that time of month... (ladies)



  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    try to take a multivitamin to replace all that iron your losing. This may or may not help with cravings, but it's iron your losing and that's what your body wants you to replace.

    I take a daily women's multi. My iron intake is usually above 200% RDA. It's just one day a month (usually day 2) that I NEED a burger :laugh:
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    oh gosh yes, and if u think it's rough now...just wait till menapause. You ladies are in for a real TREAT!!!!
  • soygurl
    soygurl Posts: 44 Member
    Uh, yeah totally. I usually feel like I want to EAT THE WORLD, and NEED CHOCOLATE like it's the last bottle of water in a desert. Definitely frustrating, but oh well. I try not to stress about it too much. :-/
  • I've read a few different places that your menstrual cycle can actually cause a short spike in your metabolism, or the amount of calories that you burn.

    Don't get me wrong; not sure of the validity of any of that, but I can say that I definitely feel a whole lot hungrier right up to and for the first few days of the actual menstruation, and my cravings usually include red meat, but vary otherwise.

  • I crave sugar, pure sugar anything sweet will do. I have been very good this time because I am determined to get this extra weight off. I have lost almost 9 pounds in 4 weeks. Im a little worried because I am off work for 2 weeks on holidays and work is were I get most of my excercise. I hate the gym, love to swim but our pool in town is closed for repairs. It re opens guess when the day I go back to work figures. So I have been cleaning house like a mad woman
  • tvanhooser
    tvanhooser Posts: 326 Member
    My pet peeve, now that I am actively trying to LOSE weight and got the whole PMS cluster/migraine/nausea/vomiting headache issue FINALLY (after 20 years) under control a few years ago (no thanks to any doctor's advice who just seemed to think it was just a natural part of being female --and this from both male and female doctors - and never really did anything about it) with Vitamin E and green tea and fish oil, is just that pesky weight gain just before and during. No matter what my calorie intake, lowered sodium, increased water, exercise, etc. I still seem to get 2-4 pounds around that time. Yes, it falls off again immediately after but it's still annoying as all get out when the scales is progressing evenly downward to suddenly jump up again. When I get to goal, it won't be so bad but when I am say within half a pound of my weekly checkpoint goal with 3 days to go and looking at another success, it is infuriating to wake up and find a 2-3 pound jump. I know it's water weight....but I don't know what else I can do since I have already cut my sodium limit to 1500 and go under that on some days. If anyone knows the magic solution to preventing that PMS water gain, please do share!

    PS No, I don't eat any differently or chug unhealthy stuff at that time of month. I can control that part. I just don't know what to do about my bodily mechanics or biological processes that cause this monthly weight surge.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I usually allow myself 200-300 calories more a day for 2-3 days around that time. That's still under maintenance, so I'm still going in the right direction, but it allows for a couple of additional snacks. My *body* might not need those extra calories, but the craving is so intense that I'd rather find non-destructive ways to satisfy my desires (intentional, healthy snacks), than try try try try try and then break down and eat a bag of chips or M&Ms with a Coca Cola chaser!
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    No cravings, no bloating, no break outs, but I did learn when I was younger that vegemite kills the chocolate craving. And vegemite is high in vitamin B etc.
  • amyLhuff
    amyLhuff Posts: 102
    I just had mine and I'll see what happened on monday but yes it's hard but so far I've been able to resist the chocolate temptation I have however had some lays potato chips but I make sure I get the small lunch pack so I don't eat the whole bag. It's still 160 cal but oh so satisfying.
  • IokiOcto
    IokiOcto Posts: 123 Member
    <---- bottomless pit :grumble:
  • QTChica123
    QTChica123 Posts: 1 Member
    I totally understand. I crave sweets like nothing else and I'm struggling cuz I'm starting in the next few days.
  • gracieabem
    gracieabem Posts: 211
    I've never been able to pin point cravings with TOM, possibly because I'm really struggle sometimes to be self aware of what my body is doing and I've never been terribly regular. I did think at one stage it was salty things I craved (vegemite toast, but it had to be with butter), but sometimes I don't crave at all. And then at other times I get a huge craving for sweet things that may or may not be linked to my cycle. I think I'm just confused.

    The other week I woke up with a huge craving for pork of all things. I don't even eat a lot of pork. It was so strong that I even stopped at the butchers after my run to gawk at the pork to figure out what I should buy. I did make pork for dinner that night with a lovely sage and apple cinnamon topping with veggies.

    I don't think my craving was even related to hormones, but it was unbelievable how much I wanted that pork...
  • jodilo88
    jodilo88 Posts: 63
    I almost always "have" to have chocolate during that "lovely time." I'm on a September challenge though with a group of my girlfriends on Facebook and we have each resolved three goals (two related to health, one not) that we want to do in September. One of my goals is to have no chocolate during my "lovely time."
  • rose_mortem
    rose_mortem Posts: 147 Member
    I can't stop eating. At all. And my friends have noticed my monthly trips to the vending machine after I've eaten my unusually large lunch/dinner/snacks... I've given up on TOM
  • I get very odd cravings. One month I craved raw meat (didn't give in, though) and another I craved blue, didn't care what it was as long as it was blue.
  • DiNamicToo
    DiNamicToo Posts: 17 Member
    I crave sweet and salty snacks! Pretzels one minute and then chocolate the next! :laugh:

    Does anyone ever weigh during their cycle? Or, do you weigh in a couple of days after it's over?
  • psychopiglet
    psychopiglet Posts: 130 Member
    I think so? My periods have been up the wall the last year. I didn't get one from August till December, then thatvone lasted 27 days and since then I've only had my one staring less than a week after the previous one finished and most of them are lasting 2-3 weeks. This one is coming up to 4 weeks now and I dunno how I actually haven't bled to death lol

    Not sure why I shared that much, but whatever.

    So yeah, I'm not sure if I'm eating differently or not.
  • seed_of_wonder
    seed_of_wonder Posts: 202 Member
    i do weigh myself out of curiosity. i go up 3-5 pounds but it doesn't bother me because i go back to normal by the end of the week
  • nardz04
    nardz04 Posts: 17 Member
    Yes!! its so hard to keep on track. Its worse now that I have Jadelle implant. Anyonen else have that problem?
  • dub73
    dub73 Posts: 70
    OMG!!!!! I agree with all the posts!!!!:explode: