Why do people think it's ok...



  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    To constantly and I mean CONSTANTLY criticize and/or comment on my food choices at work?

    Most of my co-workers know I'm trying to eat healthier and lose weight. The majority of them really could care less. But there is one guy who feels the need to constantly try to talk me in to "cheating just this once" or commenting on how awful or little or whatever my food/snacks are. I feel like I have to justify everything I'm eating. "Yes, I'm just having toast and water for breakfast." "No I'm not having a donut. Yes I know they're free but I'm still gonna pass."

    Anybody else deal with this?

    because it makes them feel better about their own choices.
  • Doozer1978
    Doozer1978 Posts: 61 Member
    I know exactly where you are coming from.

    I work with special needs kids - the ones who get thrown out of school (I love a challenge) and I have found a strategy that really works.....with the kids who misbehave and the bigger "kids" who try to get me to cheat.....

    Drop your tone of voice to one level (no expression in tone or facial expression).

    Say "no thank you I am sticking to my healthy eating plan".

    When they persist say exactly the same line again.....don't look at them and carry on with what you are doing.

    I have had to repeat myself three/four times with some colleagues but they soon get the hang of it. After a while a quick offer is made and a no thank you is good enough. It's almost as if some people need to be put in there place!!!!!

    They soon get it!