    It may depend on your body since everyone is different, but if it works for you..go for it!
  • Sassy922
    Sassy922 Posts: 399 Member
    Personally, I hate the expression "cheat day'. It makes it sound like what you are doing is temporary, and once you get to goal, you can eat the way you do on your "cheat day". And if that happens, you'll be right where you were to begin with.

    I log every day, no matter what. The good. The bad. The ugly. I've had 3000 calorie days, and I've logged it. if you want to call that my cheat day, then do. But I call it life.
  • SoFLpeg
    SoFLpeg Posts: 15 Member
    Who are you cheating or what are you cheating on?

    I eat the food I love. In moderation. I eat chocolate or ice cream pretty much every day. Burgers, pizza, pasta, peanut butter...things that people say they "cheat" eating. I also eat a lot of fruit and veges and lean meats and whole grains. In other words, a healthy mix of food.

    I don't eat "diety" food. I eat good food that tastes good. Not all the high calorie/fat stuff in one day. If I view how I am losing as a "diet" I will "go off and go back to eating the good stuff" then I will gain back all the 50+ pounds I have lost in the last year.

    This is how I eat. This is how I will always eat. Just when I finish losing as much as I want, I will pick up a few more calories a day.

    Food isn't good or bad. it is food. It is fuel. It also isn't a reward.

    I would say change your mindset instead. Work in the things you love. Every day.
  • elijhasmomma
    elijhasmomma Posts: 270 Member
    im having a cheat day as i type this lol!! that means for me:

    1-i did not burn my 746 cals set for 6 out 7 days of the week
    2-i went over on sodium and sugar but am under my 1300 cals for the day total

    it's cheating for me because i am netting like 1100 cals for the day comparedd to the 400-500 i usually net eating 1300cals a day AND exercising. but started at 281 and am now (29days later) 260 so what I do works for me. I average about 4-5lbs loss a week BUT this is just my body and I have a LOT to lose to begin with and have regular check-ups with my doc.
  • homerhat09
    I didn't have any cheat days the first time I started losing weight, with the exception of holidays. Then, As I got closer and closer to my goal weight, I would gradually add in 1 cheat day. Eventually, being graced with a young age and 60 minute per day exercise levels, I would have friday, saturday, and sunday as my cheat days, and eat terrible. I would usually gain between 5-6 pounds (shocking, I know) then lose it all off during the week only to repeat again on Friday. It worked for me, but I'm sure nt everyone's bodies could handle that much change
  • Penfoldsplace
    I don't really like the word cheat day personally but i think its fine to have days where you eat what you want. I work occasional junk food or high cal foods in. I usually try and make it so my average for the week works out between 1400-1600 cal so I might have 1300 most days and then up them for 1 or 2 days a week so I still average a deficit.
  • txlissa62
    txlissa62 Posts: 128
    With just a couple of exceptions (when we traveled out of town for two separate weekends), I don't have cheat days or cheat meals. I eat what I want, and just make sure they fit in my calorie budget. I have ice cream, chips, pizza, whatever - I just measure it out and log it.

    My in-laws want to take us out to dinner Sunday, and invited us to Chili's. I looked up the menu, checked out the nutrition info, and will eat what I want - chicken fried steak. (Surprisingly enough, theirs is really good.) Yes, it's about 1250 calories, which only leaves me around 300 for the rest of the day, but I can deal with that.

    By eating what I want and incorporating it into my meal plan, I'm not depriving myself, and not going on a binge when faced with favorite foods. I've been doing this for four months now, and have not felt deprived for one moment. I don't feel like I'm on a diet - I've changed my eating habits for good.
  • Substances
    Substances Posts: 120 Member
    Of course!
    I don't call them "cheat days," necessarily, but if I'm not feeling very well and I want something that I normally wouldn't eat, such as ice cream when I have a fever during the summer, I'm going to eat it.
    Or if we're out and I want a chili dog, I'm going to eat it, as long as it fits within my calorie goal for the day.

    I call them "treats."
  • sydnisd183
    sydnisd183 Posts: 247 Member
    i like to have my cheat day every sunday. I'm following IF (Intermittent Fasting) so my eating window is open for 6-7 hours, starting at 2p. I eat what i want and i don't exercise that day. I make sure I intentionally overload on yummy carbs though, because i work legs on Monday (squats, deads, etc)

    I've been doing this for 6 weeks. I'm running out of cheat stuff though. When I first started I had fried chicken, cheeseburger, french fries, T-Bone steak, etc (my rule is I can cheat all I want but it must be homemade lol) i've got one coming up this Sunday and I can't for the life of me think of anything I want. oooh maybe some dark chocolate malted milk balls :noway:
  • Psalm17v22
    Psalm17v22 Posts: 168 Member
    Depends if you're able to get back to your healthy eating. With some people (myself included) a cheat day will turn into months of eating whatever I want. Depends on the foods too. Know what you're trigger foods are and be careful with them.

    God bless,
  • lilaclove2
    You need to make choices you can stick with long term. I have a cheat day, I just stay within my calories and might have one or maybe two cheat meals. :-)
  • smhammons
    smhammons Posts: 115 Member
    its only cheating if you dont log it.

  • emilydumarce
    emilydumarce Posts: 46 Member
    i do a whole cheat day EXCEPT i make sure i have a good sturdy breakfast, like oatmeal, to keep most of my cravings at bay. and while i do eat what i choose, i keep it in moderation. and i make sure i workout in the morning so i earn what i eat - for the most part lol - i just had my cheat day today if you look at my diary youll see what i mean, good luck!!
  • VeganZombie13
    I have a cheat day every Saturday and I NEVER stay in my Normal calorie goal. I'm always wayyy over.. NEVER have I gained weight because of this. I always loose 2 to 4 lbs a week..

    So I say yes enjoy your cheat day, Just make sure you are working out through out the whole week,, You should be fine..
  • suegil314
    suegil314 Posts: 33 Member
    I say yes, as long as it is planned and in moderation or it could turn into a binge day or continuous cheating. This isn't a diet for me, it is a life style change so I have to be realistic. You need to know your limits and what works for you, or what might set you off.