Urban Dictionary Name Defination



  • SurfinBird1981
    SurfinBird1981 Posts: 517 Member
    Apparently I think "BJ's are nasty" :noway:

    1. alexis

    usually the happy one, always talkitive. loves to dance when she hears music, has a cute laugh. and an amazing smile. shes usally short. and is truly beautiful. usually a great kisser, and thinks bj's are nasty. she can brighten a day up for anyone She is serious but she can hang with the guys. She keeps secrets extremely well, and she is very loyal. A great speller, extremely intelligent, and everything you would want in a girl. She is also very hard to keep. If you are lucky enough to get her and she loves you, give that girl a ring!
    dude#1 who is that girl over there
    dude#2 oh!!!!thats just alexis shes just amazing

    2. alexis

    A beautiful women great in bed. Has one of the prettiest smiles. Everyone loves her laugh. She loves to party. She is a great dancer. She is normally a short girl. She loves attention and has so many friends. She is just a great person all the way around. She is known for her boobs and dresses very cute.

    3. Alexis

    Alexis is a beautiful girl, but doesn't believe that. She's insecure about her body, and worries a lot how people look at her. She's full of love, but never finds the right guy. She's understanding, funny, and is a great friend. She's been through a lot, so, she is also good at giving people advice. She's an animal lover, BIG animal lover. She is friendly, kind, but is easily upset. She always likes to feel important, and can get offended by things other people wouldn't see offending. But nevertheless, shes a great person at heart, its just, people don't fully understand her.
    "Did you see Alexis's new pet?"
    "no, she gets another one everyday."

    4. Alexis

    A pretty cool girl with a sense of humor and good looks.
    Guy #1: Dude, I'd totally date an Alexis
    Guy #2: I would too.

    5. Alexis

    Alexis' are beautiful on the inside and out. They make guys smile 24/7, guys also get either very shy or crazy around Alexis's because they are so amazing, it's hard for them to handle.
    Andrew: I think i'm in love with Alexis...i can't even talk to her. *tears fall* I WANT HER SO BAD

    6. Alexis

    a beatiful girl who loves having fun and laughs and smiles a lot. She may not be the most patient person though. She has her flaws, but who doesnt. You can count on her, and she always fun to talk to and be around. Shes a great person all around.
    "hey who is that"
    "oh thats Alexis, shes always fun to be with"

    7. Alexis

    Alexis's normally are beautiful and very graceful. They normally have great smiles and a nice butt. Also they have great ta-tas. Alexis's normally makes guys hot for teacher and drool constantly. They also have cute noses and can turn anyones day into an amazing time.
    Boy: Hey, what's up with that ghetto booty?
    Guy: Nah man that's just alexis.
    Boy: I think I'm hot for teacher.
  • AddictedtoAerosmith
    AddictedtoAerosmith Posts: 186 Member
    Holy Snap, pretty much dead on, which is interesting...

    1. Andrea
    A gorgeous lady that one of a kind, the most rare female on the face of the earth; the kind that every guy dreams about. She is confident, honest, loyal, protective of what she has, strong, artistic, beautiful inside and out, exellent lover. A tower of strength for those she cares for, the rock to her family. She is a person you can depend on, just don't go too far in crossing lines with her or those she loves. Or else you better run and get out of her way...because she will come out and get you.
    1- Yo man, you won't believe i'm dating the most amazing

    girl, she is such a beauty. Guess who it is?

    2- Oh man, you lucky. Got to be Andrea.

    3- Yeah Man, shes all i have been dreaming about and

    even better.

    2. Andrea
    The most adorable girl in the world. You can't help but fall in love with her again and again. She is the top 2% without a doubt. An amazing friend and lover to those she trusts. Tends to put herself down and is shy because she does not see what everyone else can see; her beautiful eyes, infectious smile, warm sweet personality, and a bangin voluptuous body of a vixen. Difficult to steal her heart, she is true to her boyfriend or whatever you wanna call him. She has his back right, wrong, or indifferent. I want to grow old with Andrea, he doesn't.
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    Comical to say the least!


    A word to say when some stranger asks for your name. Very entertaining results.

    Stranger: Hey, kid, what's your name? Kid: Bob.


    The most awe inspiring name in existance. Think of any historical feat in existance and he's done it. The first name that pops into your head, for obvious reasons. All hail he who is known as Bob.

    Me: "Hey Bob! You rock!"

    Bob: "I know, I know"


    A name that people name imaginary people, or call themselves. They think it is the funniest thing ever, when it is actually just stupid. These people should not be encouraged. They should be stabbed in the eye instead.

    Person 1 (giggly and laughy): Hey, my name is Bob.
    Person 2: *sets Person 1 on fire*


    A word used in place of 'God'. When used, it often has hilarious results

    Holy Bob!!!!

    Well, thank Bob!!!!

    Oh, Bob!!!!

    Bob dammit!!!


    What you call the guy in the water with no arms or legs.

    What do you call a guy with no arms and legs when you throw him into the lake?


    1) Another word for hot.

    2) Can also be used as suggestive eyebrows.

    1) Man, you're looking Bob today.

    2) Person 1 : I want to see you in my room.

    Person 2 : (bob)
  • Anastasia0511
    Anastasia0511 Posts: 372 Member
    1. anastasia
    an extremely goddess like figure who boys will line up to tie her shoes for her. She has an amazing death stare and will not put up with being called a priss. Because she is a GODDESS
    Dude, man, i totally got to tie anastasia's shoes for her!

    2. Anastasia
    Usually a beautiful brown-eyed girl who is constantly in thought, always worrying, and always doing something wrong. She has both inner beauty and outter. She is very intelligent and taken for granted and used all the time. She's friendly all the time, like a hyper anime girl, but is put down for being different. She searches for love, but it never works out. She's truly a hesitant and shy girl. She gets by in life with great friends, but her friends are her weakness. If you know of an 'Anastasia' becomes friends with her she'll be a real sweet heart more than you know.
    1-Who is that girl?

    2- I'm not sure she seems wild though!

    3-Hm, i know her

    pause and stare

    3- Oh sorry, she's an Anastasia.

    1- Niceeee

    2- I'm going to go say hi

    3. Anastasia
    The epitome of awesomeness.
    She is the most Anastasia of them all.

    4. Anastasia
    The most beautiful girl in the world with the prettiest smile, and the funniest sense of humour, any guy would be lucky to date a girl like this.
    Brandon: Hey, man what are you doing later?
    Alex: Im gonna go hang out with Anastasia.

    5. Anastasia
    A green eyed brown haired, beautiful and sexy girl who tends to think a lot and has quite a few close friends. Anastasia has a strong a strong will and a temper. Always up to something and has a dark side. Always loving and kind, she's always there for who she loves. Anastasia has knowledge of the mysterious and the occult and magick and is who you go to when you need help in any of these things. She is sweet and can be found in the woods or in big spooky houses. Anastasia tends to be a happy person but can have moments of weakness and melancholy. She is the type who has been through a lot of hardship, yet still sees the glass as half full. She loves the night.

    Hmmm ..."Always up to something and has a dark side." I agree with that only lol.
  • wolverine_country
    Not sure who cam up with this one


    A person who you can describe as shy & very quiet. Those two words are the common words used to describe him. Although his real personality is completely the opposite. Once you get to know him, a sweet, romantic, gentleman is hiding behind his mysterious eyes. He may not be the boy-next-door type but he's got the attraction by words. He's not great at letting out his feelings but only a special someone can bring out the best in him. He is great and someone a girl would want to have.


    I heard she is dating Jayson! She must be so special!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Theres some amazing Julies out there apparently. Lol

    1. Julie is the name only given to those who deserve and respect it. There is no such thing as simply "A Julie," as anyone with the name of Julie deserves special recognition, because, obviously, it is the best name in the world. Anyone named Julie should be addressed as "The Julie" because no Julie is ordinary and each and every Julie is worthy of such a title; their name is Julie.

    2. A beautiful female that is easy to get along with. She always has an open ear, heart and shoulder when you need it. If she's down and out and see's others down and out. She would drop anything to help make them happy. She is loyal, a great lover, not afraid to be honost, funny, humble and is always smiling. She cares not for materialistic things. You could give her a rock and she would see the beauty in it. She is a family person and likes to spend lots of time w/ them. Her only downfall is that she can bottle her own stress and break down if no one see's her suffering. So don't ever hurt a Julie. She doesn't deserve it. For even a big heart can only take so much beating.

    3. The most amazing girl that ever walked this earth.The most BEAUTIFUL eyes and shes funnny as hell. She is drop dead gorg. Ur mouth auotmaticly drops when u see her. Full of love and makes Thee funniest facil expressions ever. The best girlfriend imagineable..
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member

    Amazingly amazing so much fun to be around crazy but lovable the shorter the better amzingly big boobs and butt and gives the best compliments! she is smart in her own way which makes her even more loveable!!! you cant help but wanna be one or know one.

    Name for an amazing well-rounded wholesome girl. She loves to laugh and talk about things with you, and she'll always be there for you. If you hurt one of her friends, she'll be there to back you up and help you through it. If you have a problem, she'll help solve it. She is a wonderful person.

    An extremly beautiful girl. very loveable . awsome kisser . nice curves , everything you want in a girl
  • PShep17
    PShep17 Posts: 221 Member
    Paula :)

    1. Natural beauty, exotic, very unique

    2. Hot, sexy, naturally beautiful, exotic, gorgeous, amazing smile, stunning eyes, funny, cool, friendly, easy going, reliable, trustable, loves to dance and sing, and the most wonderful person ever.

    3. Paula is a musical, loyal friend, with a great personality, she is beautiful, sexually intriguing, passionate, and basically an incredible person.

    4. A fantastic friend, caring and nurturing. An extremely successful, intelligent, organized individual who exudes beauty both inside and out, beloved by all. Paula deserves the best the world can offer.

    5. A beautiful girl with a cute name and has the BEST possible personailty I've ever met.

    6. beautiful, sexy, amazing, nice, funny, romantic, gorgeous, cherishable, with the best *kitten*, and amazing rack

    That'll do :)
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    1. kimberly

    A sweet compassionate girl that finds the beauty in everything. She is always willing to give a helping hand. Everyone loves her as soon as they meet her. Tends to be very sexy and confident.
    Going on a mission trip to Ukraine is such a Kimberly thing to do.

    2. Kimberly

    Girl who...
    A. listens to you
    B. has too much energy
    C. might be a little annoying
    D. is very talkative
    E. is very smart (but sometimes does not show it)
    F. is in love with some right now (but may not know it)
    Boy1: DUDE! That Kimberly is sooo INSANE!
    Boy2: DUDE! But look up! I think she loves you!
    Boy1: OMG dude! ima ask her out!
    Kimberly: WTF is happening over here?!

    5. Kimberly

    Beautiful, sexy, sweet and smart. Even more beautiful on the inside. This girl will make all your dreams come true. You'll never want to take your eyes off of her, she'll always amaze you and make you laugh. Great in bed. The one you will never want to let go of and if you do you will regret forever.
    Kimberly is the girl I want to marry.

    Numbers one and five are my favorites!
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    My Faves for my name:

    1.a girl who is hotter than the flames of hell

    2. the marvelous and mysterious temptress from the land of eternal joy

    3. a girl who is smarter than albert einstein but as gorgeous as helen of troy (you know the one whose beauty started the epic war)

    4. this girl is in NO way affiliated with Lindsay Lohan. Lohan simply stole this girl's name.
    See that smoking hot amazing girl over there? Yep, she's a Lindsay.

    and 7!

    A woman who tastes like unicorn meat.
    That piece of Lindsay I had last night was way better than the McRib I ate at lunch.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member

    - The most amazing human being to ever walk the face of the planet. If he punched you in the face, You would have to resist the urge to thank him. Not that he would ever punch you to begin with. (He's so fantastic that he doesn't like mindless violence) Kyle's are very opinionated, but in the cutest little way. Kyle's are also very beautiful in apperance and have awesome man pecs. They tend to be very humerous and have witty comebacks and are VERY very interesting to talk to. You'll never be bored around a Kyle. They're very good listeners and very emotional people. They have the best personality ever, and Kyle's are very flirty and have the most amazing eyes. This definition of a Kyle does no justice.

    - A Kyle is a cute, awkward, dorky guy. He's funny and even though he can be really sweet, sometimes he can come off as a complete and total *kitten*. No one can't stay mad at him for long. Kyle's are known to be players, sort of the "bad-boy" type. They are outstandingly charming. And they know how to smooth-talk us ladies, but they treat their women right and will settle down for the right one. They make great Dad's and they're very successful at life. They crack corny jokes but can get away with it unlike most. Kyle's don't have a lot of friends but a few true ones. They are laid back and just go with the flow. They are very religious and can dress to impress. If you meet a Kyle don't let him go. It'll be one of the worst mistakes you can ever make. (:

    Lol both of these are pretty accurate, actually. Kyle's do it best :drinker:
  • BikinimomE
    BikinimomE Posts: 116 Member
    I actually do have my own urban dictionary definition. I AM the original, one and only BIKINIMOM! :)
  • alltacht
    alltacht Posts: 139 Member
    Haha mines hilarious

    Sarah Kate
    Sarah Kate be a girl who all be like bow-chica-wow-wow. Chances are you'll find her at the bar, then Taco Bell, though not particularly in that order. She is often from Mississippi, and enjoys wearing leopard bras. Although she is incredibly well educated, you would never think this given the choice of grammar in her text messages and g-chats. She's more sketchy in a 5-series BMW than Chamillionaire is when he is ridin' dirty. She always ends up in the champagne room at the Gold Club as she makes it rain with 20's.
    Todd: Who's that incredibly well dress girl acting like she is from north Jacksonville?

    Heather: Oh that is just Sarah Kate
  • jboccio90
    jboccio90 Posts: 644 Member

    A trustworthy type of chick . Very independent and gorgeous. People usually compliment her as the best friend out there.

    I wont argue with that haha
  • holeshottdr
    holeshottdr Posts: 364 Member
    Too funny!

    1. Troy also known as "God"
    Troy: the ancient greek god of erotica

    2. Troy

    Has a abnormally HUGE PENIS ranging 24-36 inches. Always drowning in p*ssy. Doesn't take *kitten* from no one and does not have CROTCH ROT! Also a beast at everything he does especially in the sack. Ladies can cook eggs and bacon on his eight pack then get down on him and ride him like a roller coaster. The only thing hes says is "BEND OVER B!TCH" and everyone replies HELL YA!

    3. Troy

    Declaring yourself winner of everything. Being the American Hero and motivating all those around you to be winners. Having extreme confidence in oneself.

    4. Troy

    The coolest kid around. He gets all the *kitten* he wants and can real in girls from anywhere. True hottie. Has rumors started about him by *kitten*, but doesnt let it get to him, but knows the truth and lives life getting hot girls.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    You're killing me!!! lollz
  • holeshottdr
    holeshottdr Posts: 364 Member
    :bigsmile: :glasses:
  • jubeesh
    jubeesh Posts: 156
    These are my 2 favorite definitions

    Jessica- A girl you are lucky to know. Jessica's tend to have the brightest smiles. They usually give you full attention & have an intense stare that can be intimidating, but they are so sweet there is no need to be intimidated. If you are a guy & you let a Jessica get away then you are a dumb sh** because Once a Jessica loves, she loves forever. Jessica's deserve guys that will go to the ends of the earth, & walk on fire to be with them. That's how amazing they are. Jessica's are also good friends that are always there for a friend in need. They are Loyal, kind & forgiving. Anyone who would take advantage of or lie to a Jessica is a worthless piece of sh** who doesn't deserve to live. If you have ever wronged a Jessica you should be eternally ashamed of yourself.

    she is an amazing and beautiful girl with the best smile. she has the effect of brightening up someone's day (even just by smiling). she is absolutely adorable. she sometimes says things without thinking, but she's so cute when she does. she's sooo funny. she smells really nice too. in one word, jessica is wonderful.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Too funny!

    1. Troy also known as "God"
    Troy: the ancient greek god of erotica

    2. Troy

    Has a abnormally HUGE PENIS ranging 24-36 inches. Always drowning in p*ssy. Doesn't take *kitten* from no one and does not have CROTCH ROT! Also a beast at everything he does especially in the sack. Ladies can cook eggs and bacon on his eight pack then get down on him and ride him like a roller coaster. The only thing hes says is "BEND OVER B!TCH" and everyone replies HELL YA!

    3. Troy

    Declaring yourself winner of everything. Being the American Hero and motivating all those around you to be winners. Having extreme confidence in oneself.

    4. Troy

    The coolest kid around. He gets all the *kitten* he wants and can real in girls from anywhere. True hottie. Has rumors started about him by *kitten*, but doesnt let it get to him, but knows the truth and lives life getting hot girls.

    ROFL @ "drowning in the P"...hilarious
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    "Lauren: A girl who likes to have sex under a tarp."

    Slander and lies!

    How u doin'?