Too Embarrassed to Lift Those Weights



  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    Irrationally, I feel like someone is gonna watch me and be like "wow, look.. her form is all wrong. She's so stupid."

    I often see guys with really bad form. I know mine can be horrible sometimes. But you need to get in there anyway. I really love seeing women in the weights part.

    I really hate seeing women that are WAAAAAAAAY stronger and fitter than me. I swear some of the women at my gym have such massive core strength they could destroy me. And I think that's cool.
  • texastango
    texastango Posts: 309
    If as a woman, you're intimidated...just think how most guys feel who have never lifted before feel....

    Truth is I'm sure most people go through this when they first get started. It's all a learning curve. Go down, ask questions of either trainers at the gym or people who look like they probably have an idea. Seek out other women too. Go as a group.

    I went alone in the beginning and didn't have a clue what I was doing. Dumb for me..I know...but that's what I did. It took about 2 months or so before several people at the gym (and some half my age) came over and asked if they could help. (I obviously looked like I could use it). LOL

    Those that were not trainers told me "I'm no expert, but here's what I understand" and then one of the guys use to be a personal trainer and run a major gym. He helped me with several pieces of equipment and how to isolate and use good technique and control.

    Then (and only now) am I reading about the various ways to obtain goals and isolate things and training patterns. I now have much more confidence to ask other guys and even pro atheletes how they do what they do and the best form. Everyone is super nice and helpful.

    I see women there (and have some tell me) they are intimidated. I tell them there is no reason for it. Just learn good technique, ask people to help you, and feel more confident in what you are trying to do.

    Best words of advice to me (once you get started) are - Warm up first (15-30 min), go into the weight room with a purpose (goal) and be organized about how you approach it. It will cut down on your wasted time in the weight room. People will help you figure out what's best for you - super sets (pull / push vs top bottom) - alternating excercise or stacks, reverse stacks etc. All that's for later. For now...just figure out what on your body you want to work (total or isolated) and then have someone help you.

    Of course guys are going to look. Most of the time it's just glancing around to see who is where and on what equipment. However, I'm one that likes the idea of women working out in the weight room. I find the mixed environment refreshing and I know everyone there is there for the same get healthy, fit, flexible, and strong.

    So go and no worries. Just enjoy.
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    If as a woman, you're intimidated...just think how most guys feel who have never lifted before feel....

    I was that guy 7 months ago. And since then I've lost like 70lbs.

    Thing I realise is when I see guys in there that are skinner than me, or really buff. I know they've been doing it for years to get to that point. There is no way a noob like me could compare to a guy that's been lifting for 6-12 years. So i don't even try.

    I don't get intimidated. I just get in there and give it my best shot. And if I see anyone man OR woman, that is stronger or fitter than I am (most of them) I watch what they do. And I hope that one day, I'll be able to be their equal and/or better. And then I keep going. Coz if they can do it. Then maybe so can I.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    My suggestion is to stick some headphones in and go.

    I'm the chick at 6 am, with headphones in who is just gets in an goes.. I don't care who's looking or who's thinking what.

    I've gotten the occasional look or stare.. and one guy told me what I was doing looked really weird(I blame my trainer.. he likes to do crazy things!) but for the more part people leave me alone.

    If you have that look on your face like look, I'm here to workout, don't **** with me.. then people wont'.. that simple!
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member

    ..then went home and did a suitcase workout (youtube it lol).

    THANK YOU for mentioning this! Fantastic
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    My gym is separated into strength training equipment/TRX/weights on the first floor and cardio on the second. I know I should be getting some strength training in to round out my routine, but I always find myself too embarrassed to grab those dumbbells. The first floor is completely DOMINATED by men covered in (sometimes beautiful/admirable/distracting) muscles (; The thought of going down there is so intimidating and awkward.

    Irrationally, I feel like someone is gonna watch me and be like "wow, look.. her form is all wrong. She's so stupid." I was just wondering if anyone else felt like this. Hahaha. I just need to muster up some nerve and trek down there one of these days.

    Four things to keep in mind.

    1. Your form isn't going to get better by itself. Get down there and get started working on it.
    2. Those muscle covered men? Here's a secret for you. When they started, their form sacked too. Might still be bad. Also, when THEY first started lifting they were worried about looking like an idiot just like you are right now. I know I was. The only difference between us and you is that *we started*. Get down there. Now.
    3. Everybody looks at everybody working out. There's a lot of boring down time between sets. They aren't paying special attention to you. Well, unless you're smoking hot. That brings us to the final point.
    4. All women lifting heavy in the free weights section are smoking hot. Regardless of age or shape, if you work out in the free weights section, you are smoking hot. In my book, anyway.

    Be smoking hot. Go lift.
  • FieryNikkie
    FieryNikkie Posts: 61 Member
    My suggestion is to stick some headphones in and go.

    I'm the chick at 6 am, with headphones in who is just gets in an goes.. I don't care who's looking or who's thinking what.

    I've gotten the occasional look or stare.. and one guy told me what I was doing looked really weird(I blame my trainer.. he likes to do crazy things!) but for the more part people leave me alone.

    If you have that look on your face like look, I'm here to workout, don't **** with me.. then people wont'.. that simple!

    This! I just started lifting a week or so ago at a brand new gym and I felt the same way. But I had a plan going in on what I was going to do and just turned on the music and went. Did I get some looks? Yes. Did anyone say anything? Nope. I'm usually the only woman in the weight area but it seems most of the serious guys have gotten used to me being there already. The only problem I have now is when the guys who are there just to mess around, leave the 300 lbs they lifted for about 3 reps on the bar and it takes me forever to re-rack all that weight once they have disappeared.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i actually am more inclined to shake my head at the women that do tons of cardio. i once walked into the gym and noticed a woman on the stair climber. about thirty minutes later i saw her get on the treadmill. at the end of my work out i saw her on the elliptical.

    i wish more women would venture into the weights area. i would just cream my pants if a girl asked me to show her how to do a proper dead lift.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    what the others youtube videos (Mark Ripptoe are good) and practice your form in a mirror.
    Starting Strength is a great book..simple and straight forward
    New Rules For Women is great too. I would do that 2nd, A little more involved IMO

    stick you earphones in, put on some kicka$$ music, and GO!

  • sessygail
    sessygail Posts: 44 Member
    bump for later
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Just go up to the most ripped guy there and ask if he can show you around. Everyone will think he is your bud. Keep talking to him every day you go down. No one will mess with you because you are buds with super ripped guy, or.....

    Just go down there. You'll be fine and you'll be showing the guys how to do it in no time!
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    My gym is separated into strength training equipment/TRX/weights on the first floor and cardio on the second. I know I should be getting some strength training in to round out my routine, but I always find myself too embarrassed to grab those dumbbells. The first floor is completely DOMINATED by men covered in (sometimes beautiful/admirable/distracting) muscles (; The thought of going down there is so intimidating and awkward.

    Irrationally, I feel like someone is gonna watch me and be like "wow, look.. her form is all wrong. She's so stupid." I was just wondering if anyone else felt like this. Hahaha. I just need to muster up some nerve and trek down there one of these days.
    I feel like this - except I haven't actually sized up a gym. What you've described is why I haven't been. Plus I'm old and fat and jiggly and feel like I'd be laughed at and / or patronised. Too embarassed to try it.
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    Bumping to answer later
  • knitfastpurlyoung
    knitfastpurlyoung Posts: 102 Member

    4. All women lifting heavy in the free weights section are smoking hot. Regardless of age or shape, if you work out in the free weights section, you are smoking hot. In my book, anyway.

    Be smoking hot. Go lift.

    Yes SIR! :D
  • shellyt1
    shellyt1 Posts: 119
    That's why I don't like going to the gym. But if some one sees your are doing it wrong they should come over and show you, and admire you for trying!
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I see plenty of big muscly guys "doing it wrong" or just not the way I am aware of it being correct. There are so may different versions of exercises that its hard to tell what is right. I usually get lots of nods and smiles and just put my headphones in my ears to let people know i don't want to talk.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I was intimidated by the weights room, then I got a trainer that specialised in strength training. He taught me what to do and wrote a program for me to work on by myself. Yes, I did get stared at by the guys when I started out, but now I am just part of the furniture. I think the main reason guys stare is that you have to spend too much time waiting between sets. I stare at the clock :laugh:

    Give it a go, the results are amazing and its fun.
  • Shara126
    Shara126 Posts: 144 Member
    I am sure my form isn't dead-on, but no one has said anything yet or looked at me like "go back to the elliptical honey, let the big boys pump the iron." Even if they did, I wouldn't give a flip since what I am doing is most definitely working. Ain't nothing to it but to do it girl!! Practice makes perfect and everyone has to start somewhere. :smile:
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Another option - we got a weight bench, bar, and weights for less than $200 and can workout forever at home at whatever time works for us. It will save money in the long run and you can control whoever can see you when you work out.
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    I'm really timid and get pretty self-conscious about lifting sometimes. I'm scared my form is off, I look dumb, etc. Don't ever be afraid to ask for help... Nobody is going to laugh at you! Then you just start to become for confident and you start to care less and less. Just get it going, and you will over have room to grow!
    Once I learned how to do a few things, I got more comfortable and was able to just do my thing at the gym.