What do you think about Interracial relationships?



  • jotun87
    jotun87 Posts: 32 Member
    Speaking from experience - the more of a deal you make of it the more those around you will. If anyone says something to you that's offensive, shoot it down quicky with INTELLIGENT responses and you'll never hear of it again. Good luck.
  • Totally and 100 percent nothing wrong with it! I am English and my wife is Chinese and we have two wonderful daughters. The eldest is fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin. Different races and cultures expand people's horizons, if we all grew up undstanding each others' lives and cultures a bit I am guessing the world might be a better place.
  • Yieya
    Yieya Posts: 168 Member
    I am kinda in the same boat... I'm a Latina (Puerto Rican) from NYC and my husband is a gringo from the south...lol needless to say we are very different and have grown up in completely different settings and cultures but that's ok. We love each other and share common goals in life. To be honest though, we have not faced many obstacles because of our interracial relationship. We live in north Jersey right outside of NYC and no one here cares. Other than my own family sometimes making gringo jokes, no one has ever said anything. Thank goodness! You think we would be way beyond that as a society!
  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    I am married for 11 years to a beautiful loving man from India. I am so blessed to have him in my life. He has continually given me undconditional love no matter what. He accepts me even though sometimes I don't accept myself.
  • Is this really still an issue? I was born in 1960, and I honestly thought that kind of thing wasn't even an issue any more. I am very sorry that it still is. Wow. I'm just blown away. :(

    Really? Were you sheltered from the news while growing up?

    I was born after you and there was racial tension in my schools. And we probably live less than 30 minutes from each other.
  • DetroitDarin
    DetroitDarin Posts: 955 Member
    I once dated an American-Polynesian...you know...Am-nesian...I can't remember her name.
  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    My husband doesn't face any outward deliberate racism but he and I still detect it when it happens. There have been times he was passed over for promotions/management positions in favor of someone with much less experience and white. So it is still DEFINITELY there but in more subtle ways. Especially now that we live in the South (GA).
  • jteammom
    jteammom Posts: 173
    My daughter is in an interracial relationship and she and her boyfriend have discussed marriage. He is kind young man who treats her well. How can I complain about that? She says they haven't experienced any bigotry, but I suspect (due to some experiences with poor service) that they have experienced it but she doesn't recognize it. She's pretty naive about stuff like that. (By the way, she is blond and blue-eyed, he is African-American.) For the most part, they have had nothing but support.

    What she doesn't know is that her grandmother (my mom) has been complaining to other family members, crying about "what will happen to their children." Apparently she thinks it is still 1952. The fact of the matter is that some people are just stupid. Stay away from them.
  • billuaa
    billuaa Posts: 56
    Currently in one, im biracial (black and white) and my boy friend is white, I have only dated white guys and have run into some rude people but i just try and educate when I can. Also, an time we see another interracial relationship I make my BF throw his hands in the air and celebrate :)
  • SurfinBird1981
    SurfinBird1981 Posts: 517 Member
    Look at my profile pic and that tells you what I think of them. My husband is Swedish and I am African American. We live in Stockholm :).


    What a beautiful family :smile:

    Thanks sweetheart! We should be in a GAP commercial ... LOL!

  • icanhaztp
    icanhaztp Posts: 23 Member
    My boyfriend is black and ofcourse, I am white.. And to make us even more "different" I am from Canada and he is from the US. I feel like so many people are judgemental of us. And assume, I am a trashy white girl and he is a ghetto black guy. This is not the case. He is educated and may dress a certain way, but is far from what people perceive him to be. I'm so tired of people judging our relationship based on our difference in cultures. I see him as a person, I don't think of the color of his skin everyday. What do you all feel about interracial relationships? Have you ever been in one or are you in one? And by interracial, I obviously don't just mean black and white relationships.

    Honestly, I don't even think about it. It's not a thing to me at all. I feel pity for those people that still judge others on such silly things as skin color.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Love knows no color.
  • WhatAgirl_
    WhatAgirl_ Posts: 151 Member
    Cute!! Um you shouldnt even say oh he's "black " and I'm "white" um so? Aren't u both humans?
  • NoMoreExcuses1971
    NoMoreExcuses1971 Posts: 16 Member
    None of us have the right to judge. Not to get all "Christian" on you but we are all God's children. He loves each and everyone of us so why can't we do the same!?
  • WhatAgirl_
    WhatAgirl_ Posts: 151 Member
    My boyfriend is black and ofcourse, I am white.. And to make us even more "different" I am from Canada and he is from the US. I feel like so many people are judgemental of us. And assume, I am a trashy white girl and he is a ghetto black guy. This is not the case. He is educated and may dress a certain way, but is far from what people perceive him to be. I'm so tired of people judging our relationship based on our difference in cultures. I see him as a person, I don't think of the color of his skin everyday. What do you all feel about interracial relationships? Have you ever been in one or are you in one? And by interracial, I obviously don't just mean black and white relationships.

    Honestly, I don't even think about it. It's not a thing to me at all. I feel pity for those people that still judge others on such silly things as skin color.

    EXACTLY!!! Pulled the words out of my mouth
  • in my opinion, interracial couples always make the cutest babies :happy:
  • I can't believe that this is even a topic. It's 2012. :laugh:
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I see no problem with it.

    I must admit I do think it's kinda funny when I see the stereotypical interracial relationships though, like a black guy with a very big white girl, or an asian girl with a nerdy white guy (like my brother and his woman lol).

    But to each his own, love has no boundaries!
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    I am currently in one and no there is no problem with it. I am black and my boyfriend is white. We have never had any problem from anyone here in the UK however when we have been on holiday in USA we have had problems from other people who obviously didn't agree with it. Since it was their problem rather than ours though we just went about our business and didn't pay any attention to it.
  • aliric
    aliric Posts: 69
    I agree, Whatever makes you happy..We all bleed the same.