This is why we shouldn't even have it in the house...



  • red051683
    red051683 Posts: 44 Member
    Always one day at a time :) We can do this!!!!
  • Jargarita
    Jargarita Posts: 20 Member
    This was me last week! I picked up some special treats for myself with the intention of having a little each day but it just didn't happen. It was like some freaky compulsion to eat it all asap so no one else could have any even though no one else would have had any anyways...
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    I know that I can not have 'goodies' in the house. If they are there they are there to be eaten. If I buy them then I know I am going to eat them. So I enjoy the feeling then dont do it again until I absolutely must.

    I think it was a weight watchers lady that said ' you are eating the same amount of calories whether you eat it over one day or three'.

    Hope you are back on track and having a good day.
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    Not in your grocery cart, not in your mouth. Literally.

    That being said...

    I have maintained this weight by avoiding only things that my body cannot tolerate (pasta and bread make me want to die). I'd been through phases of a Starbucks a day, popcorn 3x a day, peanuts in the shell, pudding, ridiculous amounts of coconuts, apples, oranges, grapefruits, TONS of rice, entire pounds of steak, wine, White Russians, and let's not talk about how much cake I ate during my birthday week. Or my daughter's birthday week. Or the ridiculous amount of cookies during my son's birthday week. Or the week of my older daughter's birthday... To put it lightly, I eat a LOT.
    The difference? I train hard and beat my body in to submission. Due to genetics, I'm not supposed to do the crazy things I do, like run up a hill, or endurance running, or hiking with a kid on my back. I worked HARD for this, I work HARD to maintain it.

    So I'm going to eat what I want, when I want it... even if it's a bunch of carrots, rice, peas, chicken, apples, oranges, steak, mangoes, grapefruits, pudding, yogurt, peanuts, and/or popcorn.
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    . Food is fun to eat. If it was just fuel we would all eat bland gruel loaded with vitamin pills. We should learn to enjoy food and fit that into a healthy lifestyle.

    THis mentality is why the majority is on MFP in the first place.. Food is just a fuel source, True fun is taking your shirt off and not feeling ashamed.... Thats ok though you can eat your ice cream, I will eat my fuel.

    Totally agree. Food is NOT entertainment, its fuel.
  • Julietecosse
    something that helped me realize i needed to look at food as fuel not a rewards was this saying. "Don't reward yourself with food, you are not a dog!"

    Loved that that image. Thanks.
  • shyeban
    shyeban Posts: 121 Member
    I have had to learn to throw food in the bin when I don't want to eat it and no one else will.
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    something that helped me realize i needed to look at food as fuel not a rewards was this saying. "Don't reward yourself with food, you are not a dog!"

    **Like this comment *** and REALLY trying to do this for myself too
  • Tank_Girl
    Tank_Girl Posts: 372 Member
    How about replacing cookies with strawberrys as a treat? you will feel a lot less guilty after it.
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    Totally with you... if it's in the house (my husband has the metabolism of a hummingbird, the pallet of a 5 year old and of course the cash on hand of a union driver so he brings in crap ALL THE TIME!) I can walk right past it 99 times, and then - WHAMO - I'm on it. But that's better --- it used to be only 49 times walking past, and before than, only 9 times. So, while I've gotten stronger physically through working out, I have gotten stronger mentally as well. Sure helps to have to log the crap - and then have your friends see it. Apparenly, for me anyway, peer pressure can be a very strong motivator... lol

    I just LOVE walking through the grocery store and finding NO CRAP in my cart when I hit the checkout! I walk to the car in such a good mood and a little strut in my step.

    You will get there - make a better choice today than yesterday; forgive (but log) your mistakes; move on and make a better choice tomorrow.
  • AidenT94
    AidenT94 Posts: 39 Member
    How about replacing cookies with strawberrys as a treat? you will feel a lot less guilty after it.

    This idea is great! Replacing most sweets, like cookies or cake, with something naturally sweet, like strawberries or watermelon, is definitely healthier, and you still get your sugar craving fulfilled. Granted, it may not be as fulfilling as a cookie or a slice of cake, but it's definitely lower in calories.
  • kazhowe
    kazhowe Posts: 340 Member
    food IS fun i agree, i love cooking up a delicious meal and enjoying it. obviously i didnt come up with the phrase so i cant tell you how it came about, but i do agree with it. i'm not telling the OP she HAS TO agree with it, but it was something that helped me personally overcome my binges. and trust me i love my cheat meals here and there they help keep me sane. but i dont bust my *kitten* in a workout and then "reward" myself with a cupcake or three afterwards because i think i earned it. i try to load up with a nutritious meal afterwards so i can feel good about what i just did instead of guilty later on for indulging probably more than i needed to.
    I asked if you could explain the phrase. You haven't.

    Pushy much!! :huh: