build muscle on calorie deficit?



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Hey guys! I've read that you need to be at a calorie surplus to gain muscle. If I am following MFP guidelines and eating at a deficit but eating at least 1 gram of protein for each lb of body weight can I still build muscle?

    You may build some muscle even while in calorie deficit if any of the following are true:
    - you are returning to lifting after a long hiatus
    - you are beginner
    - you are very overweight
  • Tricep_A_Tops
    I built plenty of muscle while eating at a deficit. But if you dont have alot of weight to lose you should do it by bulking and cutting.

    Were you significantly overweight and/or a beginner?

    Yes to both, but I continued to gain LM. while on a deficit long after I was no longer significantly over weight and a beginner.
    Lifting heavy and eating at a slight deficit is the key.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Sigh. Not this again.

    You can get newbie gains by being new to lifting or returning from a long break. You can gain some muscle (very minimal gains) from being obese and using fat stores as calories. Or you can take steroids.

    Other than that you need to be in a surplus to build new tissue. Again this is beyond newbie gains.

    You cannot build new tissue on a calorie deficit. Not fat. Not muscle. Not anything. It is BIOLOGICALLY impossible.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I built plenty of muscle while eating at a deficit. But if you dont have alot of weight to lose you should do it by bulking and cutting.

    Were you significantly overweight and/or a beginner?

    Yes to both, but I continued to gain LM. while on a deficit long after I was no longer significantly over weight and a beginner.
    Lifting heavy and eating at a slight deficit is the key.

    I get the beginner/overweight - it's pretty well documented that is totally 'do-able' and actually a decent amount of gains can be made, depending on the routine, deficit, individual etc etc. However, the gains while on a deficit interests me. How did you test your BF% and do you know how much you gained over what period (after the overweight/beginner stage)?
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I built plenty of muscle while eating at a deficit. But if you dont have alot of weight to lose you should do it by bulking and cutting.

    Were you significantly overweight and/or a beginner?

    Yes to both, but I continued to gain LM. while on a deficit long after I was no longer significantly over weight and a beginner.
    Lifting heavy and eating at a slight deficit is the key.

    Again, you gained a small amount of LBM from being a beginner as well as overweight. Your LBM will not increase much more than that until you start feeding your body a surplus of calories.
  • Tricep_A_Tops
    I built plenty of muscle while eating at a deficit. But if you dont have alot of weight to lose you should do it by bulking and cutting.

    Were you significantly overweight and/or a beginner?

    Yes to both, but I continued to gain LM. while on a deficit long after I was no longer significantly over weight and a beginner.
    Lifting heavy and eating at a slight deficit is the key.

    I get the beginner/overweight - it's pretty well documented that is totally 'do-able' and actually a decent amount of gains can be made, depending on the routine, deficit, individual etc etc. However, the gains while on a deficit interests me. How did you test your BF% and do you know how much you gained over what period (after the overweight/beginner stage)?
    I only had my BF% tested once and it was when I was close to my goal. I ate at a deficit for 13 months, how much of that 13 months would you consider to be in the beginner stage? Thx.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Does it matter?

    Lift weights, and eat adequate protein to get the best body composition results when you reach your goal.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I built plenty of muscle while eating at a deficit. But if you dont have alot of weight to lose you should do it by bulking and cutting.

    Were you significantly overweight and/or a beginner?

    Yes to both, but I continued to gain LM. while on a deficit long after I was no longer significantly over weight and a beginner.
    Lifting heavy and eating at a slight deficit is the key.

    I get the beginner/overweight - it's pretty well documented that is totally 'do-able' and actually a decent amount of gains can be made, depending on the routine, deficit, individual etc etc. However, the gains while on a deficit interests me. How did you test your BF% and do you know how much you gained over what period (after the overweight/beginner stage)?
    I only had my BF% tested once and it was when I was close to my goal. I ate at a deficit for 13 months, how much of that 13 months would you consider to be in the beginner stage? Thx.

    Million dollar question I suppose as it would also vary depending on the weigh so there are two variables at play. Normally 'newb' gains are pretty much done well within 6 months, but the overweight part is also a factor - which was also presumably getting lower. Thanks for the input.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Most have it right......................deficit means less calories than your body needs thereby weight gets lost. To gain muscle you have to add calories (with the exceptions mentioned above). You can't build muscle with a supply to build it with. Some will just say "eat a lot of protein", but protein will also be used as energy if the body senses less energy from carbs and fats.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Tricep_A_Tops
    I built plenty of muscle while eating at a deficit. But if you dont have alot of weight to lose you should do it by bulking and cutting.

    Were you significantly overweight and/or a beginner?

    Yes to both, but I continued to gain LM. while on a deficit long after I was no longer significantly over weight and a beginner.
    Lifting heavy and eating at a slight deficit is the key.

    I get the beginner/overweight - it's pretty well documented that is totally 'do-able' and actually a decent amount of gains can be made, depending on the routine, deficit, individual etc etc. However, the gains while on a deficit interests me. How did you test your BF% and do you know how much you gained over what period (after the overweight/beginner stage)?
    I only had my BF% tested once and it was when I was close to my goal. I ate at a deficit for 13 months, how much of that 13 months would you consider to be in the beginner stage? Thx.

    Million dollar question I suppose as it would also vary depending on the weigh so there are two variables at play. Normally 'newb' gains are pretty much done well within 6 months, but the overweight part is also a factor - which was also presumably getting lower. Thanks for the input.
    Yes it is the million dollar question, : ) I have read soo many different opinions on how long you can expect to see newbie gains etc. I lost the majority of my weight by the 7th month and I gained more lean muscle from the 6th month thru the 13th month than I did during the first 6 months because of eating at less of a deficit during the later months.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I am with morebean... why does it matter?... In my opinion when most people ask this question what they are really asking is will weightlifing on a deficit make me:
    1# get stronger
    2# look better
    3# feel better
    The answer to all of these questions is YES!!

    Getting into the specific body processes of muscle growth, (as opposed to adaptation), just muddies the water for most people...
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I am with morebean... why does it matter?... In my opinion when most people ask this question what they are really asking is will weightlifing on a deficit make me:
    1# get stronger
    2# look better
    3# feel better
    The answer to all of these questions is YES!!

    Getting into the specific body processes of muscle growth, (as opposed to adaptation), just muddies the water for most people...

    I think it matters because people go on about making gains on a deficit which can put some women off from weight training as they think misguidedly that they will build a lot of muscle mass. It also matters to correct misinformation.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I built plenty of muscle while eating at a deficit. But if you dont have alot of weight to lose you should do it by bulking and cutting.

    Were you significantly overweight and/or a beginner?

    Yes to both, but I continued to gain LM. while on a deficit long after I was no longer significantly over weight and a beginner.
    Lifting heavy and eating at a slight deficit is the key.

    I get the beginner/overweight - it's pretty well documented that is totally 'do-able' and actually a decent amount of gains can be made, depending on the routine, deficit, individual etc etc. However, the gains while on a deficit interests me. How did you test your BF% and do you know how much you gained over what period (after the overweight/beginner stage)?
    I only had my BF% tested once and it was when I was close to my goal. I ate at a deficit for 13 months, how much of that 13 months would you consider to be in the beginner stage? Thx.

    Million dollar question I suppose as it would also vary depending on the weigh so there are two variables at play. Normally 'newb' gains are pretty much done well within 6 months, but the overweight part is also a factor - which was also presumably getting lower. Thanks for the input.
    Yes it is the million dollar question, : ) I have read soo many different opinions on how long you can expect to see newbie gains etc. I lost the majority of my weight by the 7th month and I gained more lean muscle from the 6th month thru the 13th month than I did during the first 6 months because of eating at less of a deficit during the later months.

    The challenge is that you did not get your BF% tested at the beginning or during so it is really hard to make that assertion.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    training like you want to get bigger, while eating like you want to get smaller.

    I really like this phrase......I think I may steal it...hope you don't mind!

    Works for me too.
  • Tricep_A_Tops
    I built plenty of muscle while eating at a deficit. But if you dont have alot of weight to lose you should do it by bulking and cutting.

    Were you significantly overweight and/or a beginner?

    Yes to both, but I continued to gain LM. while on a deficit long after I was no longer significantly over weight and a beginner.
    Lifting heavy and eating at a slight deficit is the key.

    I get the beginner/overweight - it's pretty well documented that is totally 'do-able' and actually a decent amount of gains can be made, depending on the routine, deficit, individual etc etc. However, the gains while on a deficit interests me. How did you test your BF% and do you know how much you gained over what period (after the overweight/beginner stage)?
    I only had my BF% tested once and it was when I was close to my goal. I ate at a deficit for 13 months, how much of that 13 months would you consider to be in the beginner stage? Thx.

    Million dollar question I suppose as it would also vary depending on the weigh so there are two variables at play. Normally 'newb' gains are pretty much done well within 6 months, but the overweight part is also a factor - which was also presumably getting lower. Thanks for the input.
    Yes it is the million dollar question, : ) I have read soo many different opinions on how long you can expect to see newbie gains etc. I lost the majority of my weight by the 7th month and I gained more lean muscle from the 6th month thru the 13th month than I did during the first 6 months because of eating at less of a deficit during the later months.

    The challenge is that you did not get your BF% tested at the beginning or during so it is really hard to make that assertion.
    No challenge at all :happy: When I started working out I took measurements every month ( And yes I do understand fluid retention) And I had gained inches in my arms, chest, shoulders, forearms, calves, traps when I reached my goal of 204 lbs compared to when I started at 287 lbs. Infact I didnt have visable ab's prior to gaining weight when I was skinny as a rail, never had traps and even at 287lbs you could push on my upper chest and feel bone, you could also feel bone were my bi's,tri's and delts met on the outside of my arms. At 287 lbs I could wrap hand around my forearms and could easily touch my index fingers to my thumbs but couldnt come close to doing that at 204lbs. At 204 lbs the same shirts that I wore at 287lbs did not fit or fit very tight in my arms, chest, shoulder, traps and neck even though they looked like I was wearing a tent in other area's.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I am with morebean... why does it matter?... In my opinion when most people ask this question what they are really asking is will weightlifing on a deficit make me:
    1# get stronger
    2# look better
    3# feel better
    The answer to all of these questions is YES!!

    Getting into the specific body processes of muscle growth, (as opposed to adaptation), just muddies the water for most people...

    I think it matters because people go on about making gains on a deficit which can put some women off from weight training as they think misguidedly that they will build a lot of muscle mass. It also matters to correct misinformation.

    When you say "make gains on a deficit" you are talking specifically about building more muscle fibres. The problem is that many people take that to mean "won't get stronger, won't get fitter, won't get more defined, won't see benefits..." The "gains" that get focussed on in these threads are a very narrow part of the picture, particularly for women who are unlikely to see real muscular size gains ever...

    I do get where you are coming from though, but the battle is on two fronts. The two most common threads on womens weight lifing are either: Am I going to get huge? or I know I won't get huge, so is there any point?... unfortunately without taking the time to understand the details, people seem to conflate the two... IYKWIM

    This is the reason I have a love/hate relationship with the "look at what weights did for my body" threads. On one hand I agree that any encouragement to lift is good. However I wish there was more focus on "look how much I can lift"... I just feel like focussing on performance over appearance is a healthier headspace. The thickness of your thighs is such a silly, subjective and potentially damaging thing to focus on... A max squat isn't, you can improve every cycle. That improvement might be from actual strength gains, but its likely a combination of technique, confidence, mobility etc....

    /end rave
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I am with morebean... why does it matter?... In my opinion when most people ask this question what they are really asking is will weightlifing on a deficit make me:
    1# get stronger
    2# look better
    3# feel better
    The answer to all of these questions is YES!!

    Getting into the specific body processes of muscle growth, (as opposed to adaptation), just muddies the water for most people...

    I think it matters because people go on about making gains on a deficit which can put some women off from weight training as they think misguidedly that they will build a lot of muscle mass. It also matters to correct misinformation.

    When you say "make gains on a deficit" you are talking specifically about building more muscle fibres. The problem is that many people take that to mean "won't get stronger, won't get fitter, won't get more defined, won't see benefits..." The "gains" that get focussed on in these threads are a very narrow part of the picture, particularly for women who are unlikely to see real muscular size gains ever...

    I do get where you are coming from though, but the battle is on two fronts. The two most common threads on womens weight lifing are either: Am I going to get huge? or I know I won't get huge, so is there any point?... unfortunately without taking the time to understand the details, people seem to conflate the two... IYKWIM

    This is the reason I have a love/hate relationship with the "look at what weights did for my body" threads. On one hand I agree that any encouragement to lift is good. However I wish there was more focus on "look how much I can lift"... I just feel like focussing on performance over appearance is a healthier headspace. The thickness of your thighs is such a silly, subjective and potentially damaging thing to focus on... A max squat isn't, you can improve every cycle. That improvement might be from actual strength gains, but its likely a combination of technique, confidence, mobility etc....

    /end rave

    I mean mass gains - so the concern in the first example of threads. I agree that the bigger picture is often missed. However, the question was asked and it is important to be correct in the response.

    I am totally with you regarding the other benefits of lifting - but I was just trying to give my opinion of why it matters to get the facts right. I didn't say #1, #2 or #3 in your post were wrong - I totally agree with them.
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    Im eating 1600 a day - my tdee being somewhere around 2200..

    I believe my muscles appear larger because I'm losing the fat on top of them. I've lost inches all over, but not a damn pound.. and I'm okay with that. I look better.

    I do cardio & strength training. I like how its working for me. Find what works for you. :)
  • 34000volts
    34000volts Posts: 25 Member
    I just started heavy lifting again for the past three months, about six weeks ago I had my body fat checked at 20%. Six weeks later I am at 17.5% body fat at the same weight of 209.5. I ate a 950 cal deficit not including my work out calories pretty consistent. My bench press work out weight went from ( my last set of 5x5) 250lbs to 270lbs. I lost an inch of my stomach. I lost size in my legs and arms but gained an inch around my chest. After running the numbers over all I lost about five lbs of fat and gained about five lbs of muscle in about six weeks. My over all appearance has also changed a lot with the eye test. My lean body mass went from 167lbs to about 172lbs. These are just my calculations with my own calipers using multiple sites and methods averaged out so there not scientific but I do believe I have made a lot of progress. I work out heavy 1.5 to 2 hours six days a week but just recently had to take off four days to catch up on rest. Hope this helps
  • Tricep_A_Tops
    I just started heavy lifting again for the past three months, about six weeks ago I had my body fat checked at 20%. Six weeks later I am at 17.5% body fat at the same weight of 209.5. I ate a 950 cal deficit not including my work out calories pretty consistent. My bench press work out weight went from ( my last set of 5x5) 250lbs to 270lbs. I lost an inch of my stomach. I lost size in my legs and arms but gained an inch around my chest. After running the numbers over all I lost about five lbs of fat and gained about five lbs of muscle in about six weeks. My over all appearance has also changed a lot with the eye test. My lean body mass went from 167lbs to about 172lbs. These are just my calculations with my own calipers using multiple sites and methods averaged out so there not scientific but I do believe I have made a lot of progress. I work out heavy 1.5 to 2 hours six days a week but just recently had to take off four days to catch up on rest. Hope this helps
    A gain in strength does not mean you gained LM. Also no offense, but there is no way that you gained 5 lbs of LM in 6 weeks (even if you were eating at a surplus) Your muscle tissue is retaining fluids because you are lifting.