My goal is to fit into....



  • rjsimpson2002
    rjsimpson2002 Posts: 115 Member
    ...the jeans I bought just before I got pregnant with my 2nd child....haven't fitted them since and he is 2 years old now :-(
  • muchadoaboutme2000
    muchadoaboutme2000 Posts: 86 Member
    A roller coaster seat with the lap harness. I haven't tried in the last 4 years, but at my heaviest, I was told I couldn't ride a ride because of my spare tire. :/
  • NikkiSmo
    NikkiSmo Posts: 180 Member
    Since I don't own any thing I can't fit into because I have been this heavy for so long I don't have "skinny" clothes, But...... I wouldn't mind being able to go into a store and look at a shirt or pants that I like and buy them. Not what looks the least bad on me as I used to do or pull on the shirt material to see how much give it has!
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    For starters a few pairs of jeans that I have that I refuse to get rid of because I know they'll fit again! Also, a two piece bathing suit!
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    I recently gained back about 10 pounds from my lowest weight. I had been able to fit into size 10 pants and medium shirts. I'd like to get back to that. In the long run, maybe size 8 or 6 pants? To be able to wear shorter shorts or a dress without my thighs rubbing together? Bikini-worthy? (I'm too shy to wear a bikini, but to look good in one would still be awesome.)

    Trying to fit into a ring can actually be really useful! I got a ring when I weighed 207 pounds. Over a year or so, I dropped 30-35 pounds, and it got to the point where I was constantly worried that it would fall off! I got it sized down from a 7.5 to a 6.25. The sizing only cost $25 (I was expecting more like $75), and the ring is actually a great reminder to keep off the weight, because that's one of the first things that feels tight when I start gaining!
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    I don't want to fit into anything. i want to be able to walk around naked/in a skimpy bikini with no shame whatsoever! I wanna flaunt it!
  • stephiegirl1215
    I don't want to fit into anything. i want to be able to walk around naked/in a skimpy bikini with no shame whatsoever! I wanna flaunt it!

    Haha totally agree with this!
    But I also have this really gorgeous ice blue satin dress that I REALLY want to wear again! I'm going to have it altered into a cocktail dress so it looks less formal (so I can wear it more often!) and, hopefully, get the sides taken in when I reach my goal weight! (It fit me when I was maintaining maybe 20 pounds above what my current goal weight is :love: )
  • hmparkin23
    hmparkin23 Posts: 91 Member
    My black skirt with white criss-crosses, kinda preppy a bit like a kilt, that I bought last winter to 'slim into'.
  • Mrbusterb
    Mrbusterb Posts: 114
    Airplane seat
  • gemchicini
    That really cute pair of designer jeans my friend gave me because I would never buy them myself...I think they are size 9?
  • simplysteff
    My kids arms! After losing 100 pounds I fit in my husbands with room to spare again and my 16 year old can hug around me too. My goal is for my 7 & 9 year olds to hug me comfortably too. I was brought to tears the other day when my son, the youngest child told me, "Mommy, my fingers touch when I squeeze you to pieces!"

    I know that sounds simplistic but, it will mean the world to me when it happens. LOL notice I didn't say IF.

    UGH crying now. I'm such a dork :)

    Oh and my wedding rings fit again and are even too loose after 5 years of only wearing the band (Which I couldn't get off!).
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    my Wedding Rings---thats right---rings---I've gained so much weight that I cant wear them anymore....and the hubby spent good $$ on them so I need to wear them----so thats my goal---

    I totally understand! Mine got too small within a year of getting married. My hubby resized them for me right bwfore I started college 15 years later. Now after a 120 pound weight loss they are much too big and fell off one night washing my face. They live in the jewlery box until all the weight is gone, then they will be sized down again.
  • KatieHarris1976
    My goal is to fit into a size 6. I am in a very tight 8 right now. I only have 25lbs to my goal. Yippee
  • HelenaCatherine165
    HelenaCatherine165 Posts: 12 Member
    A size 8 topshop dress thats not fitted for 18 months.
  • BBSmartypants
    my Wedding Rings---thats right---rings---I've gained so much weight that I cant wear them anymore....and the hubby spent good $$ on them so I need to wear them----so thats my goal---

    holy cats, I thought I was the only one who grew out of her wedding set! lol Good luck! I'll be pulling for you! -Becky
  • CarolinaJude
    My goal is to look (and FEEL) just as fit as my boyfriend when he comes back from 3 months of Navy officer candidate school.
  • RunningMom42
    RunningMom42 Posts: 121 Member
    I finally said good bye to all my "skinny" clothes (size 12 jeans) this spring at a charity garage sale. I have one pair or size 14 that survived from before my daughter was born. My first goal is to get into those before jean season starts and to my pre-baby weight of 175. Goal number 2 is my wedding weight/size of 150 and size 12 jeans. My ulimate goal is 125 and size 8 jeans (6 dress).
  • iieee
    iieee Posts: 39 Member
    This is one of my goals too! When we married they slid up and down and jangled around. When I was pregnant the 2nd time I took them off because I was so scared my fingers would bloat and they'd get stuck and have to be cut off. By the time he was born they wouldn't go back on. They go on now but too tight to wear really, hopefully another 20-30lb off and they'll be alright again. :)
  • sammiebabie333
    sammiebabie333 Posts: 4 Member
    My goal is to fit into my skin again. To feel like me when I look in the mirror! That means also wearing my heels and feeling like my feet are not swollen from extra weight! :)
  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member
    My goal is to fit into a size 12 jean