Doctor says I don't need to lose anymore weight :(



  • trustymutsi
    trustymutsi Posts: 174 Member
    Don't know why I didn't think of this before. Here are the most recent pictures of me:

    So, think this looks overweight, or just in need of maintenance and strength training?

    Thanks again for feedback! :)
  • trustymutsi
    trustymutsi Posts: 174 Member
    Sorry, here are the photos in the actual thread:


    I have kind of a wide frame, which doesn't help :(

    So hopefully these pictures can help give you guys an idea of where I actually am, and what I need to do.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    You definitely need to get into a good lifting program. Yes, there is still some fat to lose, but at the same time, if you just lose the fat, you will look stick thin. If you get working with a good strength program either bodyweight or with weights, you will preserve the muscle, and if you eat at maintenance, as a new lifter, you will even put on a bit. At this point you need to focus on body re-composition much more than weight loss. This was the mistake I made focusing on weight loss, which I needed to do for health reasons, and not body re-composition. I wish I had focused on it sooner as now I have a lot of muscle loss from that weight loss that I need to undo.
  • trustymutsi
    trustymutsi Posts: 174 Member
    You definitely need to get into a good lifting program. Yes, there is still some fat to lose, but at the same time, if you just lose the fat, you will look stick thin. If you get working with a good strength program either bodyweight or with weights, you will preserve the muscle, and if you eat at maintenance, as a new lifter, you will even put on a bit. At this point you need to focus on body re-composition much more than weight loss. This was the mistake I made focusing on weight loss, which I needed to do for health reasons, and not body re-composition. I wish I had focused on it sooner as now I have a lot of muscle loss from that weight loss that I need to undo.

    So bottom line, I should stop worrying about the spare tire for a while, and focus on lifting, and eat at maintenance.

    I wonder if I should actually eat at a surplus, or is it too soon for that?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    You definitely need to get into a good lifting program. Yes, there is still some fat to lose, but at the same time, if you just lose the fat, you will look stick thin. If you get working with a good strength program either bodyweight or with weights, you will preserve the muscle, and if you eat at maintenance, as a new lifter, you will even put on a bit. At this point you need to focus on body re-composition much more than weight loss. This was the mistake I made focusing on weight loss, which I needed to do for health reasons, and not body re-composition. I wish I had focused on it sooner as now I have a lot of muscle loss from that weight loss that I need to undo.

    So bottom line, I should stop worrying about the spare tire for a while, and focus on lifting, and eat at maintenance.

    I wonder if I should actually eat at a surplus, or is it too soon for that?

    Only eat a little above maintenance on your lifting days.
  • trustymutsi
    trustymutsi Posts: 174 Member
    You definitely need to get into a good lifting program. Yes, there is still some fat to lose, but at the same time, if you just lose the fat, you will look stick thin. If you get working with a good strength program either bodyweight or with weights, you will preserve the muscle, and if you eat at maintenance, as a new lifter, you will even put on a bit. At this point you need to focus on body re-composition much more than weight loss. This was the mistake I made focusing on weight loss, which I needed to do for health reasons, and not body re-composition. I wish I had focused on it sooner as now I have a lot of muscle loss from that weight loss that I need to undo.

    So bottom line, I should stop worrying about the spare tire for a while, and focus on lifting, and eat at maintenance.

    I wonder if I should actually eat at a surplus, or is it too soon for that?

    Only eat a little above maintenance on your lifting days.

    LOL! I didn't even think about the fact that I could eat different amounts on different days.
  • trustymutsi
    trustymutsi Posts: 174 Member
    Going to go one week with a 300 calorie deficit, so I slowly go back to maintenance. Did my first weight training workout today and it went well :)

    Thanks again to everyone for your feedback and support! :)
  • trustymutsi
    trustymutsi Posts: 174 Member
    Just wanted to update everyone. I've been doing strength training for the last 2 1/2 weeks. You can already tell I've lost fat and gained muscle in my upper arms and legs. Especially my legs, probably because I've been running since April. Wow. I've exercised regularly for 5 months now.mi've never done that before in my LIFE. YAY me!!