Join US! FAB FOURS (4 week challenge group) NEW!



  • cryslynn1980
    cryslynn1980 Posts: 111 Member
    Morntin everyone! I am alittle nervous for tomorrow...Aunt flo came yesterday and to tell you the truth I NEVER weigh when she this will be a first. I had a good weekend still trying to get away from all the simple sugar but its sooo hard. We had our christmas last night at my moms and instead of the origianl christmas dinner we did steaks, sweet taters and salad. I did very well until it came to the FRUIT pizza..ummmuummm good. My sister made it and you wouldnt think it was loaded with sugar but once she started tellin me all that she puts in it.. I was like ok.. I had (lots lots lots of sugar) Well I will check in tomorrow...gain or lost? I dont know yet. :ohwell:
  • Essence320
    Essence320 Posts: 154 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!! I got lost in the chaos that was my weekend. I know I waaay overdid it by grabbing quickie snacks throughout the day and then inhaling everything at night. Now I have PMS..:grumble: I the only one who craves salt and chocolate together during this time?:huh: Anyhow, I'm going to kill my 110% workout today...hopefully I'll undo a little damage. I'll be happy with maintaining from last week with the water retention and all.

    Rose:flowerforyou: - I'll be praying for your angel. Get some rest, I know how easy it is for moms to take care of everyone else and neglect ourselves.

    Blue:flowerforyou: - You're in my prayers also. Drink plenty of water and take it easy.

    Susan:flowerforyou: - You're the bestest!!! Thanks for keeping us organized and inspired.
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    I'm not posting as much as I would like since I have to wear a sling for 2 more weeks and it's hard typing with one hand and trying to keep my 19th month old off the keyboard!! :laugh: But I am reading and doing the challenges as best I can, and checking in. Hope that's ok!:flowerforyou:
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Essence writes.....
    Susan:flowerforyou: - You're the bestest!!! Thanks for keeping us organized and inspired.
    Ah shucks, thanks, essence! :blushing: I'm having a blast doing this - and my husband is being so patient with my obsession. Thanks to YOU for the great challenge suggestion for today. It's perfect, and I think that it should become our permanent Monday challenge.
    Rose :heart: please let us know the results of your son's tests.

    Bluenote :heart: I'm glad to hear you're feeling a little better. Please continue to take care of yourself.

    Sunsama :heart: good morning. Did you give your extra cookies away? I made cookie plates for the neighbors and sealed them in plastic wrap so I wouldn't nibble at them. At the gym last night (after all that baking) my sweat smelled like a butter cookie (:laugh: - sorry, TMI).

    Jittery :heart: great job on the damage control at your christmas party. I had been wondering how your iphone app was going. Glad to hear that it worked for you.

    Cryslynn :heart: you make me want a steak (it's been a long time). The fruit pizza sounds delicious, too. I hope you had a nice time at the party. One party down, how many to go?
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    I'm not posting as much as I would like since I have to wear a sling for 2 more weeks and it's hard typing with one hand and trying to keep my 19th month old off the keyboard!! :laugh: But I am reading and doing the challenges as best I can, and checking in. Hope that's ok!:flowerforyou:
    ak, thanks for checking in. I hope your shoulder is doing much better! Is everything healing well?
  • mskellyw
    mskellyw Posts: 111
    Hi ladies!

    Sorry I've been so lax about posting everyday! I'm finally done with school for the semester and just found out I managed to get straight A's! That feels like an immense accomplishment after all the craziness that I've had to endure this semester! Now I'm just trying to clean the house and get everything ready to leave for Phoenix tomorrow afternoon. My mom lives there and I'll be spending the next week or so with her.

    As far as food goes, I've been pretty terrible about logging what I'm eating. Quite frankly, my diet has been pretty terrible lately too. I stepped on the scale this morning (I know, I know, it's cheating!) and expected to see a gain, but have actually lost weight this week! I'll wait until tomorrow to post my results, but considering the way I've been slacking lately, I was shocked to say the least. We'll see how next week goes... I always end up eating out WAY too often when I'm in Phoenix and a lot of old friends will be in town so I'm sure there will be several nights of cocktails...
    Now I have PMS..:grumble: I the only one who craves salt and chocolate together during this time?:huh:

    One of my workmates brought in this DELICIOUS chocolate bar this week--it was dark chocolate with sea salt! OMG! I think it was from Cost Plus. (Yep, found a link, even though you can only get it in the stores: I think I'm going to have to go get one it was so good! And dark chocolate is so much better for you than the fake-y stuff that I can totally justify it!

    I hope everyone is having a great week and I'll see you tomorrow for weigh-in!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Congratulations on the grades!! Now, it's time to relax and enjoy your break. See you tomorrow at weigh-in, then have a great time in Phoenix!
  • jessica_benson
    Ok, so the new FAB FOUR starts January 5th or 6th? I would like to join into that one. Please keep me posted on this. I begin a new class called females in fitness. It starts Jan 4th and lasts 14 weeks. It is on mondays and wednesdays for an hour each time. I am hoping to get good results and more motivation out of the class than I have at this moment. I am also hoping to get back on track with my eating and I would like to be part of this group so I can have a place to be accountable. If anyone wants to talk more about this thing seperately or one on one or whatever just send it to my email. This message board is sometimes hard for me to navigate. Thanks, mama jessica
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Hi Jessica! I'm glad you found our thread. You can wait until Jan 5th to join, if you'd like, or you can jump right in tomorrow for our Tuesday weigh in. For that, just post your current weight and the weight you'd like to be on Jan 5th. It's as easy as that. We have some daily challenges, too, just read back in the posts for the current list (it changes weekly).

    If you'd like to wait until Jan 5th, that's fine, too. Since you posted, this thread should show up when you click Community --> My Topics. That will make it easier for you to find us again.

    Welcome aboard our healthy journey. I :heart: these gals. You will, too.

  • Sunsama
    Sunsama Posts: 100 Member
    Just wanted to check in, and ***** a little... I had a really crappy day at work today, and ended up leaving early. I work with 3 other females, and they are all two faced. I'm usually good about shrugging what they say off, but today it just really got to me (I think Aunt Flo is about to come, I'm getting moody...). Then, when I got home, I got a bill in the mail that I didn't know I had, and it said I was behind (wtf???) So I just got off the phone with customer service..... grumble grumble....

    I burned off a bit of my anger by taking my dog for a little run (it was my first time running in a LONG time, so it was more a fast walk). It was nice, I forgot how much I enjoyed running .

    I was totally ready to go to a buffet with my friend and eat away the rest of my anger, but I talked myself out of it. So instead, I'm off to see So Have You Heard About The Morgans... Hopefully it'll be worth a laugh or two =)

    Hope you all are having a better day than me!!!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Just wanted to check in, and ***** a little... I had a really crappy day at work today, and ended up leaving early. I work with 3 other females, and they are all two faced. I'm usually good about shrugging what they say off, but today it just really got to me (I think Aunt Flo is about to come, I'm getting moody...). Then, when I got home, I got a bill in the mail that I didn't know I had, and it said I was behind (wtf???) So I just got off the phone with customer service..... grumble grumble....

    I burned off a bit of my anger by taking my dog for a little run (it was my first time running in a LONG time, so it was more a fast walk). It was nice, I forgot how much I enjoyed running .

    I was totally ready to go to a buffet with my friend and eat away the rest of my anger, but I talked myself out of it. So instead, I'm off to see So Have You Heard About The Morgans... Hopefully it'll be worth a laugh or two =)

    Hope you all are having a better day than me!!!
    What a poo poo day! Sorry about the caddy co-workers (I hate that so much) and the unexpected bill - not good at this time of year. Fantastic job skipping the buffet! Try and take it easy on the popcorn (my weakness) at the movie. I wouldn't be able to lose the salt by weigh in tomorrow - I may be PMS too. I hear women that live together begin to cycle together. Do you think we're doing that on MFP? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I hope your day gets better! :flowerforyou:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Susan when you say PMS together I had to laugh but I started menopause 1 1/2 yrs ago and I still will have PMS but no show but this week along with the PMS I had the show too. I HATE it along with the hot flashes which are NOTHING compared to one year ago. Times like this is when I know God is a male! LOL
    I DID my 110% today !!! Insanity and weight lifting, drank all my water still under calories but I ate absolute JUNK again. Must be the PMS ! Nest year will be lot's better!
    I hope everyones day went well!
  • ashaver_21
    I love it lol there were to many posts between today and yesterday about PMS! I wanted to quote a couple but I figured this will work!

    :flowerforyou: Even thought we are moody, bloated, in pain, cant concentrate, irritated, ummm well and *****y we can pull through this. If you work out just as hard during your monthly you will burn more fat. It might not show right away but at the end of your cycle you will be more then impresses.

    I started 5 days ago, normally it only lasts 3 days but I am doing something different with my body. I started my 10 day herbal cleanse the day I started my monthly. I asked my doctor if it was smart for me to do the cleanse now or later and she said to do it now. The only bad thing about it was I couldn't take any meds to make me happy or stop the bloating:sad: I am actually kind of excited to weigh in tomorrow. I gained last week but I am more then making up for it now!

    As for your challenge today I was planning on working out with my normal routine and then add an extra dvd. But no I has been raining up at my house for the last two days straight. My hillsides are sluffing off into my yard and I now have a river running down the middle of my driveway. SO My 110% workout to day I dug a 900 foot ditch from the top of my property to the bottom that was 18 inches deep, and 24 inches wide. When I got down to the bottom I walked all the way back up to the top and did it again! When I was done with that I have a creek that we damned off and make a waterfall then goes into a culvert that runs under the road. Well needless to say it plugged up and I had to take an ice pick and a shovel and dig a 5 x 5 x 4 hole. It was great after I got down a foot water started feeling the hole it so I was digging with cold water up to my knees in 38 degree weather! So I think I got my exercise in today plus some. None stop for six hours. I did manage to drink a bunch of water though.

    Well see you all tomorrow if i can get up! already starting to get stiff. I can't wait to weigh in!
  • rose_parker9784
    I want to thank everyone who has expressed a concern about my son. He is fine, he gets croup ALOT and they are just trying to figure out why. I dont think its life threating but just having him knocked out was scary. As of right now, I wont know the results until tomorrow or wednesday. But this is a pulminologist and they have already refered me to an ear/nose/throat doctor for further testing. Im waiting until after the holidays so he is home with us. But thank you again for being concerned. My friend jitteryspork on here knows us personally and can attest to how sick my son gets all the time. At least once or twice a month he is in the hospital for croup, asthma, pnemonia, or RSV. So this has been going on for alnost his entire 4 years of his life.

    As far as eating, I did get to post everything I ate, I even managed figuring out the hospital food. Ive done good on calories, but the food was bad sometimes. I have not been able to get enough exercise in considering this week, but I am still on board trying to lose weight. I had an appt today with my doctor though and even though I have only lost about a pound, she says I look thinner. I really hope see was not just being I never took my measurements so I have no idea if I have lost inches, I know up until this past week I had been working my butt off and not losing. So we will see what happens, but I feel like I will be a loser for tomorrow, I probably wont place on the biggest loser list, but at least I know I have lost a little.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I love it lol there were to many posts between today and yesterday about PMS! I wanted to quote a couple but I figured this will work!

    :flowerforyou: Even thought we are moody, bloated, in pain, cant concentrate, irritated, ummm well and *****y we can pull through this. If you work out just as hard during your monthly you will burn more fat. It might not show right away but at the end of your cycle you will be more then impresses.

    I started 5 days ago, normally it only lasts 3 days but I am doing something different with my body. I started my 10 day herbal cleanse the day I started my monthly. I asked my doctor if it was smart for me to do the cleanse now or later and she said to do it now. The only bad thing about it was I couldn't take any meds to make me happy or stop the bloating:sad: I am actually kind of excited to weigh in tomorrow. I gained last week but I am more then making up for it now!

    As for your challenge today I was planning on working out with my normal routine and then add an extra dvd. But no I has been raining up at my house for the last two days straight. My hillsides are sluffing off into my yard and I now have a river running down the middle of my driveway. SO My 110% workout to day I dug a 900 foot ditch from the top of my property to the bottom that was 18 inches deep, and 24 inches wide. When I got down to the bottom I walked all the way back up to the top and did it again! When I was done with that I have a creek that we damned off and make a waterfall then goes into a culvert that runs under the road. Well needless to say it plugged up and I had to take an ice pick and a shovel and dig a 5 x 5 x 4 hole. It was great after I got down a foot water started feeling the hole it so I was digging with cold water up to my knees in 38 degree weather! So I think I got my exercise in today plus some. None stop for six hours. I did manage to drink a bunch of water though.

    Well see you all tomorrow if i can get up! already starting to get stiff. I can't wait to weigh in!
    WoW way to work it girl!! Go soak in a tub with Epson Salt, it truly works!!!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Verda:flowerforyou: I'm right behind you on the mid-life stuff. Last month I had a 60-day cycle. This month, it's back to 28-days. :ohwell: Nothing like a little period excitement to keep me on my toes. Thank god it's lighter now, and my PMDD is MUCH better now that my thyroid is under control. I still have a FOOD day, where I'm out of control, and too tired to exercise (that would today). This will be my first gain week in a long time (I usually eek out at least a very small loss every week).

    Ashaver:flowerforyou: I think you had a 150% last chance workout today! You're a beast! Advil up tonight before bed.:happy: I'm excited to see your weigh-in tomorrow.

    Rose:flowerforyou: I wish only the best for your son. It sure would be nice to get to the bottom of the problem and save him (and you, as mom) a lot of monthly suffering. You are both in my thoughts, and I hope the tests give you some answers soon.
  • Steph2285
    Steph2285 Posts: 118 Member
    Hey everyone! I have had a realllllly long day! I got up this morning, went to the gym (did cardio on my own, then had a training session that kicked my butt!, then did my EXTRA workout on my own) I was so proud of myself to keep going after my session, I usually just go home after =) Then after all that, I took my Husky to the vet for some shots.. THAT was a workout in itself! haha

    I also ate well today - I've been pretty good about keeping under my calories lately =) I hope I can be this good during traveling this week! We're driving from NC to MS & back... Then on the 1st from NC to NJ! So I'm trying to make up for it ahead of time =) And I know I'll be playing catch up when I get back from NJ.

    I don't always post everyday because I usually don't know what to say - but I do read everyone's posts everyday - I'm proud of all of you & I can't wait to see everyone's success! =)
  • nikinicole
    hello! my name's Ciara and I would love to join this group! what exactly do I need to do?
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Hi Ciara, Welcome!:flowerforyou: I sent you a message, bringing you up to speed. Hope to see you tomorrow for our weekly weigh-in. We're glad you're here!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Hey everyone! I have had a realllllly long day! I got up this morning, went to the gym (did cardio on my own, then had a training session that kicked my butt!, then did my EXTRA workout on my own) I was so proud of myself to keep going after my session, I usually just go home after =) Then after all that, I took my Husky to the vet for some shots.. THAT was a workout in itself! haha

    I also ate well today - I've been pretty good about keeping under my calories lately =) I hope I can be this good during traveling this week! We're driving from NC to MS & back... Then on the 1st from NC to NJ! So I'm trying to make up for it ahead of time =) And I know I'll be playing catch up when I get back from NJ.

    I don't always post everyday because I usually don't know what to say - but I do read everyone's posts everyday - I'm proud of all of you & I can't wait to see everyone's success! =)
    Hi smw,
    It sounds like you're doing great. Keep up the good work. I don't envy your holiday travel itinerary. That's a lot of driving! I hope you have a nice time, visiting family and/or friends, I assume? See you tomorrow. I bet you'll post a good loss.