ppl that are 5 '2 or shorter, hear me out.



  • FluffyToFab
    FluffyToFab Posts: 99 Member

    I'm jealous of short people, you can wear heels and not tower over guys. You look cute in everything. If you stumble or trip it makes you look goofy. If I trip I look like a big clutz. Short people have a lot of advantages. plus you can weigh less. average for 5'2 is 110 average for 5'8 is 140. -_-

    While that's true.. you look good at 140 and I look like I am 180.. I'm only 5ft and weigh 164... I bet you would look awesome (not stick thin but curvy sexy) I look like an oompa loompa.. There is advantages and disadvantages to both sides.. I have to sit as close to the steering wheel as I can to reach the gas pedal, I can't drive my husbands Durango because I can't see over the dash, I get mistaken for being in high school still and I am 28!!! People think my 9 year old son is my brother, I have to use a ladle to get anything from the top shelf in my kitchen, I have to ask people for help at the grocery store or climb the shelves, I can never find pants that are short enough to fit me, capri's look like high waters.. I could go on and on!