Anybody just walk?

Before i got MFP all i did was walk. Then i got more into losing weight.. joined a gym and got MFP. Before i did all that i was losing weight pretty consistently. Just wonder if there is anyone that just walks? And how much have you lost and how long have you been doing it?


  • boogie17
    boogie17 Posts: 103 Member
    I walk all the time. Lost and then gained it back. Now i'm back on track, and I have lost 18lbs since I started back up in July, taking my ACE, walking, doing other exercises, and eating right. but I mostly walk.
  • NotSoBigNeil
    NotSoBigNeil Posts: 215 Member
    Yep, that's the only thing I do now, I'm still too heavy to jog/run it kills my joints, but just from walking (and staying under calories) I've lost almost 50 lbs so I'm sticking with it :)
  • mandorla
    mandorla Posts: 81 Member
    I started seriously tracking my calories and walking about 2 months ago. I've lost 16 lbs walking 5-7 days a week. I have been counting calories, so it isn't just the walking that has caused me to loose weight, and this week I'm going to start the 100 push up challenge.
  • DarkFlutter
    DarkFlutter Posts: 336 Member
    I HATE exercising!
    So I walk...and use an ab wheel sometimes.
    But mostly just walking.
    And now my hubby joins me when I walk :0)
  • powter
    powter Posts: 5 Member
    I do yoga 3 times a week but mostly I walk - usually between 2 and 4 miles a day consistently, rain or shine. I don't even power walk. I like to observe what is going on around me from season to season. I have lost 45 pounds - it took 2 years but I have kept it off and went from 170 to 125. I'm 5-4" and 65 year old. I think it's important to pick exercise you enjoy and know you will stick with over the long haul. Hope this helps.
  • Maraleen_M
    Maraleen_M Posts: 14 Member
    Hello, there! Yes, I primarily (re: 98%) of the time, walk. I've been using MFP and walking for 105 days and have lost 30lbs. I walk 8km in 50 min (so I *am* power walking at a quick pace) and work up a fabulous sweat :)
  • Jen_Edwards
    Jen_Edwards Posts: 14 Member
    I walk at least once or twice a day. We have a lab who loves going for walks. I really only walk as my exercise. I know I should do more. I have lost 27.7 pounds since June 1, 2012.
  • dup32
    dup32 Posts: 68
    I lost almost 70 pounds just walking... I joined the Y this summer and shook things up to loose the next 20... on the home stretch with 13 to go!
  • I am doing the C25K and I walk about 3 miles or more on my off days. Helps my joints relax from running!
  • I started out just walking. Lots and lots of walking. Gradually increased my speed, then my distance, and soon I was going for over an hour at a fast pace barely breaking a sweat. Lost the first 20 pounds walking. Then for a challenge I added a 1/2 mile hill. Once up, I had to go down the hill, and one day ran it slowly. Next day ran it a little faster. And next day kept running after the hill ended. Fast forward, after a year of moderate running (3-4 miles at a time) I decided to go for my dream. And last November I ran my first marathon. Lost another 20 pounds in the process. Ran my second in June and will run my third again in November. All this to say keep walking, you never know where your feet will take you.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    My wife still has on her phone the Nike app with our first walk together last year, on October 18th. We did about a mile together. Thought I was gonna die.
    She's lost 60 and and I've lost over 40. We do a lot more than walk now, but it all started with a walk around the block.
  • ellebees_
    ellebees_ Posts: 9 Member
    When I first started, I tracked food and walked. I walked everyday, about 5km. I lost 50 pounds. Then I started C25K. Then I a joined a gym. Yadaa yadda yadda a Gym Mouse was born.

    When I realized weight loss was like... 80% diet, everything else just clicked.
  • bassmanlarry
    bassmanlarry Posts: 117 Member
    I walk with my wife on the weekends. I used to run until I broke the treadmill. Now I walk, do yoga, skip rope, and do chinups and pushups.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    For my first 50 lbs worth of losses, all I did was walk, and stick to my calories. It works!

    However, if I could go back and tell myself some good advice, I would go back to that time and insist I begin weight lifting sooner.

    The changes I have seen in my body composition in the last 7 weeks have been thrilling, and it hasn't been difficult! I am using Strong Lifts 5x5 program, and I really can't say enough good things about it. I really really like it soooo much.

    It has a free app! DOOO it!
  • I walk most every day. I walk my dogs in the morning, walk on my lunch break, sometimes walk in the evening. Sometimes I do a short run on my elliptical. I've lost just over 10 pounds in the last couple of months. I'm sticking with it for now. It fits my life and it's working. I'm not in a hurry. I want to build new lifestyle habits that become automatic. :smile:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Ugh, I hate walking. Probably a symptom of my "type A" personality, but I can't stand to walk when I could run (and when running, I have a compulsion to run fast...well, relatively).
  • I've only been on MFP for a little under a month, but I walk at least 6 days a week. The first day was only 1 mile and I thought I was going to die. Lately I do at least 3 miles, sometimes 5, and I still feel great. I have yet to jog or run, hopefully someday. I was thinking of trying the Couch to 5k.
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    Before i got MFP all i did was walk. Then i got more into losing weight.. joined a gym and got MFP. Before i did all that i was losing weight pretty consistently. Just wonder if there is anyone that just walks? And how much have you lost and how long have you been doing it?

    Pretty much all I've done is walk over the years...not so much for losing weight, but for what it did to my lovely pear-shaped hips/thighs...(and belly, post 2 c-sections) I've never been one that gravitated to exercise because I'm passionate about it (yes, I realize there are people out there I've just offended!) but more if I enjoyed it? Certain activities I would do every do - given the opportunity (ping-pong, volleyball, etc...) but, I made a commitment to myself last mid-October to clean up my diet, and to walk when I could (no pressure)... My goal weight was 120lbs (what I weighed when I married) and I hit 120.5lbs by early January (21lbs lost)

    As the weather warmed up (and we got a puppy) I added walking to my weekly activities (again, when I could) and dropped down to 116.5lbs...I also started jogging/walking intermittently...hubby can't believe my legs (in a good way!)

    Along the way I had a short-term gym membership where I met with a trainer and got lots of great tips (and activities that I could do at home) with my little dumbbells...

    I have since added in the Leslie Sansone Walk at Home (fat-burning dvd) and love, love, LOVE that I can do 2 miles in the comfort (and warmth or cool of my kitchen, as the case may be) in 24 minutes! It is a gentle walking/jogging/light aerobic workout that leaves me in a sweaty puddle!

    I would say that if you're happy with a toned and slim body, you can definitely look good just walking (I would throw in some upper body/arm exercises)...

    edit: I try to do .5-1 mile with puppy walking/jogging, and 2 miles in my kitchen at least 5x weekly.

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  • christinastokes3
    christinastokes3 Posts: 36 Member
    I used to go to the gym and had lost some weight. In May I started MFP and started walking 6 days a week and I reached 30.5 pounds lost today. Works for me.
  • NewChristina
    NewChristina Posts: 250 Member
    I walk about 4 miles/day about 5-6 x week. I started at about 2 miles/day for a couple of months with a lot of pain until I changed shoes. Now I can do 4 miles pain-free, now to work on my speed...

    I've lost 31 lbs since March.