Turns out I'm an "anger" eater



  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    However, as a woman, when I say I want help, I mean, "I want you to love and support me, and tell me I'm doing a great job and you're proud of me. I want you to go on walks with me, and eat healthy food with me, and not tempt me by making greasy delicious-smelling chicken wings when I'm eating my tofu." However, he's a fixer. So instead of giving me the support I want he tends to try and be 'helpful'. Which usually involves tearing apart my carefully crafted diet/exercise schedule in favor of his 'brilliant ideas'. Which would be fun if his brilliant ideas weren't so... unbrilliant. Like once, he actually said to me, "No, it's okay for you to have a milkshake. You just have to throw up afterwards, then you won't gain any weight." I actually laughed out loud at that one.

    ha ha ha, I'm sorry, but he sounds just like a man! Men are fixers. When we say we want support, they think we're asking them to fix us. Sometimes when I whine to my husband about something, I want a hug, but he gives me advice. I tried the reverse once - asked him for advice hoping for a hug, but I got advice. Darn.
    A lot can be done through therapy and medication, but there's no magic wand to 'fix' everything. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication.

    Funny- the same can be said for weight loss. :)

    VERY well said.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I refuse to buy anything in bulk. I buy one candy bar one 2 oz bag of chips. I only cook what I am going to eat for one meal. I bought a bag of strawberry creme savers the other day and in one sitting ate 10. Sunday I gave some to my great aunts and gave the rest to my mom so now if I want a piece of candy I have to ask her. :laugh:

    Now when I am angry I get on the treadmill or do taebo. I surprised I haven't broke a bone in my foot. I have learned to state my feelings in a clear but firm way. Sometimes I do have to pull out the nasty, but only when being civil does not work.
    I'm also an emotional eater as well as a clean sweep eater. The latter means that if I open something, I believe I should finish it. For example I bought some oreos I thought since I opened the package I might as well make sure it's gone. As a result I gained about a pound which is to be expected if you eat a pound of oreos in one week without exercising.

    I've never heard the term "clean sweep eater" but I'm guilty of this as well when I binge.

    When I want junk food, I try to buy the smallest size possible because I also have this mentality. I also get baked goods out of my house as fast as possible since I feel like I need to just eat them all and get it over with. I make it work into my daily calories, but I don't feel as good when I eat 1/3 of my calories in junk food. I get the little fun size cups of oreos or the snack size candy bars or little bags of candy so I get the feeling of eating it "all" but it can't do much damage since the little candies are almost all less than 100 calories.
