Urban Dictionary Name Defination

So I was bored so I looked my name up on urbandictionary.com. These were my top 4 results:

1. Ashley
A girl who needs no definition. TOO amazing for words.

2. Ashley
Amazing, caring, smart, goal setter, high achiever, cares of others before herself, always willing to help out a friend. Great kisser and comfortable with who she is. Not very many enemies, everyone loves her. Alway see's the best in people at the beginning. Don't however get on her bad side, when you are there, you stay for a while. Family is important and looks to God for strength. Loyal to the one's she loves. Overall wonderful person

3. Ashley
An "Ashley" is usually one who will take your breath away at first sight. She's original, amazing, different in all the perfect ways and her beauty is undeniable. She will have the most mesmerizing eyes that anyone could ever have and just looking into them will make one lose their mind and fall deep in love with her, without necessarily trying. She's crazy but in the best ways possible and will surely change your life in the most positive way. She has a smile that will force you to smile no matter what, it's adorable. She's ridiculously sweet and anyone who is lucky enough to know a true Ashley should never let her go because they won't find another girl like her. She should be treated like a goddess and deserves the best in the world.

4. Ashley
a bad *kitten* mother****er who who won't take no **** off of nobody

My favorite is number 4... lol. What does Urban Dictionary say your name means?


  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    I'm picking this one because I like it, except for the grammar...lol. :)

    A denise is with out a doubt the most gorgeous girl in the universe. She will do anything for her friends. If you have a denise as a friend, keep her, becuase losing her would be the worst possible thing that could ever happen. Denise's are the most amazing, fantastic, funny, and passionate girls ever. They are the best possible friend that you could ever ask for. Always willing to help you no matter what. If you are in need of anything, denise is the one to call. No matter what. They tend to be very shy, just take time to talk to her and get to know her you are guaranteed to love this rare beauty. Her personality is like a diamond amongst rocks. Not only is she beautiful on the inside but also on the outside. She has stunning curves, beautiful big eyes, and shiny brown hair. She is the best girlfriend a guy could ever want. To date her is comparable to heaven on earth. She is always give, never take. She is not one to take advantage of you, although she is often taken for advantage. She is not the most outgoing person and guys tend to get bored of her after just a little while. They dont give her a chance. Worst mistake ever. She is a Goddess in human form. Absolutely perfect in every way. If you find a denise, latch on for dear life. She is a life-long friend. Never let her go. Love her till the end. She is guaranteed to always be full of surprises. Usually they are very passionate about animals and nature as well.
  • cakelady69
    cakelady69 Posts: 228
    1. Vicki

    The female form of Victor which means victorious. Vicki is a beautiful woman, she is fiercly loyal and dedicated to her loved ones. She is very protective and stands up for what she believes in. She never gives up, failure is never permanent but simply a stepping stone on the way to success. Vicki is sexy and intelligent, a combination which is very attractive to other people who are confident in themselves but intimidating to those who are not. Vicki is often the centre of attention because she takes charge of the situation and makes life happen. She is talented, she is a performer, she can sing and dance. She is educated and loves to share her knowledge with others, she is a teacher. She is a lover, to her mate she is passionate and loves with abandon. To her children she is a friend, and home is their haven. She is an ispiration to those around her, she is always striving to better herself and the world around her. Vicki is a good and valuable friend.

    2. Vicki

    The definition of beautiful.
    Strong, smart, very funny, good at anything if she puts her mind to it. Has a great personality and is sweet. Has a HUGE butt and is known for it.Usually has many nationalities, ex: french,canadian,russian ect. Very independent, sexy and trusts no one. Is a good friend, loves the outdoors. Also known to be good in bed.Has many brothers and sisters. She's flawless

    3. Vicki

    sexy, very funny, smoking hot, loves life, very loyal friend, the best girlfriend you could ever ask for, will not betray you or dissapoint you, is good in the bedroom, very good style, good with children, all round brilliant specimen of female. you could not ask hope for better, fantastic, perfect in everyway, and cooks a brillaitn spag bol and roast dinner

    4. Vicki

    An extremely sexy person, who is known to be promiscuous.

    5. VICKI

    One of the many types of widely distributed indigenious horny mammals native to southwest britain, northeast cambodia, central Africa, Sub Saharan deserts, mines of Australia, tombs of Egypt, caves of India and university residences.

    6. vicki

    the head b*^&h, queen b#$%h if you will, someone who doesn't give a f@#k about what people say because they are just a bunch of jealous *kitten* loosers. vicki sets the standards for all b#$%^#s!

    I like #6. LOL
    Actually, I'll take #3.
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    My name is ashley too. You did the work for me :D
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    all the ones for my name are usually for boys... my first one is horrible, but i will copy paste it. for the record im just providing the copy pasted info from urban dictionary lol.

    A synonym of Anal Assassin, *kitten* Bandit, *kitten* Spelunker, Back Door Bandit, Bone Smuggler, Brownie king, Bum Bandit, Bumhole Engineer, Butt Pirate, Butt Rider, Butt Rustler, **** Jockey, Cockpipe Cosmonaut, Fruit, Butt Fruit, Fudge Packer, Fudge Nudger, Oklahomo, Poo Pusher, Poo Pirate, Rectum Ranger, Rump Ranger, **** Stabber, Turd Burglar. It is also a term that refers to a really hairy and smelly dude.

    i like this one better

    A person who is loving, trust-worthy, friendly, funny, sweet and knows how to have a good time. this person can be easily mislead and also easily breakable, so make sure to be delicate with their hearts. other than that, this person is very fun to be around and can easily brighten your day. just being around this person immediately lifts your spirit and fills your heart with warmth, like your own sun. when surrounded by them, its hard not to smile and laugh.

    all good- besides the being mislead part. im my own me.
  • DeeDel32
    DeeDel32 Posts: 542 Member
    Some of the entries for my name:

    #3 and #4 are hilarious.

    1. Diane
    Someone amazingly beautiful, who's smart, funny, great to be around, and just overall perfect. They tend to be extremely pretty, irresistable, and easy to fall in love with.

    2. diane
    someone that is the most beautiful girl in the world and really awesome

    3. diane
    Someone who can get naked in 2.59 seconds.

    4. Diane
    A beautiful woman with incredible breasts who I was lucky enough to marry.

    5. Diane
    freakingly awesome girl who is a mother****ing dino!
  • KyliAnnHobson
    KyliAnnHobson Posts: 551 Member
    Kyli -
    describes a random person who steals your french fries. no matter where you are, if you buy french fries a kyli will surely find you and grab a few fries on the way by.
    guy 1) hey dude what happened to your fries!!
    guy 2) crap a stupid kyli must have grabbed them while i wasnt looking!

  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    :laugh: :laugh:

    Dominick -

    Usually goes by Dom, a guy that girls want.
    Not afraid to knock a mother f***er out, badass guy that everyone wants to be friends with. He is a badass.
    Loves to get ****ed up, parties hard and never remembers important events that happened. Likes to camp and go to the river. It does not bother him to pay for things.
    Major biter, lips and neck. Leaves hickeys. Usually has tattoos.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member

    freakingly awesome girl who is a mother****ing dino!

    jealousss :p
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    "Lauren: A girl who likes to have sex under a tarp."

    Slander and lies!
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    mine were creepily spot on. creepily.
    My mom oddly gave me this crappy name that no one liked. Even my brother and sister wouldn't use it!
    They ended up calling me Maggie.

    It helps when people call there
    "Is maggie there?"
    "Yeah, just a minute"

    "Hi, is J___ there?"
    "uhm, can I ask who's calling?"

    LOL, but they were spot on on urban! Creepy.

    the most amazing girl there is. she will make you laugh your head off. she is pretty, gorgeous, beautiful and hot. she is liked by everyonee and is very outgoing. she is a great friend and people would be lucky to have her in their life. you'll always have a great time with her. she can be a little selfish, bratty and full of herself but if you tell her what shes doing she'll stop. she is the nicest person oout there. has amazing eyes, hair, and is good in bed. :)
  • Bucky83
    Bucky83 Posts: 1,194 Member
    My top 5 (I like them all)

    1. Chanelle: Effortlessly beautiful. She carries herself with grace and poise. Amazing person with a heart that cares for all. A true friend who is loyal to the bone.

    2. Chanelle: sexy beast

    3. Chanelle: a pretty funny girl with lots of friends, very nice to everyone even people they hate. Also very smart everyone likes them and they are far from a slut but dates boys.

    4. Chanelle: A beautiful, loving caring girl often tall with brown hair, always there for you when you need her. She is hot, sexy, nice and awesome. you can always count on her!!!

    5. Chanelle, a person who loves and lives life to the fullest. A beautiful girl inside and out, who is quite sexy at times. Chanelle has an amazing yet funny personalty, and is very shy with some people. She loves her family and friends aLOT, and Chanelle loves looking at the positive side of life. She treats everyone with respect, even people she dislikes. She doesn't like using the word slut at all. Chanelle is an amazing friend, and without someone like her your life wouldn't be funny or exciting as it would be to have her in your life.
  • wolfpack77
    wolfpack77 Posts: 655


    The heterosexual way of spelling the name Eric.
    The name implies many meanings:
    -awesome beyond comparison (adj.)
    -stunningly handsome and suave (adj.)
    -able to attract large numbers of women without using any effort (verb)
    -able to do all things exceedingly well (verb)
    Wow! That pass was freaking erik!

    Woman 1: Did you see that really erik guy?
    Woman 2: Yeah, I'd totally hook up with him!

    Fred: Man, why does Todd always get so many women?
    Jeff: Because he can erik better than anyone!

    Boss: You must have worked incredibly hard on this report. I think you erik better than anyone I've ever seen!
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    I don't even know where to begin... too many entries! LMAO
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member


    The heterosexual way of spelling the name Eric.
    The name implies many meanings:
    -awesome beyond comparison (adj.)
    -stunningly handsome and suave (adj.)
    -able to attract large numbers of women without using any effort (verb)
    -able to do all things exceedingly well (verb)
    Wow! That pass was freaking erik!

    Woman 1: Did you see that really erik guy?
    Woman 2: Yeah, I'd totally hook up with him!

    Fred: Man, why does Todd always get so many women?
    Jeff: Because he can erik better than anyone!

    Boss: You must have worked incredibly hard on this report. I think you erik better than anyone I've ever seen!

    I threw up all over a parking lot chasing after an Erik. It was. Ugly. The I told my future husband I loved him for the first time.
    Actually it was huuurl I huuurl lo huuurh lof huuurl youuuuhurrrl
    *sigh* I am too nice. My friend had been flirting with Erik and I knew Erik was into her. After he left she asked me for his number (before the age of cell phones) oooh the memories.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    wbgoldentown 29 up, 10 down

    wbgolden describes the sheer beyond greatness of something on a small scale. wbgoldentown is awesome on a scale so large an entire town could become enveloped by it.
    That burrito was wbgoldentown!
  • trishgrace
    trishgrace Posts: 285
    1. Trish

    A sexy strong sensitive woman who is straightforward and honest. A person who makes a great friend. Loyal almost to a fault, funny thoughtful and loving. She would be someone you want on your side. Protective may be her middle name and she will always stand up for herself and what she believes.
    Man I was feeling attacked and went all Trish on the guy!

    2. Trish

    A very beautiful girl, that has brown hair and green eyes. typically has several guys around her at a time and makes friends easily. people easily love her.
    Trish is the ****! I wish I could be like her...

    3. Trish

    Immature, offensive, and irritating at times, but she has the cutest face and fattest *kitten* you'll ever see. Very caring and loves to get intimate on multiple occassions. Down on herself - but she's perfect. She has no idea how much she means to her significant other, she feels as though she doesn't deserve me, but it's the other way around. She's the ultimate woman; funny, very intellecutal, articulate, and sarcastic in a good way, and sexy as all hell. I love her more than anything I can even fathom. She's my baby girl.
    Hey, you see that ***** over there?

    *****? That's my baby Trish, watch your mouth- she's special. She rides that **** and she handles her liqour.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member

    Beautiful, but they never admit it. They are very vulnerable, and they fall into peer-pressure often. Sweet, but they can be mean if provoked. Most tend to fall in love with the wrong people, and are very flirtacious. Their laughs are amazing, and they give great hugs.

    A Cassie is the cream of the crop. Absolutely Gorgeous, Funny, Smart, did I mention Beautiful, and Lucky. They are Sweet, but they can be mean if provoked. Never mess with a Cassie. Always puts others’ needs in front of her own. Their laughs are contagious.
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member

    1. A left-leaning, cultured, intelligent, down-to-earth chic that has tons of friends throughout the world. She's a lover of cinema and ethnic cuisines, has a witty sense of humor and is a great person to get advice from. She's the friend that is always there if you need her. She's also fantastic in the sack.
    "That chic is so awesome. What an April."

    2. A cool name, given to a girl. Appears to contain the magical property of forcing others to ask the same question when it is first heard, regardless of good sense.

    3. a very fine gurl. usually known to take someones boyfriend

  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    DAN 2834 up, 1240 down

    What your girl be screamin' while you at work.
    Ohhh DAN, DAN, your SO GOOD!

    dan 450 up, 203 down

    Dan is funny, hot, sexy, hes such a great guy and is very good-looking, everyone wants to be him and every girl wants to have hot steamy sex with him and play with him and he has the coolest name in the whole ******** world!!!!!!!!!!
    hey that guy its such a dan

    Dan 1409 up, 766 down

    stone cold pimp, mac daddy.
    Dan is thee coolest dude I know
  • Janet9906
    Janet9906 Posts: 546 Member

    A totally amazing woman! Loves hard, plays fair. Enjoys all positive, hates negative. A big romantic and dreamer. Very down to earth with a sensual side. Easily entreated and full of pep. Likes to get things done. Loves children. Sexiest woman on earth...and loves to smile.

    Feminine form of John, defined as "God is gracious".
    Has many issues at times but eventually works them out. She has her own so-called "catchphrases" that make her sound repetitive and frustrated at times. She enjoys watching shows when she should actually be doing her work and is very self-conscious of herself. She also tends to assume many things and should probably realize by now that half the things she assumes are not accurate. There are times when she can be super loud and obnoxious, but overall, she is a wonderful, sweet girl who is someone worth holding onto in the future.

    A girl who while seemingly sweet and innocent is truly very sexual and slutty. :laugh: