


  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I found this whole thread sort of ridiculous. I watched minimal Olympics coverage...not because I wasn't interested, but because most of the events I wanted to see live were aired at 3 or 4 AM my time and I wasn't able to stay up all night to watch live coverage...and I was out running or working out when events were time delayed. Or I'd already heard who won and it's not as exciting to watch when you know what the outcome will be.

    To make an assumption that Americans as a whole "don't care" about the Paralympics or people with disabilities because we're not glued to our tvs...? That was based on one person's response at the beginning of the thread that now that football season has started in the US, no one would watch Paralympics...I personally watch minimal football, so I don't know...

    I get one BBC channel and all that airs when I'm at home in the evenings is Luther, Copper (BEST SHOW EVER!), Dr. Who (which is usually on after I go to bed, sadly) and some car show called "Top Gear" that I have zero interest in. Does that mean I have no interest in or like of the British...uh, no. It means I have limited access on my TV. It means I might be watching other shows. It doesn't mean ANYTHING.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Honestly, if the Olympics started this week, viewership would plummet. And that isn't because we don't care. We just have a sport we like to watch more than another.

    I think that's fair enough.

    However, it's still an assumption that there isn't enough interest in the Paralympics for it to be scheduled even factoring this in. I know American football is hugely popular but so is football here in the UK. I am pretty sure, despite this, that there are large numbers of American and British people who actually dislike these sports and would prefer to watch athletics instead. Actually, we know this to be true here as the Paralympic Opening ceremony attracted the highest audience for the commercial broadcaster (Channel 4) who showed it despite the Premier League starting recently.

    Incidentally, it seems the limited broadcasts are a result of a decision by the US Olympic Committee not the actual networks!
  • WhatDoesLisa
    Nope, no coverage. We are about to start the college football (real football, not soccer) season and the NFL. Nobody would be watching the paralympics.

    Ah of course. A sport only played in the US is naturally far more important....

    Seriously. Sometimes you americans really don't do your own reputation any favours. Rise above the stereotype!

    Not all Americans care about football. I couldn't care less about professional sports in the US and yes I would lump college football in that category since it makes a tremendous amount of money for the colleges.

    But, it makes money and people are driven by the almighty dollar.

    I would love to see more of Oscar Pistorius in the Para's but I will have to get it through social media.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    To make an assumption that Americans as a whole "don't care" about the Paralympics or people with disabilities because we're not glued to our tvs...? That was based on one person's response at the beginning of the thread that now that football season has started in the US, no one would watch Paralympics...I personally watch minimal football, so I don't know...

    Actually there were several American people making that assertion. Since there were no people speaking up in the other direction how can one assume any other?
  • Kearsed
    Kearsed Posts: 70 Member
    To make an assumption that Americans as a whole "don't care" about the Paralympics or people with disabilities because we're not glued to our tvs...? That was based on one person's response at the beginning of the thread that now that football season has started in the US, no one would watch Paralympics...I personally watch minimal football, so I don't know...

    Actually there were several American people making that assertion. Since there were no people speaking up in the other direction how can one assume any other?

    So you can judge an entire country by a few posts on a message board? Good to know :laugh:
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    To make an assumption that Americans as a whole "don't care" about the Paralympics or people with disabilities because we're not glued to our tvs...? That was based on one person's response at the beginning of the thread that now that football season has started in the US, no one would watch Paralympics...I personally watch minimal football, so I don't know...

    Actually there were several American people making that assertion. Since there were no people speaking up in the other direction how can one assume any other?

    So you can judge an entire country by a few posts on a message board? Good to know :laugh:

    Wait, that's not how the world works?
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    I am from the US. I was looking forward to watching the Olympics this year. Want to know why I stopped watching? By the time the events actually aired here, I already knew who won. Its like reading a book and having someone tell you the end. It ruins it.

    Do I wish I could watch the paralympics? Yes. But I also wish that it weren't treated as an entirely seperate event. I believe the athletes should get to compete at one time, not seperately.

    And for all of those people generalizing and bashing Americans because we aren't watching the paralympics, please tell me when was the last time you watched a live game of wheelchair basketball that was played not during the paralympics??? If the answer is never, I wouldn't be surprised. I am glad you can sit atop your high horse once every four years and critisize Americans for not watching.

    See as an American, we are used to being bashed for being Americans. It's sad that when any other country needs help in times of war or natural distasters, we are the first to get called on for help, and we are the first to always get attacked and condemned for everything we do.

    To the OP, why does it matter to you what we watch on tv? I promise not to worry myself with whats on your tv, if you stop worrying about whats on mine.

    ^^^This should have ended the thread right here... well stated. The great thing about America is we don't care what you watch on your TV, we don't care what cause you hold dear to your heart, and we don't care what you think soccer or football is... call it what you want, live your life and I will live mine.
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    I am from the US. I was looking forward to watching the Olympics this year. Want to know why I stopped watching? By the time the events actually aired here, I already knew who won. Its like reading a book and having someone tell you the end. It ruins it.

    Do I wish I could watch the paralympics? Yes. But I also wish that it weren't treated as an entirely seperate event. I believe the athletes should get to compete at one time, not seperately.

    And for all of those people generalizing and bashing Americans because we aren't watching the paralympics, please tell me when was the last time you watched a live game of wheelchair basketball that was played not during the paralympics??? If the answer is never, I wouldn't be surprised. I am glad you can sit atop your high horse once every four years and critisize Americans for not watching.

    See as an American, we are used to being bashed for being Americans. It's sad that when any other country needs help in times of war or natural distasters, we are the first to get called on for help, and we are the first to always get attacked and condemned for everything we do.

    To the OP, why does it matter to you what we watch on tv? I promise not to worry myself with whats on your tv, if you stop worrying about whats on mine.

    ^^^This should have ended the thread right here... well stated. The great thing about America is we don't care what you watch on your TV, we don't care what cause you hold dear to your heart, and we don't care what you think soccer or football is... call it what you want, live your life and I will live mine.

    It's great you don't care what people watch. I don't care what you watch.

    But that's the point. In the land of the free your tv networks are not allowing those who want to watch the paralympics to do so.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    To make an assumption that Americans as a whole "don't care" about the Paralympics or people with disabilities because we're not glued to our tvs...? That was based on one person's response at the beginning of the thread that now that football season has started in the US, no one would watch Paralympics...I personally watch minimal football, so I don't know...

    Actually there were several American people making that assertion. Since there were no people speaking up in the other direction how can one assume any other?

    So you can judge an entire country by a few posts on a message board? Good to know :laugh:

    No, I haven't 'judged' an entire country - I've 'judged' those who have responded. The point was that it is not possible to agree with people who aren't posting. Nice try with the petty sarcasm though...
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member

    See as an American, we are used to being bashed for being Americans. It's sad that when any other country needs help in times of war or natural distasters, we are the first to get called on for help, and we are the first to always get attacked and condemned for everything we do.

    I take you are talking about Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria,Cuba or Vietnam? Or are you harping back to WW2? America only takes part in wars where doing so serves it's own purpose or it has no choice. No different to pretty much every country, including the UK so please don't hold that out as a virtue.

    I know that's an unfair response but your response deserved it. This thread is about tv networks not broadcasting the paralympics, not about Americans.

    And on the natural disaster front, one previous poster has already pointed out that USA is way down on the list when it comes to charity and international support.

    That said I do think Americans get a bum rap a lot of the time. Unfortunately, as for many countries, it is the stereotyping of the few that dictates how we think of the whole.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    The world doesn't have to evolve around the U.S. and no one on here is saying it should. That being said, what U.S. tv networks decide to air shouldn't revolve around the world either. Each country is a different market and their tv networks will handle their markets accordingly. Are you still not understanding this logic? I've explained it repeatedly and it is so simple, yet you seem to miss it entirely.

    I don't think anybody is missing the point actually; they are simply pointing out that it's actually quite a sad state of affairs that so many of you seem not to care. Also it seems you're all quite proud of not caring....very strange...

    You don't see the point or your argument would cease. You're claim is that WE MUST WATCH paralympics or we don't care about the handicapped. That is b.s. We're not "proud of not caring" - we are honest that it's not something we want to watch, but that doesn't mean we don't care. If I don't watch the news this week, does that mean I don't care about what happened in the world or about the things that happened to people?

    Who said anything about you MUST watch it? This thread started out asking quite simply WHY the US were not giving it any air at all.

    When someone says that if you don't watch it, you don't care about the handicapped and that if you don't watch it, you're portraying a negative stereotype - that's as good as saying that she feels people MUST watch it.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    Nope, no coverage. We are about to start the college football (real football, not soccer) season and the NFL. Nobody would be watching the paralympics.

    Ah of course. A sport only played in the US is naturally far more important....

    Seriously. Sometimes you americans really don't do your own reputation any favours. Rise above the stereotype!

    What? I don't think anyone would say the paralympics isn't a good thing, American or not. The fact of the matter is it won't get watched by enough people... so why would a network put it on tv?? Plus we know our athletes will take home the most medals

    Sorry but you are inaccurate in your assumption.
    In Beijing the US came 3rd in the medals table behind China and the UK.
    In 2004 US was 4th after China, UK and Canada.

    I wouldn't hold your breath for this year.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member

    See as an American, we are used to being bashed for being Americans. It's sad that when any other country needs help in times of war or natural distasters, we are the first to get called on for help, and we are the first to always get attacked and condemned for everything we do.

    I take you are talking about Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria,Cuba or Vietnam? Or are you harping back to WW2? America only takes part in wars where doing so serves it's own purpose or it has no choice. No different to pretty much every country, including the UK so please don't hold that out as a virtue.

    I know that's an unfair response but your response deserved it. This thread is about tv networks not broadcasting the paralympics, not about Americans.

    And on the natural disaster front, one previous poster has already pointed out that USA is way down on the list when it comes to charity and international support.

    That said I do think Americans get a bum rap a lot of the time. Unfortunately, as for many countries, it is the stereotyping of the few that dictates how we think of the whole.

    I am not even going to touch wars and foreign relations, however, I will note that SOME posters have made this topic about Americans being "Americans." It's true that you aren't and I do appreciate your distinction, but some other posters have made it about Americans which is why the person said what they did.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    Nope, no coverage. We are about to start the college football (real football, not soccer) season and the NFL. Nobody would be watching the paralympics.

    Ah of course. A sport only played in the US is naturally far more important....

    Seriously. Sometimes you americans really don't do your own reputation any favours. Rise above the stereotype!

    What? I don't think anyone would say the paralympics isn't a good thing, American or not. The fact of the matter is it won't get watched by enough people... so why would a network put it on tv?? Plus we know our athletes will take home the most medals

    Sorry but you are inaccurate in your assumption.
    In Beijing the US came 3rd in the medals table behind China and the UK.
    In 2004 US was 4th after China, UK and Canada.

    I wouldn't hold your breath for this year.

    I guess America needs more handicapped people.
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511

    See as an American, we are used to being bashed for being Americans. It's sad that when any other country needs help in times of war or natural distasters, we are the first to get called on for help, and we are the first to always get attacked and condemned for everything we do.

    I take you are talking about Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria,Cuba or Vietnam? Or are you harping back to WW2? America only takes part in wars where doing so serves it's own purpose or it has no choice. No different to pretty much every country, including the UK so please don't hold that out as a virtue.

    I know that's an unfair response but your response deserved it. This thread is about tv networks not broadcasting the paralympics, not about Americans.

    And on the natural disaster front, one previous poster has already pointed out that USA is way down on the list when it comes to charity and international support.

    That said I do think Americans get a bum rap a lot of the time. Unfortunately, as for many countries, it is the stereotyping of the few that dictates how we think of the whole.

    I think he was talking more about this: Charitable giving in the US accounts for 1.67% of GDP. The second most charitable country, the UK, gives .73% of GDP. The US gives more than double the second most charitable country as a percentage of GDP, and in real dollars.
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member

    See as an American, we are used to being bashed for being Americans. It's sad that when any other country needs help in times of war or natural distasters, we are the first to get called on for help, and we are the first to always get attacked and condemned for everything we do.

    I take you are talking about Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria,Cuba or Vietnam? Or are you harping back to WW2? America only takes part in wars where doing so serves it's own purpose or it has no choice. No different to pretty much every country, including the UK so please don't hold that out as a virtue.

    I know that's an unfair response but your response deserved it. This thread is about tv networks not broadcasting the paralympics, not about Americans.

    And on the natural disaster front, one previous poster has already pointed out that USA is way down on the list when it comes to charity and international support.

    That said I do think Americans get a bum rap a lot of the time. Unfortunately, as for many countries, it is the stereotyping of the few that dictates how we think of the whole.

    I think he was talking more about this: Charitable giving in the US accounts for 1.67% of GDP. The second most charitable country, the UK, gives .73% of GDP. The US gives more than double the second most charitable country as a percentage of GDP, and in real dollars.

    And that contradicts the previous poster but hey - it proves there are lies, damn lies and statistics and I should not rely on another poster for my facts - that is if yours are correct of course :wink:
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member

    I think he was talking more about this: Charitable giving in the US accounts for 1.67% of GDP. The second most charitable country, the UK, gives .73% of GDP. The US gives more than double the second most charitable country as a percentage of GDP, and in real dollars.

    Around 40% of your charity is to church. Also, as stated earlier - paying for your child to go to a private school also counts as charity contributions.

    But this is wildly off topic now.

    The original point I think centred around the fact, I think, that it is sad that no networks will be giving a decent size proportion of air time to an event that one would expect people would be interested in watching.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member

    And that contradicts the previous poster but hey - it proves there are lies, damn lies and statistics and I should not rely on another poster for my facts - that is if yours are correct of course :wink:

    I actually quoted different statistics to the above poster.

    Statistics can be used to prove anything, 14% of people know that.
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511

    I think he was talking more about this: Charitable giving in the US accounts for 1.67% of GDP. The second most charitable country, the UK, gives .73% of GDP. The US gives more than double the second most charitable country as a percentage of GDP, and in real dollars.

    Around 40% of your charity is to church. Also, as stated earlier - paying for your child to go to a private school also counts as charity contributions.

    But this is wildly off topic now.

    The original point I think centred around the fact, I think, that it is sad that no networks will be giving a decent size proportion of air time to an event that one would expect people would be interested in watching.

    I agree this is getting off topic and I like English people... so I'm out!
  • MANdown_145
    Sad but true, it's all about the money that can be made and will be made on tv.