Do you ever reach an age ...



  • nannabannana
    When what? I am soon to be 66 yrs old. Since January I have lost 44 lbs. I started by being put on this site by my 24 yr old Grandaughter. I bought a fitbit and started stepping away the lbs. Tired of it every day, so I bought a Wii and a ZUMBA Dance, joined the local Rec/Park with a SENIOR discount of paying only $10.00 per yr. Too far to go every day, so I joined a Karate/ Gym fitness center 5 miles from my house. I am now doing the demon machine is a killer for any age, I think. Most important I started strength training at gym with my trainer. Myself and another woman who is 70 yrs old are the only SENIORS there...Also I keep a 11 mo old Great Grandson, and a 17 mo old Grandaughter since last year when the 17 mo old was just 2 mos., 4 days a week for 10-12 hrs a day.YOU are never too old to do anything if you really set your mind to it...Sure, I have arthritis in neck, back and knees, with a knee I too old to EXCERCISE no...I had told myself that before and I believed it. Now , I am fitter and healthier with a great size 6 and 8's pants , shirts, etc. It is not the size thats important to me. What is important to me the most is I am not eating the JUNK I used to put in my body and with GODS help I will never reach an age when..............
    I'm Happy and I know it:)
  • mickey4u3
    mickey4u3 Posts: 6 Member
    You are never to old to do something for yourself health wise. I am 72 years old enjoy a glass of wine and even eating out sometimes. I track my calories with MFP and use FitBit to track excerise. I don't go to the gym but do clock 7000 to 10000 steps a day and work in my flower garden. MFP helps me to be aware of what I am eating and I feel great. I have a goal to loose about 6 lbs but am not beating myself up over it. Enjoy life, feel good, and eat healthy. Good luck.....
  • smokinjackd
    I'm doing this so I am still healthy way into my eighties and beyond.
  • debiw1234
    So ... I'm only 31 so I don't think I have reached that age you may be talking about, but let me share my little story here.

    I have had bouts with my self over why am I forcing my self to eat this way.. This sucks having to watch what I eat all the time.. I should be able to eat how I want when ever I want... I feel trapped etc...

    Truth is.... it was the other way around.. I would have slaved my self to cake and other B.S. that isn't good for my body... If I would of done it right the first time I wouldn't be obese and in the first place...

    I had to change my mind set.. For me and this may not work for you but for me food is nothing but fuel for my body. Some people say you can have a relationship with bad food and balance your self out with good food if you learn to do it right. I say forget that, I don't need cake.. Its just crap that only brings fleeting joy any ways..

    I find joy in the other things like knowing, I can feel comfortable to put on a swim suit on and take my shirt off in public. I can go out and RUN a mile in under 7 minutes, I have more energy for my kids. The better physic has brought me a better attitude and more positive outlook on life..... I am more willing to get out of the house with my wife instead of wanting to stay in because I was embarrassed about how I looked before..

    These are all things that bring true joy to me, and its lasting and life changing.. I do not need to find joy in a bowl of ice cream or a slice of pie.. Will I have some ice cream or pie some time in my life again .. OF COURSE I will but I am more informed, I have seen the other side from Fat to fit, and I know I can make better informed decisions on that piece of pie, and chances are I will just skip it..

    Don't give up because when you are back to how you were designed to be, you can live MORE LIFE in just a 24 hour period then you ever could when you were sluggish and over weight...

    So it all comes down to weighing the negatives and positives.. Sit down and make a list.. I promise you the positives will be a mile long while the negatives will be all alone ....

    So do you want to give up now ?

    Thank you for sharing! You are very inspirational!