I can't believe I'm doing this...



  • SigningMomma
    Hi Andrea,

    Welcome!! I am also post gastric-bypass. I had my bypass 5 years ago this past June. A year later, I had lost 141 lbs and was 30 lbs away from my goal when I was in a car accident. That lost my momentum to finish up my last 6 months of the 18 month window to lose as much as I could before my body started to adjust to my new stomach. Six months later, when I was finally able to start to exercise again, I got pregnant. I was thrilled to be pregnant with my second child, and while I couldn't do vigorous exercise, I made it my priority to walk every day. I did NOT want to go back to where I was.

    I did well through my first trimester, but I started to have problems when walking so my doctor told me to stop walking. Panic set in for me - I was petrified. In my second trimester, I had another issue where the pregnancy and bypass caused an intestinal blockage and required surgery. I was 7 months pregnant. Again, I could walk around but definitely no exercise.

    Fast forward to after Eric was born, I breastfed him for 6 momths and for every month I breastfed him, I gained weight. In the end, I ended up 45 lbs higher than my lowest weight. I was not happy with that at all, but didn't really do anything about it. I sulked and that was about it.

    Then my mom died a year and a half ago. Add on 15 lbs.

    So here I am, feeling stupid that I couldn't keep the weight off after gastric bypass and not knowing what to do to get it off. So I joined MFP and am keeping my self honest by charting everything. I am exercising every day - doing Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home videos, I am taking walks with my kids at night. I have replaced all of the junk food in the house with healthy snacks - fruits, veggies cut up and perfect for dipping in hummus (instead of a sour cream based dip), apples and oranges and bananas, etc.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is - I'm here with ya! I will help keep you honest if you do the same for me. Please feel free to friend me. And anyone else who would like to friend me as well!

    Enjoy the day!

    Edit: I keep telling myself over and over - I'm still ahead of the game. I am still 90 lbs down from the bypass and I am no longer a diabetic AND I have my baby Eric... so the bypass was a huge success for me!
  • Andreake08
    Andreake08 Posts: 179 Member
    Thank you!!! :D

    I take it you managed the night without the cabinet? :)

    Ha! I only ate four bread sticks... Better than cookies, but still... Tonight, NO CABINET!!!
  • Andreake08
    Andreake08 Posts: 179 Member
    I know from experience the first step is realising. I'd be glad to encourage you - we're aiming for roughly the same weight.

    Cool!!! We can do it TOGETHER!!! :D:D:D
  • Andreake08
    Andreake08 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi Andrea,

    Welcome!! I am also post gastric-bypass. I had my bypass 5 years ago this past June. A year later, I had lost 141 lbs and was 30 lbs away from my goal when I was in a car accident. That lost my momentum to finish up my last 6 months of the 18 month window to lose as much as I could before my body started to adjust to my new stomach. Six months later, when I was finally able to start to exercise again, I got pregnant. I was thrilled to be pregnant with my second child, and while I couldn't do vigorous exercise, I made it my priority to walk every day. I did NOT want to go back to where I was.

    I did well through my first trimester, but I started to have problems when walking so my doctor told me to stop walking. Panic set in for me - I was petrified. In my second trimester, I had another issue where the pregnancy and bypass caused an intestinal blockage and required surgery. I was 7 months pregnant. Again, I could walk around but definitely no exercise.

    Fast forward to after Eric was born, I breastfed him for 6 momths and for every month I breastfed him, I gained weight. In the end, I ended up 45 lbs higher than my lowest weight. I was not happy with that at all, but didn't really do anything about it. I sulked and that was about it.

    Then my mom died a year and a half ago. Add on 15 lbs.

    So here I am, feeling stupid that I couldn't keep the weight off after gastric bypass and not knowing what to do to get it off. So I joined MFP and am keeping my self honest by charting everything. I am exercising every day - doing Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home videos, I am taking walks with my kids at night. I have replaced all of the junk food in the house with healthy snacks - fruits, veggies cut up and perfect for dipping in hummus (instead of a sour cream based dip), apples and oranges and bananas, etc.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is - I'm here with ya! I will help keep you honest if you do the same for me. Please feel free to friend me. And anyone else who would like to friend me as well!

    Enjoy the day!

    Edit: I keep telling myself over and over - I'm still ahead of the game. I am still 90 lbs down from the bypass and I am no longer a diabetic AND I have my baby Eric... so the bypass was a huge success for me!

    Hi Dawn!

    OMG, what a story... I can relate to almost everything... :(

    I hope I can help you too, because I really believe support is key! :D


  • Andreake08
    Andreake08 Posts: 179 Member
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, I'm back... :P :D