In your 20's & need to lose 100lbs?



  • viad25720
    viad25720 Posts: 57 Member
    I am 26, don't have pcos but I do have 100 pounds to lose. I weighed about 250 and had gotten down to 190 about 2 years ago, was wearing a size 13 and some 11's! Then 2 people close to me died in 6 months of eachother, I was wrecked. Ate my way back up to 242 pounds. So grossed out with myself. I have lost about 8 pounds so far even tho my ticker says 5 wrong start weight. I've been at it about 2 weeks. I get excited for weigh ins and love my new lifestyle. The only thing against me is time, it takes so long to get off! But I'm embracing the journey :-) good luck
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    Wow, there's a lot of us here. I'm pleasantly surprised, because most of my friends list is all smaller, slightly older women with less than 100 to lose. (Fair warning - I might be adding some, if not all, of you lot. :] )

    Anyway, my name is Nicole. I'll be 24 this year, and I've got well over 100 to go still. I've been stuck between 80-90 the past few months, so I'm trying to get over that hurdle for good and get down into the 200s. I topped the scale at 408 in April of 2011 and I'm proud of how far I've come, but I know how much more I want out of this, so I've struggled at points. I lost all of the 80-90 with portion control and lots of exercising (since I was unemployed and not financially independent), but I don't have the time for that anymore. I work full-time as well as go to school full-time - I'm majoring in Chemistry and I just started half of my last 6 classes for my first degree. So, I'm hoping that I can stick to it and be well into the 200s by the time next summer rolls around so I can be more confident when I walk at my first commencement.

    Please feel free to add me - I'd love to talk to you all and hear/read about your experiences. Its good motivation and inspiration!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I am 28 years old. My goal is about 180 pounds. I started on changing my lifestyle in February 2012 (I was 306lbs). Portion control, muitlple meals, and mild exercise has helped me shed the pounds. I currently stand at 232lbs and heading towards the home stretch. If you want to learn more about what I did, check out my profile which has a link to my blog. I kept track weekly via my blog. I wish you good luck in losing the pounds! You can do it!

    Great job so far!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Glad to see all the replies so far! So I have a question for you all...

    :glasses: What food do you think helps you make it through the day?
  • emilyjones1119
    I am a 24 year old mother and wife. My son is 3 and my husbands son is 3 as well. My son was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at 1 year old and we have been battling it ever since. He is almost 4 now and is still not able to walk. I have been 100+ lbs overweight for a long time now and 4 years ago my father died of a massive heart attack, he was overweight as well. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure at the age of 13 and just today got a call from the doctor telling me that my recent blood work shows that my cholesterol is high. I have been on MFP for a little while now but not made much progress. My best friend that currently is living with my husband and I has been a big encouragement to get me out to exercise. But it seems that eating healthier is hard for me due to the fact that my husband doesn't like vegetables at all. I on the other hand love fruits and veggies but when I find myself cooking the things that he likes its hard to get motivated to cook the healthy things that I enjoy too! We would love to have another baby someday but will not be able to do so unless I can lose the weight and lower my blood pressure! Any encouraging words, or words of wisdom that any of you may be able to offer would be wonderful. I can use all the inspiration and prayers I can get at this point. I wish us all the best in our pursuits to live healthier lives for ourselves and our families!!!
  • RedMeeko
    RedMeeko Posts: 24 Member
    I started my journey as a college sophomore at 258lbs. Dropped to 207 and stopped. Maintained for two years between 205-212. Then I got engaged and dropped to about 194 and stay there till after the wedding. I have now shot back up to 215 and would love to get to 140. So not quite 100lbs unless you count what I have already lost then thats 118lbs. So. I have a long ways to go. I'm 24 by the way and am a Nurse.
  • llevatela
    THANKS! You will do it! Sometimes it takes longer than we would like, but as long as you accomplish it then it doesn't matter how long it takes!
  • egolden1
    I am 28 and want to lose 120 total. I am right around 30 down right now. Add me as a friend if you want. I have found it is really helping me to have that support.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I'm 25 and started at 228, I want to get to 130. Feel free to add me =)
  • starlikedolly
    starlikedolly Posts: 71 Member
    I'm a 25 year old writer with fibromyalgia and arthritis. Married with a foster son, and have exactly 100 pounds to lose. Am hoping to have a healthy BMI by the time I'm 26, have moved down from the severely obese range to the moderately obese range.

    We can do this!
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
  • scrowl86
    scrowl86 Posts: 12 Member
    I am amazed at how many are in my boat!

    I am 26 at 291lbs (5'9")and I have PCOS. I live in southern Cali and I an a horrible procrastinator and I never stick to anything for long. I was successful about a year ago to loose 30 lbs but gained it all back. I am at my heaviest and every year I hear myself say that for my current weight. I feel like if I don't get on the wagon and stick to this I will never get anywhere.

    I have some support, friends and family, but my husband is a big ol' redneck who thinks a low carb diet is bull crap- so that is probably my biggest challenge.

    I am a full time student in an RN program and I work full time.

    I have a million excuses every time I diet and every time I fail. I don't know what will help me but I am going to try again!

    If anyone want to add me, feel free!

  • StephEO
    StephEO Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 20 , 5'8 and have about 100 pounds to lose also . Anyone can feel free to add me ! It's always good to have people in your same situation !
  • Bigtuna2011
    I'm 24 and I'm losing weight for no other than to better my life altogether. Nothing more, nothing less.
  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 632 Member
    I'm 22 and looking to lose 63 kg, I have lost 20kg so far since starting in the middle of July putting me at a weight of 120kg (264 pounds). I have no health issues. I'm a recent graduate and currently working as an account manager before embarking on my masters degree, hopefully next autumn.

    To me this is a lifestyle change and in the long term there will be days when you eat more, eat out, or have a packet of crisps - nothing is off limits but I try to control the portion control and frequency. I'm doing really well with the eating so far except some evening snack attacks so I try to be strong during grocery shopping to ensure that I don't buy many bad snacks. I try to buy 2 individual desserts for the weekend for example to ensure there are no extras testing my willpower. And I don't eat anything at work that I didn't bring in - I pack lunch and 2 snacks every day!

    I've taken up running (up to 7km now) and really enjoy it. I also play squash every now and again and this week I'm doing an intensive beginner yoga class - fun times!

    I'm primarily looking for friends who are into exercise/want to get into exercise as fitness goals are as important to me as weight goals, so feel free to add me!
  • TrashyAbercrombie
    TrashyAbercrombie Posts: 51 Member
    I'm 21 and I'm trying to lose 100. I'd be happy with 80 though. I started at 221.6 and I've lost 28 so far (4 on here and the rest with Weight watchers which I'm still actively doing) You're not alone dear, there's lots of us in the same boat! :)